Clumsy Solutions for a Complex World is a powerful and original statement on why well-intended attempts to alleviate pressing social ills too often derail, and how effective, efficient and broadly acceptable solutions to social problems can be found.
Daftar Isi
List of Figures and Tables Preface Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors The Case for Clumsiness; M.Verweij, M.Douglas, R.J.Ellis, C.Engel, F.Hendriks, S.Lohmann, S.Ney, S.Rayner & M.Thompson PART 1: ELEGANT FAILURES Is the Kyoto Protocol Merely Irrelevant, or Positively Harmful, for the Efforts to Curb Climate Change?; M.Verweij Hype and Hydro (and, at Last, Some Hope) in the Himalaya; D.Gyawali Segregation through Anti-Discrimination: How the Netherlands Got Divided Again; M.Bovens & M.Trappenburg What Russia can Learn from China in its Transition to a Market Economy; M.D.Intriligator & J.R.Wedel & C.H.Lee The Failure of Seat Belts Legislation; J.Adams PART 2: CLUMSY SOLUTIONS Gunfight at the Consequentialist Corral: The Deadlock in the United States over Firearms Control and How to Break It; D.M.Kahan , D.Braman & J.Gastil Floods and Fairness in Hungary; J.Linnerooth-Bayer , A.Vári & M.Thompson Inclusive by Design: The Curious Case of the Internet; T.Tranvik & M.Thompson You Never Miss the Water till the Well Runs Dry: Crisis and Creativity in California; D.Lach , H.Ingram & S.Rayner Clumsy Conclusions: How to do Policy and Research in a Complex World; M.Verweij , M.Thompson & C.Engel Index
Tentang Penulis
JOHN ADAMS Emeritus Professor of Geography, University College London, UK MARK BOVENS Professor of Public Administration, Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands DONALD BRAMAN Associate Professor of Law at the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA MARY DOUGLAS was Professor of Anthropology, University College London, UK, and Emeritus Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities, Northwestern University, USA RICHARD J. ELLIS Mark O. Hatfield Professor of Politics, Willamette University, Salem, USA CHRISTOPH ENGEL Professor of Law and Director of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany JOHN GASTIL Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Washington, USA DIPAK GYAWALI Academician with the Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal FRANK HENDRIKS Professor in Comparative Governance, Tilburg School of Politics and Public Administration, Tilburg University, The Netherlands HELEN INGRAM Drew, Chace and Erin Wermington Chair in the Social Ecology of Peace and International Co-operation, University of California, Irvine, USA MICHAEL D. INTRILIGATOR Professor of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, USA DAN M. KAHAN Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law and Deputy Dean, Yale Law School, USA DENISE LACH Professor of Sociology, Oregon State University, USA CATHERINE H. LEE Recently received a Masters of Science in Management Research from the Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK JOANNE LINNEROOTH-BAYER Leader of the Risk and Vulnerability Programme at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria SUSANNE LOHMANN Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies, Director of the Center for Governance, and Founding Faculty Member of the Interdisciplinary Degree Programme on Human Complex Systems at the University of California, USA STEVEN NEY Teaches Public Policy Analysis at the Singapore Management University, Singapore STEVE RAYNER James Martin Professor of Science and Civilization and Director of the James Martin Institute, University of Oxford, UK TOMMY TRANVIK Researcher at the Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies, University of Bergen, Norway MARGO TRAPPENBURG Senior Researcher at the Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University, The Netherlands ANNA VÁRI Senior Researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Sociology and Professor at the Department of Environmental Economics of the Budapest University of Technical and Economic Sciences, Hungary JANINE R. WEDEL Professor in the School of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA