A decision in regards to marriage is not something one takes lightly, which means that ultimately it should not be considered from one’s own perspective. Not only is the choice of an object partner too essential to be left to what one happens to feel for someone walking down the street, the ideal of love cannot be actualized when centered on oneself.
At what point has one fulfilled one’s portion of responsibility and under what circumstances is one justified to end a relationship that was intended to be for eternity? An answer to such an important decision as to the feasibility of one’s marriage needs to be sought beyond the fluctuating part of the mind susceptible to the circumstances.
The image of the ideal is owned by the individual, and realized in the relationship with a partner, in that order. The centrality of truth as the standard upon which to actualize the ideals of love has to be more important than one’s preferences and the marriage itself. When one lacks the desire of being in truth, one will find that one must be lacking in love as well. If a man is to perfect his love for woman, and vice versa, each party needs to transcend the limitations of their pre-held notions.
Daftar Isi
1. Building Blocks
Two Levels of Consciousness
The Higher Dimension – the Viewpoint of Objectivity
Personal Growth by the Search for Truth
2. Vertical Self-Transcendence
Motive and Purpose
Proper Order
3. Horizontal Self-Transcendence
Proper Distance
Common Base
Object of Value
4. The Process of Attaining an Objective Understanding – the Viewpoint of Love and the Ideal
Why an Objective State of Mind
Differentiate between Being the Observer and the Object of Study
Holistic Study
Facing One’s Fears
An Answer that Must Ensue
Truth as the Foundation for Action
Threats to an Objective State of Mind
5. Finding an Object of Love
Be the Right Person to Find the Right Person
Unconditional Giving Is Like an X-Ray
How to Spot a Lemon
6. The Feasibility of an Existing Relationship
The Questioning of Status Quo and the Call for a Holistic Study
Why the Good Party Suffers
Ending Centered on the Ideal Is a New Beginning without Baggage
7. Failure to Actualize the Ideal and Laying the Foundation for an Ideal Marriage Anew
Codependency – Expecting the Object Partner to Be One’s Source of Love
At What Point Has One Fulfilled One’s Portion of Responsibility?
Ideal Object Partner the Second Time
8. The Foundation for an Ideal Marriage and the Principled Use of the Sexual Organs
Consequences of the Misuse of the Sexual Organs
The Purpose of the Commandment