Alfonso Amendola is Assistant Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Salerno, Italy. His main research interests deal with the history and sociology of media, technological innovation in artistic experimentation, innovative cultures, and mass consumption cultures. Linda Barone is Assistant Professor of English Linguistics and Translation at the University of Salerno, Italy. She has published on English for Specific Purposes, and corpus-driven and corpus-based approaches applied to language teaching and to text and genre analysis. Her work has also focused on literary linguistics, literary translation and audio-visual translation.Novella Troianiello obtained her PhD in Communication Science at the University of Salerno, Italy, with a thesis titled “Over the top television: Netflix and local markets”. She now collaborates with the Chair in Digital Media at the same institution.
2 Ebooks oleh Novella Troianiello
Linda Barone & Novella Troianiello: Seriality Across Narrations, Languages and Mass Consumption
The contributions gathered in this volume define and discuss concepts, themes, and theories related to contemporary audiovisual seriality. The series investigated include Black Mirror, Game of Throne …
Alfonso Amendola & Simona Castellano: #likeforlike
Food porn, gattini, selfie, unicorni, fenicotteri rosa, wanderlust, rich kids of instagram, design, fake news, viralità, millennials. Se si potesse tracciare una mappa per avventurarsi nei mea …