Doing antiracist work can be profoundly transformational for White people. Not only does it allow them to live their values of justice and equality, but it also helps develop skills like listening, sharing power, and working through conflict.
Now more than ever, humanity must bridge the racial divides that exist within our society.
Dr. Maysa Akbar, a race-based trauma expert, and originator of the Urban Trauma® framework, deftly delineates what the allyship process is for White people to align themselves with people of color through the lens of a person of color.
Dr. Akbar illuminates the concept of White Privilege, the societal barrier which breeds and sustains racism, formulated by generations of oppression. She redefines previous frameworks of allyship, and through her new identity model of allyship, she constructs a much-needed pathway towards race-based rectification for White people.
We are facing a global tipping point with regard to racism. To be successful, White people must provide support in the right way. This book not only educates on how we got here but also shows how we address it and fix it moving forward.
Daftar Isi
Foreword xiv
Acknowledgments xviii
Preface xxiv
Introduction xxviii
Chapter 1 History of Trauma
Urban Trauma Is Racism-Survivor
Chapter 2 Navigating the Isms
Patriotism versus Bigotry
STORY: Kristine Brown
Chapter 3 The Role of Bias in Isms
Bias in Public Issues: Gun Violence
Dealing with Bias: Code-Switching
Chapter 4 Unconscious/Implicit Bias
STORY: Dr. Noel Casiano
Chapter 5 White Privilege
Defining White Privilege
Criminal Justice
Substance Abuse
Beyond Ally
Real Estate/Housing
Intersectionality: White Privileged and Poor
Oppression Olympics: The Unforeseen Outcome of Privilege
Chapter 6 White Guilt/White Savior
White Guilt: I Don’t Say What I Mean and I Don’t Mean What I Say
White Fragility: Aren’t I the Real Victim?
White Savior: I Am Not Racist
STORY: Lisa Votto, LMFT
Chapter 7 Unpacking White Women as Allies
Are White Women Complicit?
The Wrongfully Accused
Voting Rights
Planned Parenthood
#Me Too
When White Women Show Up . . . Stand Up for Me
STORY: Sindri Anderson and Pamela Hopkins
Chapter 8 Steps toward an Inclusive Journey
Intentional Alliances
Poor Alliances
Alliance Models for Consideration
STORY: Dr. Ram Bhagat
Chapter 9
The Pursuit of Racial Justice
Building Alliances for Racial Justice
Allyship Identity Model: Supporter | Ally | Advocate | Accomplice | Equity Broker
Chapter 10 Equity Broker Transformation
Effectively Meeting the Challenges
When You Feel Overwhelmed by All the Things You Don’t Know
When You Want to Retreat because It Feels Unsafe and It Feels Too Hard
When You Don’t Know What to Say
When You Mistakenly Focus on ‘Good People’
Final Thoughts
Additional Thanks
Dear Reader
About the Author