This book explores how the technical upheavals of the 21st century have changed the structures and architecture of the creation, sharing and regulation of knowledge. From the new economic and technical models of production and dissemination of knowledge, the book deals with all new forms of valorisation. It also explains how the legislative deficit in the world and in Europe, around digital is being filled by new initiatives, such as the law for a Digital Republic, in France. It is therefore a book that provides a valuable follow-up to the book ‘The New Challenges of Knowledge’, of which it constitutes the continuation and operational deepening.
Daftar Isi
1. Continental geopolitics of sciences.
2. Explaining Patent Inflation in China.
3. The law of knowledge, a universal right.
4. New data difficult to adapt.
5. Legal Protection of Research Results.
6. Law of the Platforms, Law of the Communities of Sciences.
7. Economic Models of Sharing Knowledge.
8. From the Author to the Valuator.
9. Valorisation of knowledge and public policies.
10. Scientific publishing: a monograph on a changing sector.
11. International Scientific Publishing: High Value Added Services and Community of Researchers.
12. Technology Models of Knowledge Sharing.
13. Policy for the Construction of Artificial Intelligence.
14. Policy to Secure Artificial Intelligence.
15. New formulations of results and new markets.
Tentang Penulis
Alain Bensoussan, Consultant.
Marie Blanquart, Sciences Po Paris, France.
Lucille Colin, Sciences Po Paris, France.
Renaud Fabre, CNRS, France.