Penulis: R. Healy

Balázs Apor, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Aoife Connolly, Ireland Guido Hausmann, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany Detmar Klein, University College Cork, Ireland Nils Langer, University of Bristol, UK Paul Mc Namara, NUI, Galway, Ireland Christoph Mick, University of Warwick, UK Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, NUI, Galway, Ireland Mridu Rai, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Clemens Ruthner, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Mark von Hagen, Arizona State University in Phoenix, USA

1 Ebooks oleh R. Healy

R. Healy & E. Dal Lago: The Shadow of Colonialism on Europe’s Modern Past
Through a range of case studies from eastern and western Europe, this book breaks new ground in investigating the extent to which European peoples living within Europe were also subjected to the ideo …