Languages are now a more important part of primary education than ever before, and all successful primary teachers need to understand the principles that support good language teaching and learning.
This second edition provides a coherent overview of teaching and learning languages, combining practical strategies for use in the classroom with engaging coverage of how to teach, informed by academic research and theory.
Key features of this new edition:
- Fully updated coverage of policy and curriculum developments, including the 2014 National Curriculum and the Teachers’ Standards
- A new chapter on curriculum, planning and assessment for KS2
- Expanded coverage of the transition from primary to secondary school and the implications for teaching
- More examples of creative teaching and learning throughout.
This is essential reading for all students studying primary languages on initial teacher education courses, including undergraduate (BEd, BA with QTS), postgraduate (PGCE, School Direct, SCITT), and also NQTs.
Daftar Isi
What is the background to primary language learning?
What does language learning offer a primary school?
How might I structure language learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?
How should I begin to offer language learning in KS1 and KS2?
Where to next? How can I embed the language into the school day and the wider curriculum?
How do I make sure I really challenge the older learners?
How do I develop progression in the new National Curriculum?
How do I know if the children are learning? How can I help them to progress smoothly to KS3?
What does research tell us about the integration of languages into the curriculum?