Miriam, the cow, is in her stall contentedly feeding her newly born calf, Samuel, when she sees an amazing light. Following the star, she is led to a human family, who have also just had a baby.
Explore the true meaning of Christmas and discover the generous simple act from a humble cow to a very special child. ‘Miriam the Christmas Cow’ is bound to become a Christmas classic, to be shared with family year after year.
Tentang Penulis
Patrick Fleming is a former hospital chaplain, retired psychotherapist, international speaker and consultant, and award-winning writer of self-help books, including his most recent, ‘Soul Light for the Dark Night: Daily Meditations’. He is also the author of the cli-fi thriller, ‘Gaia’s Revenge’. Pat and his wife, Sue, share ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, and have always enjoyed reading them children’s books through the years. They live outside of St. Louis, Missouri, surrounded by forests, flowers, deer, birds, fox, turkey, a family of skunks, and great human neighbors. Every Christmas a featured part of their decorations is a lighted, metal Christmas Cow named Miriam.