The first comprehensive resource for chaplains and campus ministers of all faith traditions—a vital resource for ministry in multifaith and secular contexts.
Caregiver, educator, trustee of institutional traditions, public religious voice and, occasionally, prophet: in an increasingly multifaith, multicultural, global world, the role of the college or university chaplain has changed. This book examines experiences and perspectives that arise at the intersection of religious practice, distinct campus culture, student counseling and the secular context of the modern academic institution.
Contributors who are actively engaged in the work of college chaplaincy—from educational institutions as diverse as Stanford University, Williams College, Jesuit-affiliated Creighton University and Louisiana’s historically black Dillard University, and from many faith traditions—explore the practice, theology and joys of campus ministry and the chaplain’s calling to support, challenge, stir the imagination of and address this generation’s urgent longing for connection and meaning.
Rabbi Rena S. Blumenthal, Vassar College • Rev. Gail E. Bowman, Dillard University • Rev. Janet M. Cooper Nelson, Brown University • Rev. Dr. Lucy A. Forster-Smith, Macalester College • Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, Emory University • Rev. K. P. Hong, Macalester College • Rev. Dr. Charles Lattimore Howard, University of Pennsylvania • Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, Stanford University • Sharon M. K. Kugler, Yale University • Rev. Dr. Linda J. Morgan-Clement, The College of Wooster • Rev. Dr. J. Diane Mowrey, Queens University of Charlotte • Fr. Roc OÂ’Connor, SJ, Creighton University • Rev. Ian B. Oliver, Yale University • Fr. Daniel Reim, SJ, University of Michigan—Ann Arbor • Rev. Dr. Paul H. W. Rohde, Augustana College • Rev. Deanna L. Shorb, Grinnell College • Rev. Dr. Richard E. Spalding, Williams College • Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Speers, Vassar College • Sohaib N. Sultan, Princeton University
Daftar Isi
Foreword ix
Rev. Janet M. Cooper Nelson
Introduction xv
Rev. Dr. Lucy A. Forster-Smith
Part I
My Dreamsicle Job
Good Humor and Becoming a Chaplain 3
Sharon M. K. Kugler, Yale University
Chaplaincy in Displacement and Homecoming
After Katrina 16
Rev. Gail E. Bowman, Dillard University
A Muslim Chaplain on Finding His Way 35
Sohaib N. Sultan, Princeton University
In Coffin’s Pulpit
Re-envisioning Protestant Religious Culture 45
Rev. Ian B. Oliver, Yale University
Part II
Uncovering God
A Global Chaplaincy on a Secular Campus 63
Rev. Deanna L. Shorb, Grinnell College
‘¡Si, se puede!’ (Yes, We Can!)
Student Ministry in a Multicultural Context 78
Fr. Daniel Reim, SJ, University of Michigan
‘Not So Religious’
Jewish Chaplaincy in the Twenty-First Century 98
Rabbi Rena S. Blumenthal, Vassar College
Part III
‘God Is in This Place’
Mentoring, Ministering, and Making Meaning
at Stanford University 125
Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, Stanford University
Pilgrim Transformations
The Chaplain as Traveling Companion 146
Rev. Dr. Paul H. W. Rohde, Augustana College
Room to Breathe
Nurturing Community by Creating Space 157
Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, Emory University
Blues Songs and Lamentations
Chaplains on the Crisis Team 170
Rev. Dr. Charles Lattimore Howard, University of Pennsylvania
Part IV
Betwixt and Between
Interstitial Dialogue, Identity, and
Mending on a College Campus 189
Rev. Dr. Linda J. Morgan-Clement, College of Wooster
The Chaplain Moving across Boundaries 204
Rev. Dr. Richard E. Spalding, Williams College
Religious Hybrids
A New Interpretation 223
Rev. K. P. Hong, Macalester College
Part V
Stewards of the New Secular 247
Rev. Dr. Samuel H. Speers, Vassar College
The One and the Many
Old Language, New Engagement 271
Fr. Roc O’Connor, SJ, Creighton University
‘What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem?’
The Professor Chaplain 291
Rev. Dr. J. Diane Mowrey, Queens University of Charlotte
Chaplains Breaking the Silence
of Faith in the Academy
The Charge 312
Rev. Dr. Lucy A. Forster-Smith, Macalester College
Notes 331
Tentang Penulis
Rev. Janet M. Cooper Nelson is chaplain of the university at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and teaches at Brown’s Alpert School of Medicine.