Alison Edgson was born in County Down in Northern Ireland and now lives near Newport in Wales. When she’s not illustrating children’s books, Alison spends most of her free time chasing her chickens out of the vegetable garden and brushing the cat, and loves walking her dogs in the countryside.
2 Ebooks oleh Liss Norton
Linda Chapman & Liss Norton: One Snowy Night
On a snowy night, a boy befriends a yeti, and a rabbit helps Jack Frost sprinkle ice and snow.A collection of cosy animal stories, perfect for bedtime reading. Featuring much-loved authors including …
Liss Norton & Anna Wilson: Noapte De Iarnă
Într-o noapte viscolită, un băiat se împrietenește cu o vulpe polară, o țestoasă e salvată de la îngheț de un om de zăpadă, un dragon ce pare înfricoșător la prima vedere devine cel mai bun prieten a …