Penulis: Mufit Bahadir

Eyüp Debik graduated from Department of Environmental Engineering at Istanbul Technical University in 1992 and received his doctorate degree from Yildiz Technical University in 1999 in the field of physico-chemical treatability of domestic wastewater in large scale applications. He had research activities at Iowa State University in the USA (2002 – 2004) in the field of anaerobic treatment processes and wastewater treatment using fungus. He received the title of Professor in 2015 at Yildiz Technical University in Environmental Engineering and has been working in the same department ever since. His teaching and research cover the application and designing the biological and chemical treatment technologies of wastewaters, anaerobic and aerobic digestion processes, capacitive membrane deionization processes and nanoparticle applications in degradation of persistent organic pollutants. He has several on-going national and international projects. He had several management experiences including the Director of Technical Vocational School of Higher Education (2014 – 2020), Manager of Technology Transfer Office (2014 – 2021) at Yildiz Technical University, and Advisor of General Secretary in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.  Ali Müfit Bahadir studied chemistry at the Free University Berlin and Bonn University in Germany, received his Ph D 1975 from Bonn University and his Assoc. Prof. 1988 from Munich Technical University. He became a full Professor of Environ-mental and Sustainable Chemistry at the Technische Braunschweig in 1989. Since 1997, he is an honorary doctor and visiting professor at the Selcuk University Konya in Turkey. His research fields cover environ¬mental chemistry and analyses, environmental pollution through industrial processes and products, pesticide chemistry and metabolism in soil and water, ecotoxicology, sustain¬able chemistry, renewable feed stocks, and biodiesel and bio-lubricants. During the last twenty years, his research focused on R&D of sustainable water and wastewater management in developing countries. He retired in 2016. Andreas Haarstrick studied Chemistry at the Technische Universität Braunschweig (1983-1989) and received his doctorate in 1992 in bioengineering. Since 2006, he is Professor for Bioprocess Engineering at the TU Braunschweig. His teaching and research cover modelling biological and chemical processes in heterogeneous systems, development of models predicting pollutant reduction in and emission behaviour of landfills, growth kinetics at low substrate concentrations under changing environmental conditions, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), and groundwater management. Since 2012, he is the managing director of the DAAD exceed-Swindon Project dealing with sustainable water management in developing countries.

7 Ebooks oleh Mufit Bahadir

Rudolf Galensa & Müfit Bahadir: Lebensmittel- und Umweltanalytik mit der HPLC
Viele wertvolle Hinweise, die aus jahrelangen Erfahrungen mit der HPLC, eine der verbreitetsten Analysentechniken, resultieren, werden in diesem Anwenderbuch weitergegeben. Zahlreiche detailliert bes …
Mufit Bahadir & Friederike Brammer: Rückbau von Siedlungsabfalldeponien
Am Ende einer jeden Entsorgungskette steht die Deponie. Da Standorte rur Deponien knapp sind und weil in alten Ablagerungen noch Wertstoffe enthalten sein können, wird zunehmend erwogen, alte Ablager …
Controlled Release, Biochemical Effects of Pesticides, Inhibition of Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Since the middle of the Sixties, new types of formulation for biologically active com- pounds have been developed, which have been introduced into the literature under the term Controlled Release For …
Mufit Bahadir & H. Parlar: Springer Umweltlexikon
Die vollständig überarbeitete und aktualisierte Neuauflage des Springer-Umweltlexikons behandelt die wichtigsten Sachgebiete der Umweltwissenschaft und die Methoden und Konzepte der Ökosystemforschun …
Mufit Bahadir & Harun Parlar: Springer Umweltlexikon
o Das Springer-Umweltlexikon macht das umweltrelevante Wissen im interdisziplinären Zusammenhang für Sie überschaubar . o Systematisch, klar und verständlich bietet Ihnen das Lexikon die ausführliche …
Müfit Bahadir & Andreas Haarstrick: Water and Wastewater Management
This volume addresses the situation of water and wastewater management from a global angle, underpinned by selected case studies. Without doubt, water and wastewater management are among the greatest …
Eyüp Debik & Müfit Bahadir: Wastewater Management and Technologies
This book edition on ‘Wastewater Management and Technologies’ brings together a wealth of expertise by the authors, who exemplify the wide range of options available—from nature-based solut …