Penulis: Michael Puett

John S. Major, formerly professor of history at Dartmouth College, is an independent scholar and writer. He is the author of Heaven and Earth in Early Han Thought: Chapters Three, Four, and Five of the Huainanzi and the author, coauthor, or editor of almost thirty other books, including Defining Chu: Image and Reality in Ancient China.Sarah A. Queen, professor of history at Connecticut College, is the author of From Chronicle to Canon: The Hermeneutics of the Spring and Autumn, According to Tung Chung-shu. Her current work includes a translation and study of the Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn (with John S. Major) and an edited volume, Liu An”s Vision of Empire: New Perspectives on the Huainanzi (with Michael Puett). Andrew Seth Meyer, assistant professor of history at Brooklyn College, is the author of several articles, including “The Sunzi bingfa as History and Theory.” His current projects are To Rule All Under Heaven, a history of the Warring States period (481-221 B.C.E.), and a translation of the Wenzi (with Harold D. Roth). Harold D. Roth, professor of religious studies and East Asian studies at Brown University, is the author or editor of four books and more than forty scholarly articles. His books include The Textual History of the Huai-nan tzu and Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism.Michael Puett, professor of Chinese history at Harvard University, is the author, most recently, of Ritual and Its Consequences: An Essay on the Limits of Sincerity. Judson Murray, assistant professor of religion at Wright State University, is the author of “A Study of “Yaolue, ” “A Summary of the Essentials”: Understanding the Huainanzi Through the Point of View of the Author of the Postface.”

7 Ebooks oleh Michael Puett

John Major & Sarah Queen: The Huainanzi
Compiled by scholars at the court of Liu An, king of Huainan, in the second century B.C.E, The Huainanzi is a tightly organized, sophisticated articulation of Western Han philosophy and statecraft. O …
Confucius: The Analects
For the first time in one volume, The Analects illustrated by bestselling cartoonist C. C. Tsai C. C. Tsai is one of Asia’s most popular cartoonists, and his editions of the Chinese classics have sol …
Christine Gross-Loh & Michael Puett: Path
For the first time, an award-winning Harvard professor shares his wildly popular course on classical Chinese philosophy, showing you how ancient ideaslike the fallacy of the authentic selfcan guide y …
Christine Gross-Loh & Michael Puett: Path
INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERSUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERHarvard’s most popular professor explains how thinkers from Confucius to Zhuangzi can transform our lives The first book of its kind, The Path d …
Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh: Calea
Suntem tentați să credem că, pentru a ne schimba viața, trebuie să gândim la scară mare. Dar marii filosofi chinezi ar spune: nu uita să gândești și la scară mică. Începem să ne schimbăm cu adevărat …
Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh: El camí
  Una guia sàvia per a la vida bona.  El pensament occidental ens ha situat en marcs mentals que no ens porten a la veritable felicitat ni a l'equilibri, sinó que ens empenyen a la recerca sempr …
Andrew Brandel & Marco Motta: Living with Concepts
This volume examines an often taken for granted concept—that of the concept itself. How do we picture what concepts are, what they do, how they arise in the course of everyday life? Challenging conve …