Provides a comprehensive introduction to the design and analysis of unmanned aircraft systems with a systems perspective
Written for students and engineers who are new to the field of unmanned aerial vehicle design, this book teaches the many UAV design techniques being used today and demonstrates how to apply aeronautical science concepts to their design.
Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems covers the design of UAVs in three sections—vehicle design, autopilot design, and ground systems design—in a way that allows readers to fully comprehend the science behind the subject so that they can then demonstrate creativity in the application of these concepts on their own. It teaches students and engineers all about: UAV classifications, design groups, design requirements, mission planning, conceptual design, detail design, and design procedures. It provides them with in-depth knowledge of ground stations, power systems, propulsion systems, automatic flight control systems, guidance systems, navigation systems, and launch and recovery systems. Students will also learn about payloads, manufacturing considerations, design challenges, flight software, microcontroller, and design examples. In addition, the book places major emphasis on the automatic flight control systems and autopilots.
- Provides design steps and procedures for each major component
- Presents several fully solved, step-by-step examples at component level
- Includes numerous UAV figures/images to emphasize the application of the concepts
- Describes real stories that stress the significance of safety in UAV design
- Offers various UAV configurations, geometries, and weight data to demonstrate the real-world applications and examples
- Covers a variety of design techniques/processes such that the designer has freedom and flexibility to satisfy the design requirements in several ways
- Features many end-of-chapter problems for readers to practice
Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems is an excellent text for courses in the design of unmanned aerial vehicles at both the upper division undergraduate and beginning graduate levels.
Daftar Isi
Preface xix
Acronyms xxv
Nomenclature xxix
About the Companion Website xxxvii
1 Design Fundamentals 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 UAV Classifications 5
1.3 Review of a Few Successful UAVs 8
1.4 Design Project Planning 12
1.5 Decision Making 13
1.6 Design Criteria, Objectives, and Priorities 15
1.7 Feasibility Analysis 17
1.8 Design Groups 17
1.9 Design Process 18
1.10 Systems Engineering Approach 19
1.11 UAV Conceptual Design 21
1.12 UAV Preliminary Design 27
1.13 UAV Detail Design 28
1.14 Design Review, Evaluation, Feedback 30
1.15 UAV Design Steps 30
Questions 32
2 Preliminary Design 35
2.1 Introduction 35
2.2 Maximum Takeoff Weight Estimation 36
2.3 Weight Buildup 36
2.4 Payload Weight 37
2.5 Autopilot Weight 37
2.6 Fuel Weight 39
2.7 Battery Weight 43
2.8 Empty Weight 47
2.9 Wing and Engine Sizing 48
2.10 Quadcopter Configuration 52
Questions 60
Problems 61
3 Design Disciplines 65
3.1 Introduction 66
3.2 Aerodynamic Design 67
3.3 Structural Design 69
3.4 Propulsion System Design 71
3.5 Landing Gear Design 75
3.6 Mechanical and Power Transmission Systems Design 78
3.7 Electric Systems 80
3.8 Control Surfaces Design 85
3.9 Safety Analysis 90
3.10 Installation Guidelines 95
Questions 96
Design Questions 97
Problems 99
4 Aerodynamic Design 101
4.1 Introduction 102
4.2 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 103
4.3 Wing Design 104
4.4 Tail Design 113
4.5 Vertical Tail Design 119
4.6 Fuselage Design 123
4.7 Antenna 130
4.8 Aerodynamic Design of Quadcopters 132
4.9 Aerodynamic Design Guidelines 133
Questions 134
Problems 136
5 Fundamentals of Autopilot Design 141
5.1 Introduction 142
5.2 Dynamic Modeling 146
5.3 Aerodynamic Forces and Moments 153
5.4 Simplification Techniques of Dynamic Models 157
5.5 Fixed‐Wing UAV Dynamic Models 161
5.6 Dynamic Model Approximation 169
5.7 Quadcopter (Rotary‐Wing) Dynamic Model 170
5.8 Autopilot Categories 176
5.9 Flight Simulation – Numerical Methods 181
5.10 Flying Qualities for UAVs 185
5.11 Autopilot Design Process 187
Questions 188
Problems 190
6 Control System Design 195
6.1 Introduction 196
6.2 Fundamentals of Control Systems 197
6.3 Servo/Actuator 203
6.4 Flight Control Requirements 207
6.5 Control Modes 209
6.6 Controller Design 223
6.7 Autonomy 234
6.8 Manned–Unmanned Aircraft Teaming 237
6.9 Control System Design Process 243
Questions 246
Problems 249
7 Guidance System Design 255
7.1 Introduction 256
7.2 Fundamentals 257
7.3 Guidance Laws 263
7.4 Command Guidance Law 265
7.5 PN Guidance Law 269
7.6 Pursuit Guidance Law 273
7.7 Waypoint Guidance Law 274
7.8 Sense and Avoid 282
7.9 Formation Flight 291
7.10 Motion Planning and Trajectory Design 293
7.11 Guidance Sensor – Seeker 294
7.12 Guidance System Design 296
Questions 298
Problems 300
8 Navigation System Design 305
8.1 Introduction 306
8.2 Classifications 307
8.3 Coordinate Systems 309
8.4 Inertial Navigation System 311
8.5 Kalman Filtering 315
8.6 Global Positioning System 317
8.7 Position Fixing Navigation 322
8.8 Navigation in Reduced Visibility Conditions 323
8.9 Inertial Navigation Sensors 323
8.10 Navigation Disturbances 335
8.11 Navigation System Design 345
Questions 348
Problems 351
9 Microcontroller 355
9.1 Introduction 356
9.2 Basic Fundamentals 358
9.3 Microcontroller Circuitry 367
9.4 Embedded Systems 369
9.5 Microcontroller Programming 371
9.6 Programming in C 374
9.7 Arduino 378
9.8 Open‐Source Commercial Autopilots 384
9.9 Design Procedure 387
9.10 Design Project 388
Questions 393
Problems 395
Design Projects 397
10 Launch and Recovery Systems Design 399
10.1 Introduction 400
10.2 Launch Technologies and Techniques 402
10.3 Launcher Equipment 410
10.4 Fundamentals of Launch 415
10.5 Elevation Mechanism Design 422
10.6 VTOL 424
10.7 Recovery Technologies and Techniques 424
10.8 Recovery Fundamentals 429
10.9 Launch/Recovery Systems Mobility 431
10.10 Launch and Recovery Systems Design 433
Questions 437
Problems 440
Design Projects 443
11 Ground Control Station 445
11.1 Introduction 446
11.2 GCS Subsystems 448
11.3 Types of Ground Stations 448
11.4 GCS of a Number of UAVs 460
11.5 Human‐Related Design Requirements 464
11.6 Support Equipment 469
11.7 GCS Design Guidelines 472
Questions 473
Problems 475
Design Problems 476
Laboratory Experiments 477
12 Payloads Selection/Design 481
12.1 Introduction 482
12.2 Elements of Payload 483
12.3 Payloads of a Few UAVs 484
12.4 Cargo or Freight Payload 487
12.5 Reconnaissance/Surveillance Payload 488
12.6 Scientific Payloads 505
12.7 Military Payloads 508
12.8 Electronic Counter Measure Payloads 509
12.9 Payload Installation 511
12.10 Payload Control and Management 520
12.11 Payload Selection/Design Guidelines 520
Questions 523
Problems 525
Design Problems 527
13 Communications System Design 531
13.1 Fundamentals 532
13.2 Data Link 534
13.3 Transmitter 536
13.4 Receiver 537
13.5 Antenna 539
13.6 Radio Frequency 541
13.7 Encryption 544
13.8 Communications Systems of a Few UAVs 545
13.9 Installation 547
13.10 Communications System Design 547
13.11 Bi‐directional Communications Using Arduino Boards 548
Questions 558
Problems 560
Laboratory Experiments 561
Design Projects 562
14 Design Analysis and Feedbacks 565
14.1 Introduction 566
14.2 Design Feedbacks 567
14.3 Weight and Balance 569
14.4 Stability Analysis 573
14.5 Controllability Analysis 579
14.6 Flight Performance Analysis 582
14.7 Cost Analysis 591
Questions 593
Problems 595
References 601
Index 609
Tentang Penulis
Mohammad H. Sadraey, Ph D, is Associate Professor (Aeronautical Engineering) at Southern New Hampshire University. He has authored five books, including Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach and Aircraft Performance Analysis. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Society for Engineering Education, and Sigma Gamma Tau Honor Society. Dr. Sadraey is also the guest editor of the Journal of Aerospace special issue on ‘Aircraft design’.