Penulis: Malek Ghanes

Adel Mellit is a professor of Electronics at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Jijel University, Algeria. He received his M.S. Degree and Ph.D. in Electronics from the University of Sciences Technologies (USTHB), Algiers, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. His research interests are on the applications of the artificial intelligence techniques, including machine learning and deep learning in photovoltaic systems and micro-grids. He has authored and co-authored more than 160 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and papers in conference proceedings, mainly on photovoltaic systems, six book chapters, three proceedings book and one book in Springer. He is the director of the Renewable Energy Laboratory at Jijel University (Algeria) and is an associate member at the ICTP Trieste (Italy). He is a subject editor of Energy journal (Elsevier Ltd) and editorial board member of the Renewable Energy journal (Elsevier Ltd). He is an editor of IEEE Journal of Photovoltaic. Lassaad Sbita received his B.E. degree from the University of Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia, in 1985, and the D.E.A. and Thesis degrees from the ENSET, Tunis, Tunisia, in 1987 and 1997, respectively, all in electrical engineering. In 1988, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National School of Engineering of Sfax, University of Sfax, as a professor assistant, and in 1991, the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Engineering School of Gabes, University of Gabes, Gabes, Tunisia, where he became an associate professor in 1998 and a professor in 2009. He is the director of the Research Laboratory of proceeds, energy, environment and electrical systems whose ministry code is “LR18ES34”. His current research interests include power electrical systems, renewables energies, electrical grid and power quality. Pr. Sbita Lassaad was the general chair of the IEEE International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems (2017). Karim Kemih is a professor of Electronics at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology Jijel University, Algeria. He received his Engineer Degree in Electronics in 2001 from the Constantine University, Algeria, and the D.E.A. and Thesis degrees from the Jijel University and Constantine University, Algeria, in 2003 and 2007, respectively.  From 2013–2017, he was the head of electrical and industrial electronics laboratory.  His current research interests include renewable energy, wind turbine control, and secure communication, chaos theory. Malek Ghanes is currently the director of the Chair on Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid EV (HEV) performances between Renault and Centrale Nantes (CN). In the framework of this Chair, he is the coordinator of the first program on electric vehicle propulsion and its control (E-Pi Co) in Europe. This program was accredited and supported in 2019 by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union, label of excellence. Since 2020, he is the co-head of the LS2N Control team. He is also the coordinator of the Ph.C. Maghreb project on renewable energy management since 2021. From September 2006 to April 2016, he has been with ECS-Lab, Quartz, ENSEA, where he was an associate professor and the head of the Department of Automatic and Electrical Engineering.

2 Ebooks oleh Malek Ghanes

Hakim Denoun & Arezki Fekik: Power Electronics Converters and their Control for Renewable Energy Applications
Power Electronics Converters and their Control for Renewable Energy Applications provides information that helps to solve common challenges with power electronics converters, including loss by switch …
Adel Mellit & Lassaad Sbita: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Conversion System
This book presents peer reviewed articles from the 2nd International Conference on Green Energy Conversion Systems held in Djerba, Tunisia, from 13–15 September 2023. It brings together researchers a …