Light, vibrant and malleable, is the greatest tool at the disposal of portrait photographers. In this acclaimed book—with over 50, 000 copies in print—Christopher Grey walks you through studio portrait lighting from start to finish. Dozens of image sequences and before/after pairings show you precisely how each change of light position and modifier affects the look of the lighting on the subject. From classic portrait lighting patterns to unexpected but powerful looks, Grey teaches you everything you need to know to control light effectively. Armed with these powerful skills, you’ll be able to create portraits that are more flattering, more marketable, and more creative.
Tentang Penulis
Christopher Grey is the author of
Creative Techniques for Nude Photography and
Photographer’s Guide to Polaroid Transfer. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The following is from the author:
For over 30 years, I’ve dedicated my professional life to be the best generalist photographer I could be, and over the course of that time I’ve had the opportunity to photograph an amazing variety of people, products and services. My work has been, and continues to be, a rich, visual exploration of people and culture, of psychology and motivation, of line and form and love of life. Good fortune and hard work has seen a number of national and international awards come my way, the ownership of which has opened even more doors for me. Among my personal victories, I shot the most interest-generating ad photo in The Home Depot’s entire history, a logistically challenging image from concept to completion, involving sculptors, bakers, and model painters, in less than a week.
Some time ago I realized that others might benefit from my experience, and I began to write and teach. This ignited a new creative spark within me, which I’m happy to say has lit fires under other photographers and enabled many of them to reach their immediate goals more readily.
I’m thrilled to be working at the forefront of the “digital revolution”, although I believe that term is a misnomer. It’s really “evolution” because it’s changing every aspect of my industry, my own business and the way I work. At last, I have complete creative control over my images.
Today is a great day to be a photographer. Tomorrow, even better.