Political institutions profoundly shape political life and are also gendered. This groundbreaking collection synthesises new institutionalism and gendered analysis using a new approach – feminist institutionalism – in order to answer crucial questions about power inequalities, mechanisms of continuity, and the gendered limits of change.
Daftar Isi
Foreword; J.Lovenduski Introduction: Gender, Politics, and Institutions: Setting the Agenda; F.Mackay & M.L.Krook Gender and Institutions of Political Recruitment: Candidate Selection in Post-Devolution Scotland; M.Kenny Discursive Strategies for Institutional Reform: Gender Quotas in Sweden and France; L.Freidenvall & M.L.Krook Gendered Institutions and Women’s Substantive Representation: Female Legislators in Argentina and Chile; S.Franceschet Gendering the Institutional Reform of the Welfare State: Germany, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland; M.Beyeler & C.Annesley Gender and Institutions of Multi-Level Governance: Child Care and Social Policy Debates in Canada; J.Grace The Institutional Roots of Post-Communist Family Policy: Comparing the Czech and Slovak Republics; H.Hašková & S.Saxonberg Gendering Federalism: Institutions of Decentralization and Power-Sharing; J.Vickers Gendered Institutionalist Analysis: Understanding Democratic Transitions; G.Waylen Nested Newness and Institutional Innovation: Expanding Gender Justice in the International Criminal Court; L.Chappell Conclusion: Towards a Feminist Institutionalism?; F.Mackay
Tentang Penulis
CLAIRE ANNESLEY Senior Lecturer in European Politics at the University of Manchester, UK MICHELLE BEYELER Lecturer in the Institute of Political Science at the University of Bern, Switzerland LOUISE CHAPPELL Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in the School of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of New South Wales, Australia SUSAN FRANCESCHET Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary, Canada LENITA FREIDENVALL Researcher at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University, Sweden JOAN GRACE Associate Professor in the Department of Politics at the University of Winnipeg, Canada HANA HA KOVÁ Researcher in the Gender and Sociology Department in the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic MERYL KENNY Economic and Social Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK MONA LENA KROOK Assistant Professor of Political Science and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, USA JONI LOVENDUSKI Anniversary Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College, University of London, UK FIONA MACKAY Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations in the School of Social and Political Studies at the University of Edinburgh, UK STEVEN SAXONBERG Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social Policy and Social Work at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic JILL VICKERS Distinguished Research Professor in Political Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada GEORGINA WAYLEN Professor in Politics at the University of Sheffield, UK