In the years 2015 and 2016 more than 2.5 million refugees came to the European Union to seek asylum. Many of these refugees acquired professional qualifications in their home countries, but despite these qualifications they often struggle integrating into the labour market. The complex recognition process for their qualifications is one of the main reasons. At the same time the European Union is facing an alarming gap of SME successors and entrepreneurs.
More entrepreneurs are needed and refugees need an easier way to become integrated into the labour market in their host country. These two principals were combined in the NEW ENTREPRENEURS project. A procedure for the identification of entrepreneurial potential builds the foundation. This is accompanied with a language training and a motivation and creativity training. To promote entrepreneurship a special training was developed, tested, evaluated and implemented, accompanied with a business start-up and takeover training. A comprehensive coaching process accompanies the whole process. The developed procedures and trainings were successfully applied also to natives in Hungary, meaning that the range of the potential beneficiaries is even larger tan expected.
This publication contains the relevant curricula, application notes and experiences as a result of the project NEW ENTREPRENEURS with the following partners: Hanse-Parlament (DE), Berufsakademie Hamburg (DE), Institut für angewandte Gewerbeforschung (AT), Ipartestületek Országos Szövetsége (HU), T2I Trasferimento Tecnologico e innovazione scarl (IT)
Tentang Penulis
The Baltic Sea Academy is a non-profit association of 20 universities around the Baltic Sea with the common goal to promote small and medium sized enterprises in terms of innovation, research and qualification.