Invite expert educators into your classroom and watch your classroom management experience expand!
Do you enjoy swapping ideas with other teachers? Do you find that the teachers′ lounge is the best place to learn? Do you wish you had time to attend classroom management seminars? The exchange of ideas often allows educators to fine-tune strategies for managing their classrooms by listening to others who have successfully overcome similar challenges. This inspiring collection of advice from award-winning teachers now brings the best of classroom management practice to your classroom.
Best Classroom Management Practices for Reaching All Learners compiles strategies, suggestions, tactics, and even plans for improving classroom management approaches. By peeking into the best-run classrooms through the eyes of our best teachers, Stone brings us solutions to the questions and issues that concern teachers every day.
Contributors focus on promoting a positive teaching environment and enriching learning experiences in today′s diverse classrooms by covering such topics as:
- Building classroom community, working with challenging students, and communicating with parents
- Rules, rewards, discipline, silence, and shared responsibilities
- Homework, posters, newsletters, and round robin reading groups
- Computer labs, classroom technology, grantwriting, and more
Invite Randi Stone and her 29 expert educators into your classroom and find a virtual teachers′ lounge at your fingertips!
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About the Author
About the Contributors
1. The Buck Reward System – Maria I. Davis, Ohio
2. Managing With Silence and More – Carolyn M. Daniels, Connecticut
3. Beginning the Journey With the Challenging Students – Patricia F. Clark, New York
4. Using a Student Information Notebook – Betsy Ann Wandishin, Maine
5. Organizing Homework Collection – Betsy Ann Wandishin, Maine
6. The Harmonious Classroom – Sharon Andrews, South Dakota
7. Using Newsletters to Communicate With Families – Deborah Gordon, Arizona
8. Building a Community of Learners – Zoma A. Barrett, Indiana
9. Corresponding With Parents – Mary Eby, Iowa
10. Classroom Posters: ‘Welcome to My Ball Park’ and ‘The Scoring Guide to Whining’ – Cliff B. Barrineau, South Carolina
11. Classroom Management and Finding Success in Your AP Spanish Program – Jesus ‘Jesse’ Bernal, Kansas
12. One Teacher′s Journey to the Classroom of the Future – Carrie Jane Carpenter, Oregon
13. Learning Through Love – Randy Heite, Illinois
14. Rules! Rules! Rules! – Chris Laster, Georgia
15. Making Connections: Effective Telephone Communications – John P. Pieper, Wisconsin
16. Relationships and Classroom Management – John Mc Cleary, Colorado
17. Turning Your Classroom Into a Purposeful Roller-Coaster Ride! – Dano Beal, Washington
18. Classroom Discipline – Keith Ballard, California
19. Acquiring and Utilizing Technology Devices in the Elementary Classroom – Teresa Morton Owens, Alabama
20. Round-Robin Learning Groups: A Classroom Management Alternative – Gail Mc Googan, Florida
21. Computer Lab Policies and Procedures – Cynthia R. Murray, Louisiana
22. Overinvolved Parents – Pauline H. Jacroux, Hawaii
23. Grantwriting Tips to Accommodate Learners′ Needs
24. A Shared Responsibility – Eric Stemle, Wyoming
25. My Weekly Newsletter – Veronique Paquette, Washington
26. Success Is Just a Click Away! – Beverly R. Plein, New Jersey
27. Ideas to Help Students Thrive in a Stimulating and Successful Learning Environment – Pam Roller, Indiana
28. Strategies Over the Years – Joyce Dunn, Pennsylvania
29. A Community of Learners – Cathy Lutz, Madison, Mississippi
Tentang Penulis
Randi Stone is the author of nine Corwin Press books: Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Writing: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, and Best Practices for Teaching Science: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do. She is a graduate of Clark University, Boston University, and Salem State College. She completed her doctorate in education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.