Serpil Oppermann is Professor of English at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She is the author of Postmodern Tarih Kuramı: Tarihyazımı, Yeni Tarihselcilik ve Roman (Postmodern Theory of History: Historiography, New Historicism and the Novel; 2006). Her publications on ecocriticism have appeared in JAST, The Trumpeter, ISLE, Critique, and Mosaic. She is a member of ASLE, advisory board member of EASLCE, and one of the founding members of World Eco-Culture Organization.Ufuk Özdağ is Associate Professor of American Culture and Literature at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She is the author of Edebiyat ve Toprak Etiği: Amerikan Doğa Yazınında Leopold”cu Düşünce (Literature and the Land Ethic: Leopoldian Thought in American Nature Writing; 2005). Özdağ initiated and offers “literature and environment” courses at Hacettepe. She recently attended Aldo Leopold Foundation”s training program and has become a “land ethic leader.”Nevin Özkan is Professor of Italian Language and Literature at Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. She is the author of Modena Devlet Arşivi”ndeki Osmanlı Devleti”ne İlişkin Belgeler (Turkish Documents in Modena Archives; 2004). She is the editor of Sicilian Tales (2002), Poems from Gabriele d”Annunzio (2001) and Fantastic Tales (2006) written in Turkish. She is a member of ASLE. Her forthcoming book is Pietro Della Valle: The Note-book of a Traveler to the Ottoman Empire.Scott Slovic, who served as the founding president of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) from 1992 to 1995, is Professor of Literature and Environment at the University of Nevada, Reno, in the United States. He has edited the journal ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment since 1995, and his most recent book is Going Away to Think: Engagement, Retreat, and Ecocritical Responsibility (2008).
1 Ebooks oleh Nevin Özkan
Ufuk Oezdag & Nevin Oezkan: Future of Ecocriticism
As we enter the second decade of the twenty-first century, environmental concerns dominate the media headlines, from rampant poverty in the developing world to nuclear accidents in industrialized nat …