Take charge and engage your enterprise in a Lean transformation
Have you thought about using Lean in your business or organization, but are not really sure how to implement it? Or perhaps you’re already using Lean, but you need to get up to speed. Lean For Dummies shows you how to do more with less and create an enterprise that embraces change. In plain-English, this friendly guide explores the general overview of Lean, how flow and the value stream works, and the best ways to apply Lean to your enterprise.
This revised edition includes the latest tools, advice, and information that can be used by everyone — from major corporations to small business, from non-profits and hospitals to manufacturers and service corporations. In addition, it takes a look at the successes and failures of earlier Lean pioneers — including Toyota, the inventors of Lean — and offer case studies and hands-on advice.
- The latest on the Six Sigma and Lean movements
- The role of technology and the expanding Lean toolbox
- Case studies enhance the material
Lean For Dummies gives today’s business owners and upper level management in companies of all sizes and in all industries, the tools and information they need to streamline process and operate more efficiently.
Daftar Isi
Foreword xvii
Introduction 1
Part I: Lean Basics 7
Chapter 1: Defining Lean 9
Chapter 2: The Foundation and Language of Lean 27
Part II: The Lean Culture 47
Chapter 3: Lean in the Organization: Principles, Behaviors, and Change 49
Chapter 4: Power to the People 65
Chapter 5: Go Lean: Implementation Strategy, Startup, and Evolution 87
Part III: Understanding Flow and the Value Stream 113
Chapter 6: Seeing Value through the Eyes of the Customer 115
Chapter 7: You Are Here: Mapping the Current State 133
Chapter 8: Charting the Course: Using Value-Stream Maps 157
Chapter 9: Flowing in the Right Direction: Lean Projects and Kaizen 181
Part IV: The Lean Toolbox 199
Chapter 10: Customer and Value-Stream Tools 201
Chapter 11: Flow and Pull Tools 215
Chapter 12: Perfection Tools 237
Chapter 13: Management Tools 261
Part V: The Lean Enterprise 279
Chapter 14: Lean within the Enterprise 281
Chapter 15: Lean across Industries 305
Chapter 16: Real-Life Lean 321
Part VI: The Part of Tens 345
Chapter 17: Ten Best Practices of Lean 347
Chapter 18: Ten Pitfalls to Avoid 353
Chapter 19: Ten Places to Go for Help 361
Glossary 369
Index 373
Tentang Penulis
Natalie J. Sayer has more than 25 years of international experience as an implementer, facilitator, and consultant in continuous improvement methods. Bruce Williams is Vice President of Pegasystems, the world leader in business process management. He is a leading speaker and presenter on business and technology trends and is coauthor of Six Sigma Workbook For Dummies, Process Intelligence For Dummies, BPM Basics For Dummies, and the Intelligent Guide to Enterprise BPM.