Meridians are the bridge between the psyche and soma, the system that allows our life force to flow through our body. Each of the twelve main meridians stand for a fundamental life principle and by examining them, we can begin a journey towards better health- as well as freedom and contentment.
In this inspirational, easy-to-read deep dive, Mike Mandl uses his own wit and humour to explore the life principles of the meridians and offers a toolbox for self-diagnostic purposes, demonstrating how to strengthen these principles, correct imbalances, and keep in harmony with yourself through daily observation and maintenance.
Translating the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine into an engaging, accessible resource for practitioners and novices alike, this is the perfect first step in harnessing the meridians for your own self-actualisation.
Tentang Penulis
Mike Mandl has been practicing TCM and shiatsu for the past 30 years. He is a popular lecturer throughout Europe, offering postgraduate programs in English and German, and hosts an e-learning platform, Das Zentrum. Mike is the Director of European Shiatsu Congress and Director of the International Academy for Hara Shiatsu, as well as being a passionate gardener and snowboarder in his own time. He is based in Vienna.