Penulis: Nicola Cioffi

Nicola Cioffi received the “Best Young Researcher” Award from the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) in 2001. He is Assistant Professor at the University of Bari. He serves as referee for 25 international journals and is member of the Editorial Board of the journals “Research & Reviews in Electro Chemistry”, “Sensor Letters”, and “The Open Materials Science Journal”. Mahendra K. Rai is Professor and Head of the Department of Biotechnology at Amravati University in Maharashtra, India. He has published 190 research papers, more than 100 popular articles in Indian and foreign journals and 15 books. He has received several prestigious awards, inlcuding the Father T.A. Mathias Award (1989) from the All India Association for Christian Higher Education, and the Medini Award (1999) from the Department of Environment and Forest, Government of India.

1 Ebooks oleh Nicola Cioffi

Nicola Cioffi & Mahendra Rai: Nano-Antimicrobials
There is a high demand for  antimicrobials for the treatment of new and emerging microbial diseases. In particular, microbes developing multidrug resistance have created a pressing need to searc …