This book contains all refereed papers that were accepted to the second edition of the « Complex Systems Design & Management » (CSDM 2011) international conference that took place in Paris (France) from December 7 to December 9, 2011. (Website:
These proceedings cover the most recent trends in the emerging field of complex systems sciences & practices from an industrial and academic perspective, including the main industrial domains (transport, defense & security, electronics, energy & environment, e-services), scientific & technical topics (systems fundamentals, systems architecture& engineering, systems metrics & quality, systemic tools) and system types (transportation systems, embedded systems, software & information systems, systems of systems, artificial ecosystems).
The CSDM 2011 conference is organized under the guidance of the CESAMES non-profit organization (
Daftar Isi
From the content: An Overview of Design Challenges and Methods in Aerospace Engineering.- Complexity and Safety.- Autonomous Systems Behaviour.- Fundamentals of Designing Complex Aerospace Software Systems.- Simulation and gaming for understanding the complexity of cooperation in industrial networks.- FIT for SOA? Introducing the F.I.T.- Metric to Optimize the Availability of Service Oriented Architectures.