Penulis: Luis Rubalcaba

Varun Gupta is Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Alcalá (Spain). His area of interest is evidence based software engineering, evolutionary software engineering (focusing on requirement management), business model innovation and innovation management. Luis Rubalcaba is Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Business Administration, University of Alcalá (Spain) and Director of the research group International Service Research for Society (INSERAS). He was visiting Fulbright Schuman Scholar at Boston University (USA), Distinguished Professor at VTT-Tekes (Finland), Honorary Scholar at the University of Birmingham (UK), and President of the European Association for Services Research (RESER). Chetna Gupta is Associate Professor in Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology at the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (India). Her area of interest includes software engineering, search-based software engineering, distributed software engineering and risk management, automated software engineering, cloud computing, blockchain technology and applications of machine learning and data mining. Thomas Hanne is Professor for Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Head of the Competence Center Systems Engineering. He is author of more than 160 journal articles, conference papers, and other publications and editor of several journals and special issues. His current research interests include computational intelligence, evolutionary algorithms, metaheuristics, optimization, simulation, multicriteria decision analysis, natural language processing, systems engineering, software development, logistics, and supply chain management.

3 Ebooks oleh Luis Rubalcaba

Faiz Gallouj & Luis Rubalcaba: Public-Private Innovation Networks in Services
For too long the prevalent view has been that the public and private sectors differ dramatically when it comes to innovation. This book takes a radically different tack, not as a rhetorical stance, b …
Camal Gallouj & Faiz Gallouj: Elgar Encyclopedia of Services
The Encyclopedia of Services is a ground-breaking resource that offers a unique overview of what constitutes the main source of wealth and employment in our contemporary economies, namely services. D …
Varun Gupta & Luis Rubalcaba: Sustainability in Software Engineering and Business Information Management
The proceedings volume presents selected papers from the International Conference on Sustainability in Software Engineering & Business Information Management: Innovation & Applications (SSEBIM 2022) …