6 Ebooks oleh Pierre-Etienne Gautier
David Anderson & Pierre-Etienne Gautier: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
This book reports on the 12th International Workshop on Railway Noise held on 12-16 September 2016 at Terrigal, Australia. It gathers peer-reviewed papers describing the latest developments in rail n …
Burkhard Schulte-Werning & David Thompson: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
This book contains the presentations given during the 9th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN9) which took place in Munich/Feldafing, Germany, on 4th to 8th September 2007. This workshop wa …
Jens C.O. Nielsen & David Anderson: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
The book reports on the 11th International Workshop on Railway Noise, held on 9 – 13 September, 2013, in Uddevalla, Sweden. The event, which was jointly organized by the Competence Centre Chalmers Ra …
Tatsuo Maeda & Pierre-Etienne Gautier: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
This volume contains the contributions to the 10th International Workshop on Railway Noise, held October 18–22, 2010, in Nagahama, Japan, organized by the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), …
Geert Degrande & Geert Lombaert: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
This book reports on the 13th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN13), held on September 16-20, 2019, in Ghent, Belgium. It gathers original peer-reviewed papers describing the latest develo …
Xiaozhen Sheng & David Thompson: Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems
This book collects original peer-reviewed papers describing the latest developments in railway noise and vibration from the 14th International Workshop on Railway Noise (IWRN14), held on 7–9 December …