This Miscellany of Virgilian studies is dedicated to the memory of Mario Geymonat, the great Italian scholar who died prematurely in 2012. It includes an obituary by Peter Know and a full bibliography of the deceased by the same. It contains studies of basic importance for Virgilian scholarship by A. Barchiesi, F. Cairns, M. Citroni, G. Davis, E. Fantham, P. Fedeli, S. Harrison, S. Heyworth, G. Hutchinson, M. Lowrie, P. Knox, J.K. Newman, M. Putnam, R. Tarrant, R. Thomas and J. Van Sickle.
Daftar Isi
Mario Geymonat by Peter Knox
Alessandro Barchiesi
Implicazioni di storia romana nell’oratoria di Turno (Aen. XI 428)
Francis Cairns
Fat victim and fat cheese (Vergil Eclogue 1.33-5)
Mario Citroni
La vittoria e il tempio: interpretazione del proemio al III libro delle Georgiche
Gregson Davis
The dual function of the umbra-motif in Vergil’s Bucolics
Elaine Fantham
Virgil’s Trojan Women
Paolo Fedeli
La sezione troiana di Prop. 4, 1 alla luce dell’epos virgiliano
Stephen Harrison
Vergil’s metapoetic katabasis: the underworld of Aeneid 6 and the history of epic
Stephen Heyworth
Notes on the text and interpretation of Vergil’s Eclogues and Georgics
Gregory Hutchinson
Space in the Aeneid
Peter Knox
Virgil’s Catullan One-Liner
Michèle Lowrie
Rege incolumi: Orientalism, Civil War, and Security at Georgics 4.212
John K. Newman
Virgil’s Iliad
Reflections on a Secondary Epic
Michael C. J. Putnam
The Injunction of Apollo (Aen. 9. 638-60)
Richard Tarrant
Virgil and Vergilius in Horace Odes 4.12
Richard F. Thomas
Aeneas in Baghdad
John Van Sickle
Tityrus modulanter deductus: From Vatic to Arcadian Poetics via Satyr-play in Virgil’s Book of Bucolic Epos
Bibliography of Mario Geymonat
compiled by Peter Knox