Penulis: Rattan Lal

Yazidhi Bamutaze, Ph D is working as Associate Professor and currently the Head, Department of Geography, Geo-Informatics and Climatic Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University. He holds a Ph D in Geography from Makerere University, an MSc. In Geo-Information Science and Earth observation from ITC, Netherlands and a Bachelors degree in Geography from Makerere University. He has over 21 years of proven professional experience, leadership, and training grounded largely in Africa but also with collaborations in Europe, North America and Asia. His line of research expertise primarily lie in Geomorphology, land degradadtion, Natural Hazards, Disaster Risk Management coupling applications of Geographic Information Science and Remote sensing. He has co-authored over 40 scientific publications and co-edited a series of books. He has contributed towards the development of active-learning pedagogy, training programs at Makerere University and other universities in Africa, and mentoring of the next generation of scientists. He has chaired a range of international scientific meetings and cuurently serves on the executive of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE), International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission on African Studies, International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE-Africa). As a major dissertation adviser to graduate students, he has successfully directed 20 students, 5 at Ph D level. Many of his former students have attained responsible positions in academic, industrial, and government. He has also served on over 10 Ph.D and 30 Masters Committees. Bal Ram Singh, Ph D is a professor emeritus at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.  He earned his Ph.D. degree from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, India. His program focuses on bioavailability and mobility of heavy metals in the soil and plant system, fertility management and agricultural sustainability^ 200 scientists from 31 countries participated. He has supervised 76 graduate students and 16 visiting fellows/scientists from 20 countries and published 430 articles, of which 240 in peer-reviewed journals and books.   Prof.  Singh is a fellow of ASA (2004) and SSSA (2005) and recipient of International Award in Soil Science (SSSA) in 2011.  He is currently Chair of Division 3 of the International Union of Soil Science, President of the Norwegian Society of Soil Science and member of the Geomedicine committee –Food, Environment and Health of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Samuel Kyamanya: He obtained his Ph.D in Agricultural Entomology from Makerere University under the African Regional Post graduate Programme in Insect Science at the ICIPE in Nairobi Kenya, and a BSc in Agriculture from Makerere University. He has  over 30 years teaching and research expertise in Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management. He was, Principal ofthe College of Agricultural and Environmental Science; Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, and Head of Crop Science Department at Makerere University.  He was Deputy Vice Chancellor at Kyambogo University, and a Scientist at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Nairobi Kenya. He was Chairman of the Agricultural Chemicals Technical Committee of the Uganda Agricultural Chemicals Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF).  He was member of the Advisory Board of Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihood- Iowa State University. He has served as (i) Council member of African Rural University, and (ii) Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Uganda National Coffee Resources Research Institute. Prof. Kyamanywa has been Principal Investigator for 18 research projects, including eight regional projects.  He has supervised 66 MSc and 10 Ph D students. He has over 73 publications in International Journals, 68 papers in conference proceedings, three chapters in 3 textbooks, and one handbook. Rattan Lal, Ph.D., is a Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science and Director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, The Ohio State University, and an Adjunct Professor of University of Iceland. He received B.S. from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana; M.S. from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Ph.D. from the Ohio State University. He served as Sr. Research Fellow with the University of Sydney, Australia (1968-69), Soil Physicist at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria (1970-87), and Professor of Soil Science at OSU (1987-to date). He has authored/co-authored 919 refereed journal articles and 535 book chapters, has written 22 and edited/co-edited 70 books. He is included in the Thomson Reuters list of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds (2014, 2015), and among the most cited scientists (2014 to 2018). He received the Honoris Causa degree from six universities in Europe, USA and Asia, Medal of Honor from UIMP, Santerdor, Spain (2018), the Distinguished Service Medal of IUSS (2018), and is fellow of the five professional societies. Dr. Lal mentored 111 graduate students and 174 visiting scholars from around the world. He was President of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (1987-1990), International Soil and Tillage Research Organization (1988-1991), Soil Science Society of America (2006-2008) and is the current President of the International Union of Soil Sciences (2017-2018).He is laureate of the GCHERA World Agriculture Prize-2018 and Glinka Soil Prize-2018. Gorettie Nsubuga Nabanoga, Ph D is an Associate Professor at Makerere University.  She attained her Ph.D. degree in Social Sciences from Wageningen University of Agriculture, The Netherlands. She Holds a Masters in Natural Resources Management from Agricultural University of Norway and a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Makerere University.  She is currentlythe Deputy Principal of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Makerere University. Her teaching and research focuses on gender and natural resources management with emphasis on gendered rights to land and natural resources. She has vast experience in participatory approaches to community development and local livelihoods improvement; indigenous knowledge and traditional resources management practices. She is a gender specialist and has conducted research mainly in Socio-economic and institutional changes in communities close to Natural Forests; Institutional capacity building for sustainable natural resource use and management for local livelihoods with special interest in engendering the processes. She is also a collaborator in several research projects as the gender focal person and leads the engendering of teaching, research and outreach activities. She has facilitated/spearheaded the mainstreaming and streamlining of gender in several graduate training and research programmes, which are highly diverse in terms of the participants, facilitators and environment. She cordinated an international capacity building progrogram in which over 200 Masters stundents from 20 countries were trained.  She has supervised over 70 students and published over 40 articles, of which 25 are in peer-reviewed journals. Assoc. Prof.  Nabanoga is a member of the UFA (1994) and a fellow of the SCB (2006) and UNAS (2017).

83 Ebooks oleh Rattan Lal

Humberto Blanco-Canqui & Rattan Lal: Principles of Soil Conservation and Management
“Principles of Soil Management and Conservation” comprehensively reviews the state-of-knowledge on soil erosion and management. It discusses in detail soil conservation topics in relation to soil pro …
Yazidhi Bamutaze & Samuel Kyamanywa: Agriculture and Ecosystem Resilience in Sub Saharan Africa
This volume discusses emerging contexts of agricultural and ecosystem resilience in Sub Saharan Africa, as well as contemporary technological advances that have influenced African livelihoods. In six …
Rattan Lal & Rosa Francaviglia: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 29
This book addresses the threats that hamper the achievement of sustainable soil management: soil erosion by water and wind, soil organic carbon loss, nutrient imbalance, salinization, contamination, …
Rattan Lal & Bal Ram Singh: Sustainable Intensification to Advance Food Security and Enhance Climate Resilience in Africa
This 32-chapter volume represents the core of several oral and poster presentations made at the conference. In addition to Introduction and Conclusion sections, the book is thematically divided into …
Rattan Lal & David Kraybill: Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture
This 35-chapter book is based on several oral and poster presentations including both invited and contributory chapters. The book is thematically based on four pillars of sustainability, with focus o …
David A. N. Ussiri & Rattan Lal: Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
This book provides an understanding of the role of human activities in accelerating change in global carbon cycling summarizes current knowledge of the contemporary carbon budget. Starting from the g …
Klaus Lorenz & Rattan Lal: Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Ecosystems
A comprehensive book on basic processes of soil C dynamics and the underlying factors and causes which determine the technical and economic potential of soil C sequestration. The book provides inform …
Veerasamy Sejian & S.M.K. Naqvi: Environmental Stress and Amelioration in Livestock Production
Given the importance of livestock to the global economy, there is a substantial need for world-class reference material on the sustainable management of livestock in diverse eco-regions. With uncerta …
Klaus Lorenz & Rattan Lal: Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems
Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems is a comprehensive book describing the basic processes of carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems, their contribution to carbon sequestration and implications f …
Rattan Lal & Mannava VK Sivakumar: Climate Change and Food Security in South Asia
This book addresses an important topic of food security in South Asia with specific reference to climate change. Of the 1 billion food insecure people in the world, more than 30% are in South Asia. T …
Rattan Lal & Bruce Augustin: Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems
Urbanization drastically alters the ecosystems structure and functions, disrupts cycling of C and other elements along with water. It alters the energy balance and influences climate at local, region …
Rattan Lal & Klaus Lorenz: Recarbonization of the Biosphere
Human activities are significantly modifying the natural global carbon (C) cycles, and concomitantly influence climate, ecosystems, and state and function of the Earth system. Ever increasing amounts …
David Ussiri & Rattan Lal: Soil Emission of Nitrous Oxide and its Mitigation
Nitrous oxide gas is a long-lived relatively active greenhouse gas (GHG) with an atmospheric lifetime of approximately 120 years, and heat trapping effects about 310 times more powerful than carbon d …
Rattan Lal & Klaus Lorenz: Ecosystem Services and Carbon Sequestration in the Biosphere
Ecological functions and human wellbeing depend on ecosystem services. Among the ecosystem services are provisional (food, feed, fuel, fiber), regulating (carbon sequestration, waste recycling, water …
Mannava V.K. Sivakumar & Rattan Lal: Climate Change and Food Security in West Asia and North Africa
The countries of West Asia and North Africa (WANA) have long had the challenge of providing sustainable livelihoods for their populations in the fragile ecosystems of semi-arid and arid areas. Climat …
Veerasamy Sejian & Raghavendra Bhatta: Sheep Production Adapting to Climate Change
This book presents a compilation of the latest findings from reputed researchers around the globe, covering in detail climate change and its effects on sheep production. In the current global climate …
Ram Swaroop Meena & Anup Das: Legumes for Soil Health and Sustainable Management
Sustainable management of soils is an important global issue of the 21st century. Feeding roughly 8 billion people with an environmentally sustainable production system is a major challenge, esp …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B. A. (West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA) Stewart: Soil and Climate
Climate is a soil-forming factor and soil can mitigate climate change through a reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases and sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Thus, there is a growing interest …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B. A. (West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA) Stewart: Soil and Climate
Climate is a soil-forming factor and soil can mitigate climate change through a reduction in the emissions of greenhouse gases and sequestration of atmospheric CO2. Thus, there is a growing interest …
Richard Birdsey & Linda S. Heath: The Potential of U.S. Forest Soils to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect
Much attention has been given to above ground biomass and its potential as a carbon sink, but in a mature forest ecosystem 40 to 60 percent of the stored carbon is below ground. As increasing numbers …
Paul Doraiswamy & D.O. Hansen: Climate Change and Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Central Asia
This book brings together current knowledge of terrestrial C sequestration in Central Asia. The themes treated include: biophysical environments, water resources, sustainable agriculture, soil degrad …
Paul Doraiswamy & D.O. Hansen: Climate Change and Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration in Central Asia
This book brings together current knowledge of terrestrial C sequestration in Central Asia. The themes treated include: biophysical environments, water resources, sustainable agriculture, soil degrad …
Bernard (IRD, Montepellier, France) Barthes & Christian (IRD – Laboratoire MOST, Montpellier, France) Feller: Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentol …
Bernard (IRD, Montepellier, France) Barthes & Christian (IRD – Laboratoire MOST, Montpellier, France) Feller: Soil Erosion and Carbon Dynamics
The most complete, nonpartisan source of information on this hot agronomic topic available today, this book brings together a diverse group of papers and data to resolve the debate between sedimentol …
Thomas Iivari & John M. Kimble: Soil Degradation in the United States
Soil Degradation in the United States: Extent, Severity, and Trends examines the magnitude and severity of soil degradation by different processes in the U.S., including water erosion, wind erosion, …
Peter R. Hobbs & Rattan Lal: Sustainable Agriculture and the International Rice-Wheat System
Addressing a topic of major importance to the maintenance of world food supplies, this reference identifies knowledge gaps, defines priorities, and formulates recommendations for the improvement of t …
Peter R. Hobbs & Rattan Lal: Sustainable Agriculture and the International Rice-Wheat System
Addressing a topic of major importance to the maintenance of world food supplies, this reference identifies knowledge gaps, defines priorities, and formulates recommendations for the improvement of t …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Phosphorus
Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient, but global population growth has dramatically reduced the availability of phosphorus fertilizer resources. Despite this scarcity, there remain numerous prob …
Ronald F. Follett & John M. Kimble: Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle
World soils contain about 1500 gigatons of organic carbon. This large carbon reserve can increase atmospheric concentrations of CO2 by soil misuse or mismanagement, or it can reverse the ‘greenhouse’ …
Ronald F. Follett & John M. Kimble: Soil Processes and the Carbon Cycle
World soils contain about 1500 gigatons of organic carbon. This large carbon reserve can increase atmospheric concentrations of CO2 by soil misuse or mismanagement, or it can reverse the ‘greenhouse’ …
Rattan Lal & B. A. Stewart: Soil Degradation and Restoration in Africa
Soil degradation is a widespread problem in Africa resulting in decreased agricultural productivity while demand for food continues to increase. Degradation is caused by accelerated erosion, acidific …
Rattan Lal & B. A. Stewart: Soil Degradation and Restoration in Africa
Soil degradation is a widespread problem in Africa resulting in decreased agricultural productivity while demand for food continues to increase. Degradation is caused by accelerated erosion, acidific …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B. A. (West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA) Stewart: Urban Soils
Globally, 30% of the world population lived in urban areas in 1950, 54% in 2016 and 66% projected by 2050. The most urbanized regions include North America, Latin America, and Europe. Urban encroachm …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Nitrogen Uses and Environmental Impacts
Nitrogen (N) is potentially one of the most complex elements on the Earth. It is necessary for all biological activity, but creates negative impacts on water and air quality. There is a balancing act …
David O. Hansen & Rattan Lal: Climate Change and Global Food Security
In order to feed their burgeoning populations, developing nations will need to double cereal production by the year 2050. This increase will have to come from existing land, as little potential exist …
David O. (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA) Hansen & Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal: Food Security and Environmental Quality in the Developing World
Can developing countries meet the food requirements of their growing populations without jeopardizing a natural resource base that is already under great stress? Can increases in food production achi …
Richard Birdsey & Linda S. Heath: The Potential of U.S. Forest Soils to Sequester Carbon and Mitigate the Greenhouse Effect
Much attention has been given to above ground biomass and its potential as a carbon sink, but in a mature forest ecosystem 40 to 60 percent of the stored carbon is below ground. As increasing numbers …
Ronald F. Follett & John M. Kimble: Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil
The potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change is one factor driving agricultural policy development of programs that might pay farmers for practices with a high potenti …
Michael J. Apps & Jagtar Bhatti: Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems
Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, Climate Change and Managed Ecosystems examines the effects of global climate change on intensively constructed or reconstructed ecosystems, …
Ronald F. Follett & John M. Kimble: Soil Carbon Management
Better Manage Soil C for Improved Soil Quality In the United States, soil has fueled the availability of abundant, safe food, thus underpinning economic growth and development. In the future we need …
Rattan Lal: Integrated Watershed Management in the Global Ecosystem
Focusing on the technical, social, and economic issues involved in watershed management, this interdisciplinary author team focuses on bettering land use practices and the condition of soil water res …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: World Soil Resources and Food Security
Soil-The Basis of All Terrestrial Life Ancient civilizations and cultures-Mayan, Aztec, Mesopotamian, Indus, and Yangtze-were built on good soils, surviving only as long as soils had the capacity to …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Water and Agronomic Productivity
Crop water use can be increased by management of surface runoff, groundwater, irrigation, and soil water. Technological innovations to enhance availability of water for agricultural crops depend on s …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Principles of Sustainable Soil Management in Agroecosystems
With the use of high-level soil management technology, Africa could feed several billion people, yet food production has generally stagnated since the 1960s. No matter how powerful the seed technolog …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Management of Smallholder Agriculture
Nearly two billion people depend on hundreds of millions of smallholder farmers for food security. Yet, these farmers’ lives also hang in the balance due to their extreme vulnerability to the risks o …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil-Specific Farming
Faced with challenges of resource scarcity and environmental degradation, it is important to adopt innovative farming systems that maximize resource efficiency while protecting the environment. Soil- …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Phosphorus
Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient, but global population growth has dramatically reduced the availability of phosphorus fertilizer resources. Despite this scarcity, there remain numerous prob …
Carlos Cerri & Rattan Lal: Carbon Sequestration in Soils of Latin America
Discover the latest available knowledge on ways to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere!The problem of quickly mounting CO2 emissions in the fast-developing Latin American region was addressed in a symposium …
Rattan (Ohio State University) Lal & B. A. (West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA) Stewart: Urban Soils
Globally, 30% of the world population lived in urban areas in 1950, 54% in 2016 and 66% projected by 2050. The most urbanized regions include North America, Latin America, and Europe. Urban encroachm …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Quality and Biofuel Production
From its humble beginning in the late 19th centurywhen Henry Ford”s first car was designed to run on ethanolbiofuel production has been on the rise with more than 26 billion liters produced in the U …
Rattan Lal: Management of Carbon Sequestration in Soil
This book addresses the importance of soil processes in the global carbon cycle.Agricultural activities considered responsible for an increase in CO2 levels in our atmosphere include: deforestation, …
Rattan Lal: Management of Carbon Sequestration in Soil
This book addresses the importance of soil processes in the global carbon cycle.Agricultural activities considered responsible for an increase in CO2 levels in our atmosphere include: deforestation, …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Food Security and Soil Quality
Just five years ago, it was generally believed that the number of food insecure people in the world was on continuous decline. Unfortunately, widespread soil degradation along with resistance to reco …
Amir Kassam: Advances in Conservation Agriculture Volume 2
  • Summarises current research on optimising CA system practices and their ecological, economic and social benefits.
  • Elaborates on how CA systems make efficient use of production inpu …
Bal Ram Singh & Andy Safalaoh: Climate Impacts on Agricultural and Natural Resource Sustainability in Africa
This book discusses knowledge-based sustainable agro-ecological and natural resource management systems and best practices for sustained agricultural productivity and ecosystem resilience for be …
Winfried E. H. Blum & Rattan Lal: Methods for Assessment of Soil Degradation
Soil degradation has serious global impacts on agronomic, economic, and sociopolitical conditions, however, statistics regarding the degree of these impacts has been largely unreliable. This book aim …
Rattan Lal: The Soil-Human Health-Nexus
The term ‘soil health’ refers to the functionality of a soil as a living ecosystem capable of sustaining plants, animals, and humans while also improving the environment. In addition to soil health, …
Rattan Lal: The Soil-Human Health-Nexus
The term ‘soil health’ refers to the functionality of a soil as a living ecosystem capable of sustaining plants, animals, and humans while also improving the environment. In addition to soil health, …
Rattan Lal: Soil and Fertilizers
Soil and Fertilizers: Managing the Environmental Footprint presents strategies to improve soil health by reducing the rate of fertilizer input while maintaining high agronomic yields. It is estimated …
Rattan Lal: Soil and Fertilizers
Soil and Fertilizers: Managing the Environmental Footprint presents strategies to improve soil health by reducing the rate of fertilizer input while maintaining high agronomic yields. It is estimated …
Rattan Lal: Encyclopedia of Soil Science
New and Improved Global Edition: Three-Volume Set A ready reference addressing a multitude of soil and soil management concerns, the highly anticipated and widely expanded third edition of Encycloped …
Rattan Lal: Soil Organic Matter and Feeding the Future
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the primary determinant of soil functionality. Soil organic carbon (SOC) accounts for 50% of the SOM content, accompanied by nitrogen, phosphorus, and a range of macro an …
Rattan Lal: Soil Organic Matter and Feeding the Future
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the primary determinant of soil functionality. Soil organic carbon (SOC) accounts for 50% of the SOM content, accompanied by nitrogen, phosphorus, and a range of macro an …
Rattan Lal: Soil Organic Carbon and Feeding the Future
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a highly reactive constituent of the soil matrix because of its large surface area, high ion exchange capacity, enormous affinity for water due to hygroscopicity, and cap …
Rattan Lal: Soil Organic Carbon and Feeding the Future
Soil organic matter (SOM) is a highly reactive constituent of the soil matrix because of its large surface area, high ion exchange capacity, enormous affinity for water due to hygroscopicity, and cap …
Klaus Lorenz & Rattan Lal: Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Biomes of the United States
This book collates, reviews and synthesizes information on how soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks differ among major terrestrial biomes of the U.S.A. Information on soil inorganic carbon (SIC) stocks f …
Winfried E. H. Blum & Rattan Lal: Methods for Assessment of Soil Degradation
Soil degradation has serious global impacts on agronomic, economic, and sociopolitical conditions, however, statistics regarding the degree of these impacts has been largely unreliable. This book aim …
Klaus Lorenz & Rattan Lal: Organic Agriculture and Climate Change
This book will collate, review and synthesize information on how Organic Agriculture (OA) practices affect and are affected by climate change, in comparison to the more widely used conventional agric …
C. Rumpel: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration
  • Highlights the increasing role of soils as an important and dynamic part of the global carbon cycle and their potential role in counteracting increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations
  • < …
Humberto Blanco & Rattan Lal: Soil Conservation and Management
This updated and expanded second edition textbook, describes all main aspects of soil management, to address the serious problems of soil erosion and the attendant environmental pollution. The global …
Gerry Stahl: Computer Support for Collaborative Learning
Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a field of study centrally concerned with meaning and the practices of meaning-making in the context of joint activity, and the ways in which the …
Rattan Lal: Soil and Drought
Drought, a serious global issue, is being aggravated by climate change. Both pedological and agronomic droughts are major risk factors with adverse effects on agronomic productivity, food and nutriti …
Rattan Lal: Soil and Drought
Drought, a serious global issue, is being aggravated by climate change. Both pedological and agronomic droughts are major risk factors with adverse effects on agronomic productivity, food and nutriti …
Ram C Dalal & Somasundaram Jayaraman: Sustainable Soil Management
This book covers soil health/management but also addresses issues such as reverting land degradation, improving soil carbon and biodiversity, mitigating climate change and enhancing ecosystem service …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Soil Nitrogen Uses and Environmental Impacts
Nitrogen (N) is potentially one of the most complex elements on the Earth. It is necessary for all biological activity, but creates negative impacts on water and air quality. There is a balancing act …
Teja Arboleda & Christine Clark: Teacher’s Guide for in the Shadow of Race: Growing Up As a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and Multiracial American
This Teacher’s Guide accompanies In the Shadow of Race: Growing Up as a Multiethnic, Multicultural, and "Multiracial" American by Teja Arboleda. It has a twofold purpose. First, it facilita …
Rattan Lal: Encyclopedia of Soil Science
New and Improved Global Edition: Three-Volume Set A ready reference addressing a multitude of soil and soil management concerns, the highly anticipated and widely expanded third edition of Encycloped …
Rattan Lal: Managing Soil Drought
Global drylands, covering over 40% of Earth’s land surface, are important among worldwide ecoregions and support large human and livestock populations. However, these ecologically sensitive ecoregion …
Rattan Lal: Managing Soil Drought
Global drylands, covering over 40% of Earth’s land surface, are important among worldwide ecoregions and support large human and livestock populations. However, these ecologically sensitive ecoregion …
Rattan Lal & B.A. Stewart: Principles of Sustainable Soil Management in Agroecosystems
With the use of high-level soil management technology, Africa could feed several billion people, yet food production has generally stagnated since the 1960s. No matter how powerful the seed technolog …
Muhammad Adnan & Shah Fahad: Challenges and Solutions of Climate Impact on Agriculture
Challenges and Solutions of Climate Impact on Agriculture explores issues arising from the changing climate for agricultural plants, with a soil-focused approach. Addressing the impacts on a range of …
Adel El-Beltagy & Rattan Lal: Climate Change and Sustainable Agro-ecology in Global Drylands
Drylands, a home for nearly 2.5 billion people, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change, and dryland area may expand to 50% of the Earth’s surface by 2100. Climate change may aggravate …
Adel El-Beltagy & Rattan Lal: Climate Change and Sustainable Agro-ecology in Global Drylands
Drylands, a home for nearly 2.5 billion people, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic climate change, and dryland area may expand to 50% of the Earth’s surface by 2100. Climate change may aggravate …