Miles Booy is an expert on Marvel Comics, who undertook his post-graduate work in Cinema at the University of East Anglia.
4 Ebooks oleh Miles Booy
Miles Booy: Marvel”s Mutants
In 1975, Marvel Comics revived the X-Men, a failed title which hadn”t used new material for half a decade. It was a marginal project in an industry then in crisis. Five years later, it was the bests …
Miles Booy: Love and Monsters
Scholar and Who fan Miles Booy has written the first historical account of the public interpretation of Doctor Who. Love and Monsters begins in 1979 with the publication of ‘Doctor Who Weekly’, the m …
Miles Booy: Love and Monsters
Scholar and Who fan Miles Booy has written the first historical account of the public interpretation of Doctor Who. Love and Monsters begins in 1979 with the publication of ”Doctor Who Weekly”, the …
Miles Booy: Marvel”s Mutants
In 1975, Marvel Comics revived the X-Men, a failed title which hadn”t used new material for half a decade. It was a marginal project in an industry then in crisis. Five years later, it was the bests …