Education for Sustainability is a key priority in today’s schools, as our society seeks to find a balance between environmental, social, cultural, political and economic imperatives that affect our future. As young children will become the next generation of adults, it is vital that they are educated about sustainability issues, so that they can learn to make informed decisions and take positive action for a sustainable world. Teachers are ideally placed to educate for sustainability issues, and indeed have a responsibility to do so. However, they often lack support and experience in this area, and constraints of current curriculum priorities can inhibit Education for Sustainability being taught effectively in many classrooms.
Educating for Sustainability in Primary Schools: Teaching for the Future addresses this problem by showing how Education for Sustainability can be developed within and across all areas of the primary curriculum in the Australian and New Zealand contexts. The book provides a range of educational approaches and examples of activities to support teachers in addressing national requirements for teaching the major primary curriculum learning areas, while simultaneously educating for sustainability. This integrative approach to primary education can promote knowledge of, positive attitudes towards and suitable action for sustainability in relevant, meaningful, enjoyable and creative ways. This book is a valuable resource for all primary teachers who wish to make a real difference to educating children for the future.
Daftar Isi
Preface; Why Do We Need to Teach Education for Sustainability at the Primary Level?; PEDAGOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS; Issues and Dimensions of Sustainability; How to Teach Education for Sustainability: Integrating Theory and Practice; Young Children Sampling Sustainable Learning as Healthier Me; Differentiating Teaching for Sustainability for Diverse Student Learning; LEARNING AREAS; Education for Sustainability in Primary Science Education; Education for Sustainability in Primary Technology Education; Education for Sustainability in Primary School Humanities and Social Sciences Education; Education for Sustainability in Primary Mathematics Education; Education for Sustainability in Primary English Education; Sustainability and the Creative Arts; Education for Sustainability in Primary Health and Physical Education; CROSS-CURRICULAR APPROACHES; An Inquiry-based Cross-curriculum Approach; Indigenous Perspectives on Ef S in Australia and New Zealand; Sustainable Gardening across the Curriculum: Making it Happen; Index.