Mary Wehr is a USA Today Best Selling Author. Her favorite romance stories always feature a sexy alpha male and a hot tempered lady who”s a bit rebellious in nature and requires a firm hand.
Old Western movies with John Wayne and Maureen O”Hara are just some of her favorites. Television shows like “Gunsmoke” and “Cheyenne” are also a part of her DVD collection.
Now she pens the very same kind of books she loves to read so much.
Mary also has a soft heart when it comes to animals. Her yard is full of squirrels, chipmunks and birds and even a groundhog that”s always looking for a handout. Deer come through the yard at least several times a day and bring along the new fawns.
It”s always exciting to see the new babies with their white spots and big ears.
272 Ebooks oleh Renee Rose
Renee Rose: King of Diamonds: A Dark Mafia Romance
I WARNED YOU. I told you not to set foot in my casino again. I told you to stay away. Because if I see those hips swinging around my suite, I’ll pin you against the wall and take you hard. And once I …
Renee Rose: The Director
NO ONE TAKES WHAT’S MINE. The lovely attorney kept a secret from me. A baby she’s been carrying since Valentine’s night. The night we were thrown together by the roulette wheel. She never contacted m …
Renee Rose: Prélude
Je suis au Black Light pour affaires, mais maintenant que je suis là, je sais exactement ce que je veux : la jolie blonde qui n’a rien à faire ici. Celle qui me demande d’&e …
Renee Rose: Le Directeur
PERSONNE NE PREND CE QUI M’APPARTIENT Cette jolie avocate m’a caché son secret. Un bébé qu’elle porte depuis le soir de la Saint-Valentin. Le soir où le sort a décidé de nous unir. Elle ne m’a jamais …
Renee Rose: The Fixer: A Dark Bratva Romance
OWNED BY THE MAN I BETRAYED Six years ago I uttered a lie that changed a man’s life. My father banished him from his bratva cell. From the country. Now he’s back to take my inheritance. My life. Not …
Renee Rose: The Enforcer
She’s my weakness, my obsession. And now my prisoner. I spent twelve long years in a Siberian prison. Since my release, nothing’s held my interest. Nothing except her. Week after week, I watch her ba …
Renee Rose: Gefährliches Vorspiel: Black Light Roulette
Bratwa-Geschäfte waren der Grund für meinen Besuch im Black Light, und jetzt, wo ich hier bin, weiß ich ganz genau, wen ich will: die reizende Blondine, die hier völlig fehl am P …
Renee Rose: Der Direktor
NIEMAND NIMMT SICH, WAS MIR GEHÖRT. Die hübsche Anwältin hat mir etwas verschwiegen. Ein Baby, das sie seit dem Valentinstag in sich trägt. Seit der Nacht, als wir von einem Roulette-Rad zufällig zus …
Renee Rose: Der Mittelsmann
BESESSEN VON DEM MANN, DEN ICH VERRATEN HABE. Vor acht Jahren habe ich eine Lüge ausgesprochen, die das Leben eines Mannes verändert hat. Mein Vater hat ihn aus seiner Bratwa-Zelle verbannt. Aus unse …
Renee Rose: Besessen
„Du brichst sie, du besitzt sie.“ Ich wollte nicht mit ihr gepaart werden. Der perfekten, zerbrechbaren Blume, die aussieht, als ob sie schon nach einem Hieb meines Rohrstocks ihr Safeword ausspucken …
Renee Rose: Der Vollstrecker
Sie ist meine Schwäche, meine Obsession. Und jetzt meine Gefangene. Ich habe zwölf lange Jahre in einem sibirischen Gefängnis gesessen. Seit meiner Entlassung hat nichts mehr mein Interesse geweckt. …
Renee Rose: Vegas Underground Collection: Books 5-8
Read the thrilling conclusion to the Vegas Underground Series. Four book set includes: JOKER’S WILD (book 5) He kidnapped me. Held me prisoner. His brother took a bullet and Junior chose …
Renee Rose: Vegas Underground Collection: Books 1-4
Read the first four books in the Vegas Underground Series. Set includes: KING OF DIAMONDS (Book 1) I WARNED HER. I told her not to set foot in my casino again. I told her to stay …
Renee Rose: Le Stratège
POSSÉDÉE PAR L’HOMME QUE J’AI TRAHI Il y a six ans, j’ai raconté un mensonge qui a changé la vie d’un homme. Mon père l’a banni de sa cellule de la bratva. Du pays. À présent, il est de retour pour s …
Renee Rose: Alpha Bully: An enemies-to-lovers romance
SHE RUINED EVERYTHING… I WILL MAKE HER PAY. Her mom robbed my dad of his job. Destroyed his life. Now I have to look at her every day. The girl next door. A human. A hot little nerd. She doesn’t be …
Renee Rose: Joker’s Wild: Vegas Underground, book 5
HE KIDNAPPED ME. HELD ME PRISONER. I knew Junior Tacone was dangerous. I worked for him once taking care of his mother. I thought when the job was over I’d be safe. Out of his awareness. Out of his r …
Renee Rose: Alpha Knight
SHE’S GETTING A FAKE BOYFRIEND–ME. WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT. The leggy car thief is trouble with a capital T. My brother went down because of her I need to find him before the cops do, which mean …
Renee Rose: Bullo Alfa
HA ROVINATO TUTTO… GLIELA FARÒ PAGARE. Sua madre ha derubato mio padre del lavoro. Gli ha distrutto la vita. Adesso devo vederla tutti i giorni. La ragazza della porta accanto. Un’umana. Una …
Renee Rose: Brute Alpha
ELLE A TOUT G CHÉ… ELLE VA ME LE PAYER. Sa mère a fait perdre son travail à mon père. Elle a détruit sa vie. Et maintenant, je suis obligé de la voir tous les jours. La voisine. Une humaine. Une pe …
Renee Rose: Chevalier Alpha
ELLE AURA UN FAUX PETIT AMI : MOI. QUE ÇA LUI PLAISE OU NON. Cette voleuse de voitures aux jambes interminables est synonyme d’emmerdes. Mon frère a plongé à cause d’elle. Il faut que je le trouve av …
Renee Rose: Alpha Bully: Die Streberin und der böse Wolf
SIE HAT ALLES RUINIERT… DAFÜR WERDE ICH SIE BEZAHLEN LASSEN. Ihre Mom hat meinem Dad den Job weggenommen. Sein Leben zerstört. Jetzt muss ich sie jeden Tag anschauen. Das Mädchen von nebenan. Ein Men …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Rough
USA Today Best Seller! Pack Rule #1: Never reveal to a human. I broke that rule the day I met the beautiful doctor. I might be a rodeo champ, but one look at her, and I lost my concentration. The bul …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Wild
Pack Rule #2: Always protect your mate I protected my country. Protected my platoon. Now all I wanted to protect was her. Too bad that wasn’t an option. I couldn’t fall for the beautiful slip of a fe …
Renee Rose: King of Diamonds: Was in Vegas passiert, bleibt in Vegas
ICH HABE SIE GEWARNT. Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass sie nie wieder in mein Casino kommen soll. Ich habe ihr gesagt, dass sie sich fernhalten soll. Wenn diese Hüften noch einmal durch meine Suite wackeln, …
Renee Rose: Mafia Daddy: Vom Silberlöffel zur Silberschnalle
Don G hat mir einen Auftrag gegeben – ich soll seine Tochter finden. Sie zur Vernunft bringen. Sie nach Hause holen. Die Mafiaprinzessin in meine Obhut zu nehmen, wird mir ein Vergnügen sein. Aber si …
Renee Rose: Jack of Spades: Gefangen in der Stadt der Sünden
„JETZT BIST DU MIR AUSGELIEFERT, AMORE.“ Tut mir leid, Bella. Du hast die Arschkarte gezogen. Als Zeugin eines Verbrechens bist du jetzt meine Gefangene. Ich wollte nicht, dass es so läuft. Aber dich …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Feral
Pack Rule #3: The alpha must mate. The stronger the alpha, the greater the danger. Moon madness could claim me any time now. I’ve looked all over the continent, gone to mating games, but I still have …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Savage
PACK RULE #4: GUARD YOUR PUPS WITH YOUR LIFE We hooked up one night at Cody’s Saloon. The beautiful nurse wanted a ride, and I’d given it to her. Made her scream and sent her home happy. She didn’t t …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Fierce
PACK RULE #5: HAPPY MATE, HAPPY FATE. Fate has it in for me. She’s sent a human vet to stay in the bunkhouse. With me. I might not have the wolf scent, but I have the hearing. I learn she’s a virgin. …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Ruthless
PACK RULE #6: KEEP HUMANS AWAY FROM PACK LAND. My alpha told me to get rid of her. Make nice and find out if she’ll sell her property. Keep her from bringing more humans close to our land. But before …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Wolf Ranch Boxed Set – Books 1 – 3
Books 1 – 3 of the thrilling Wolf Ranch series! Includes: Rough – Pack Rule #1: Never reveal to a human. Wild – Pack Rule #2: Always protect your mate. Feral – Pack Rule #3: The alpha must mate. The …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Wolf Ranch Boxed Set – Books 4 – 6
Books 4 – 6 of the thrilling Wolf Ranch series! Includes: Savage – Pack Rule #4: Guard your pups with your life. Fierce – Pack Rule #5: Happy mate, happy fate. Ruthless – Pack Rule # 6: Keep humans a …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Wolf Ranch Complete Boxed Set
The complete boxed set of the thrilling Wolf Ranch series! Includes: Rough – Pack Rule #1: Never reveal to a human. Wild – Pack Rule #2: Always protect your mate Feral – Pack Rule #3: The alpha must …
Renee Rose: La sua Proprietà Umana
LUI NON VUOLE CHE IO MI OFFRA. PREFERISCE PRENDERMI. PRETENDERE. CONQUISTARE. Volevo solo sedurre il guerriero alieno. Perché la posta in gioco era sopravvivere. Ingraziarmi al nuovo padrone. Non avr …
Renee Rose: La loro compagna zandiana
Tre guerrieri zandiani. Una donna assegnata per il ricondizionamento. La puniranno. Pretenderanno. La rivendicheranno. La addestreranno. …
Renee Rose: Cavaliere Alfa
STA PER AVERE UN FIDANZATO FINTO – ME. CHE LE PIACCIA O NO. La ladra di auto dalle gambe lunghe è finita in guai con la G maiuscola. Mio fratello si è rovinato a causa sua. Ho bisogno di trovarl …
Renee Rose: Rey de diamantes
TE LO ADVERTÍ. Te dije que no pisaras el casino otra vez. Te dije que te alejaras. Porque si veo esas caderas moverse por mi suite, te pondré contra la pared y te lo haré fuerte. Y una vez que te hag …
Renee Rose: Padre de la mafia
SIEMPRE HA SIDO MIA Don G me dio una orden: encontrar a su hija. Hacerla entrar en razón. Traerla a casa. Por supuesto, tomar a la princesa de la mafia de la mano será mi placer. Pero no volverá a ca …
Renee Rose: Sota de picas
«AHORA ESTÁS A MI MERCED, AMORE» Perdón, bella. Te tocó una mala mano. Testigo de un delito, ahora eres mi prisionera. No quise que esto sucediera así, pero atarte a mi cama y hacerte gritar es un pl …
renee rose: La sua Prigioniera Umana
HA RUBATO LA MIA NAVE. DOVRÀ PAGARE. La schiava umana fuggitiva ha rubato la mia nave e mi ha lasciato bloccato su un pianeta abbandonato. Ma sua sorella è la compagna del principe della mia specie, …
Renee Rose: L’addestramento della sua umana
«IL TUO ADDESTRAMENTO DI OBBEDIENZA INIZIA OGGI.» Non ho alcun interesse a possedere o addestrare una schiava. Nemmeno Leora, la bellissima umana che ha rapito i miei pensieri e le mie fantasie sin d …
Renee Rose: La sua Ribelle Umana
IL GUERRIERO ALIENO PENSA CHE IO GLI APPARTENGA… Non ho creduto alla propaganda degli alieni neanche per un minuto. Gli Zandiani possono avermi salvato da una morte, ma hanno intenzione di mandarmi d …
Renee Rose: La sua Incubatrice Umana
MI VOGLIONO COME FATTRICE. Il mio destino è stato deciso dall’inizio. Nulla è cambiato quando il sexy dottore Zandiano mi ha acquistata dalla fattoria dei bambini e mi ha portata nel suo laboratorio …
Renee Rose: Il suo Compagno e Padrone
«SONO IL TUO PADRONE. QUANDO TI DO UN ORDINE, TU OBBEDISCI» Non sono sfuggita al mio padrone solo per essere incatenata di nuovo. Nemmeno da un maschio sexy fatto di muscoli solidi che fa cose cattiv …
Renee Rose: Cucciolo Zandiano
“IN GINOCCHIO, BESTIOLINA.” Sono sopravvissuta alla schiavitù, anche come animale domestico nell’Emporio Intergalattico di Prium. Ho sempre saputo che sarei scappata. Non sapevo che la fuga sarebbe a …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Desired
I crave her scent. I can’t stay away. Nothing can keep me from claiming the new waitress at the diner. Except for her other mate, the scent match I didn’t know existed. He’s a stranger to me and our …
Renee Rose: The Enforcer
She’s my weakness, my obsession. And now my prisoner. I spent twelve long years in a Siberian prison. Since my release, nothing’s held my interest. Nothing except her. Week after week, I watch her ba …
Renee Rose: The Soldier
I SHOULD GIVE HER UP — SET HER FREE. The Russian army made me a killer, but the brotherhood made me what I am. Ruthless. Deadly. Irredeemable. Which is why Kayla should stay away. The innocent young …
Renee Rose: The Hacker
SHE BETRAYED MY FAMILY–I WILL MAKE HER PAY. The sweet redhead in our building isn’t as innocent as we thought. She brought a Fed into our circle. Got my twin brother shot. Now she will pay. I’m putt …
Renee Rose: The Bookie
I BARGAINED WITH THE BRATVA– MY BROTHER’S LIFE FOR MY OWN. They offered me a deal: thirty nights for my brother’s life. Thirty nights…with him. Nikolai Novikov. The charming but dangerous lo …
Renee Rose: Preludio
LA FARÒ IMPLORARE. Sono venuto al Black Light per conto della bratva, ma ora che sono qui so esattamente chi voglio: la bella bionda che non appartiene a questo posto. Quella che richiede un tocco de …
Renee Rose: Il Direttore
NESSUNO PRENDE CIÒ CHE È MIO. L’adorabile avvocatessa mi ha nascosto qualcosa. Un bambino che porta in grembo dalla notte di San Valentino. La notte in cui siamo stati abbinati dalla ruota della roul …
Renee Rose: Il risolutore
POSSEDUTA DA UN UOMO CHE HO TRADITO Sei anni fa ho detto una bugia che ha cambiato la vita di un uomo. Mio padre l’ha bandito dal suo nucleo bratva. Dal Paese. Ora è tornato per prendere la mia eredi …
Renee Rose: Posseduta
“La distruggi, la possiedi” Non volevo essere accoppiato con lei. Il perfetto, delicato fiorellino con l’aria di una che avrebbe usato la parola di sicurezza al primo colpo della mia verga. L’ex coin …
Renee Rose: Il sicario
Lei è la mia debolezza, la mia ossessione. E adesso la mia prigioniera. Ho passato dodici lunghi anni in una prigione siberiana. Da quando sono stato rilasciato, nulla ha più catturato il mio interes …
Renee Rose: His Human Prisoner
He didn’t believe in destiny. Until he met her. When a beautiful human slave steals Rok’s ship and leaves him stranded on an abandoned planet, he’s furious. Discovering her sister is the mate to the …
Renee Rose: Mafia Daddy
SHE’S ALWAYS BEEN MINE Don G gave me an order–find his daughter. Straighten her out. Bring her home. Sure–taking the mafia princess in hand will be my pleasure. But she’s not going home–she’s stay …
Renee Rose: Jack of Spades
“YOU’RE AT MY MERCY NOW, AMORE.” Sorry, bella. You got dealt the losing hand. Witness to a crime, you’re my prisoner now. I didn’t mean for things to happen this way, But tying you …
Renee Rose: Ace of Hearts
THE SWEET LITTLE SONGBIRD’S IN MY CAGE NOW. She owes the Family money. Big money. And I’m the guy they sent to put the squeeze on her. So now she’s playing at my casino. Strutting around on my stage …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Danger
“YOU BROKE THE RULES, LITTLE HUMAN. I OWN YOU NOW.” I am an alpha wolf, one of the youngest in the States. I can pick any she-wolf in the pack for a mate. So why am I sniffing around the sexy human a …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Prize
MY CAPTIVE. MY MATE. MY PRIZE. I didn’t order the capture of the beautiful American she-wolf. I didn’t buy her from the traffickers. I didn’t even plan to claim her. But no male shifter could have wi …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Challenge
How to Date a Werewolf: #1 Never call him ‘Good Doggie.’ I’ve got a problem. A big, hairy problem. An enforcer from the Werewolves Motorcycle Club broke into my house. He thinks I know the Werewolves …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Obsession
A werewolf, an owl shifter, and a scientist walk into a bar… Sam I was born in a lab, fostered out to humans, then tortured in a cage. Fate allowed me to escape, and I know why. To balance the scales …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Desire
She’s the one girl this player can’t have. A human. I’m dying to claim the redhead who lights up the club every Saturday night. I want to pull her into the storeroom and make her scream, but it would …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s War
I MARKED YOU. YOU BELONG TO ME. Nash I’ve survived suicide missions in war zones. Shifter prison labs. The worst torture imaginable. Nothing knocked me off my feet… until the beautiful lioness they …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Bane
She ruined my life, got me thrown out of the pack. The only revenge I crave is her. Trey I never thought I’d have a girl like Sheridan. A pack princess—beautiful, smart, one of the elite. She pi …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Secret
SHE BELONGS TO MY ENEMY. I WON’T STOP UNTIL SHE’S MINE. Grizz: I’m the ultimate predator. I live by a code. Hunt or be hunted. Kill or be killed. Then I meet her. The second I catch her scent, I know …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Mission
THE MONSTER WANTS HER. HE WON’T BE DENIED. I’ve become a monster. I hear blood moving in people’s veins. Scent their emotions. I want to feed. To hunt. To mate… I’m no longer a human–my life is ov …
Renee Rose: Training His Human
Seke has no interest in owning or training a human. Not even Leora, the beautiful human who had captivated his thoughts and fantasies since her arrival on their pod. As the Zandian Master of Arms, he …
Renee Rose: His Human Rebel
THE ALIEN WARRIOR THINKS I BELONG TO HIM… I don’t believe the aliens’ propaganda for one minute. The Zandians may have saved me from one death, but they plan to send me to another. They’ve conscripte …
Renee Rose: Her Mate and Master
“I’m your master. When I give you an order, you obey.” Talia didn’t escape her alien masters only to be shackled again. Not even by a sexy male built of solid muscle who does wicked things with his f …
Renee Rose: Joker’s Wild
HE KIDNAPPED ME. HELD ME PRISONER. I knew Junior Tacone was dangerous. I worked for him once taking care of his mother. I thought when the job was over I’d be safe. Out of his awareness. Out of his r …
Renee Rose: Zandian Pet
“ON YOUR KNEES, PET.” Taramina could survive alien servitude, even as a pet in Prium’s Intergalactic Emporium. She always knew she’d escape. She just didn’t know escape would come in the form of a po …
Renee Rose: His Human Possession
He doesn’t want her to offer. He prefers to take. Demand. Conquer. Leti only intended to seduce the alien warrior. Because the game was to survive. Ingratiate herself to a new master. She never thoug …
Renee Rose: His Queen of Clubs
SORRY, PRINTSESSA, FREEDOM ISN’T IN THE CARDS FOR YOU. YOU’RE MINE NOW. I came for revenge. The Tacone Family wiped out the Chicago mafiya. My bratva. My family. So I captured their little sist …
Renee Rose: Dead Man’s Hand
“I OWN YOU NOW” She made a big mistake. You don’t blackmail a Tacone. Coming to me with a threat? Unacceptable. If she needs money, she’ll have to ask nicely. But once I give it to her, we both know …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Enticed
TWO MARKS PACK RULE: DON’T MIX WITH RANCHERS In Wyoming, we’re the law. We keep the pack’s secret—and our wolves—safe from our neighbors, the ranchers. Then we meet her. The one we’ve been waiting fo …
Renee Rose: Alpha’s Protection
His wolf wants to mark me. I can’t let it happen. On the run with my kids, the last thing I expect is to find my true mate. He’s magnificent–a shifter enforcer and a human lawman. A true protector. …
Renee Rose: Wild Card
“YOU’RE IN BIG TROUBLE, DOLL” The little hacker stole from the Family—hundred fifty grand. We Tacones don’t take kindly to thieves. Not even when they come in a package as cute as hers. Not even afte …
Renee Rose: Alpha Knight
SHE’S GETTING A FAKE BOYFRIEND–ME. WHETHER SHE LIKES IT OR NOT. The leggy car thief is trouble with a capital T. My brother went down because of her I need to find him before the cops do, which mean …
Renee Rose: Roi de carreau
Je l’avais prévenue. Je lui avais dit de ne plus remettre les pieds dans mon casino. Je lui avais dit de garder ses distances. Parce que si je la retrouve à proximité de ma suite, je la ferai mienne. …
Renee Rose: As de cœur
LE JOLI ROSSIGNOL EST DANS MA CAGE MAINTENANT. Elle détient l’argent de la Famille. Une vraie fortune. Et moi, je suis celui qu’on a envoyé pour faire pression sur elle. Alors, maintenant, elle joue …
Renee Rose: Joker mortel
Il m’a enlevée, m’a gardée prisonnière. Je savais que Junior Tacone était dangereux. J’ai travaillé pour lui, aux soins de sa mère. Je croyais être en sécurité une fois ce travail terminé. Une fois l …
Renee Rose: Dame de trèfle
Désolé, Printsessa, la liberté n’est pas au programme pour toi. Tu m’appartiens maintenant. Je suis venu pour me venger. La Famille Tacone a rayé de la carte la mafiya de Chicago. Ma bratva. Ma …
Renee Rose: Cartes sur table
« Tu m’appartiens, maintenant. » Elle a commis une grosse erreur. On ne fait pas de chantage à un Tacone. Venir me voir pour me menacer ? Inacceptable. Si elle a besoin d’argent, elle va devoir le de …
Renee Rose: Bonne pioche
« TU AS DE GROS PROBLÈMES, POUPÉE » La petite hackeuse a volé la Famille… Cent cinquante mille dollars. Chez les Tacone, nous n’apprécions pas les voleurs. Même pas quand ils se pointent avec un emba …
Renee Rose: Le Directeur
PERSONNE NE PREND CE QUI M’APPARTIENT Cette jolie avocate m’a caché son secret. Un bébé qu’elle porte depuis le soir de la Saint-Valentin. Le soir où le sort a décidé de nous unir. Elle ne m’a jamais …
Renee Rose: Le Stratège
POSSÉDÉE PAR L’HOMME QUE J’AI TRAHI Il y a six ans, j’ai raconté un mensonge qui a changé la vie d’un homme. Mon père l’a banni de sa cellule de la bratva. Du pays. À présent, il est de retour pour s …
Renee Rose: Il soldato
DOVREI RINUNCIARE A LEI, LASCIARLA LIBERA. L’esercito russo mi ha reso un assassino, ma la fratellanza mi ha reso quello che sono. Spietato. Mortale. Irredimibile. Ecco perché Kayla dovrebbe stare al …
Renee Rose: Possédée
« Tu l’as dressée, elle est à toi. » Je ne voulais pas qu’on me l’attribue. Cette jolie fleur délicate prononcera sans doute son mot de sécurité après un seul de mes coups de canne. C’est l’anc …
Renee Rose: L’Homme de Main
C’est ma faiblesse, mon obsession. Et désormais, ma prisonnière. J’ai passé douze longues années dans une prison sibérienne. Depuis que j’ai été relâché, plus rien ne m’intéresse. Sauf elle. Semaine …
Renee Rose: Le Soldat
JE DEVRAIS RENONCER À ELLE ; LA LIBÉRER L’armée russe a fait de moi un tueur, mais la bratva m’a rendu tel que je suis. Impitoyable. Létal. Irrécupérable. Et c’est pour cela que Kayla devrait garder …
Renee Rose: Le Hacker
ELLE A TRAHI MA FAMILLE ; ELLE VA ME LE PAYER Notre gentille voisine aux cheveux blond vénitien n’est pas aussi innocente que nous le croyions. Elle a ramené un flic en notre sein. Mon frère jumeau s …
Renee Rose: Le Bookmaker
J’AI FAIT UN PACTE AVEC LA BRATVA : LA VIE DE MON FRÈRE CONTRE LA MIENNE Ils m’ont proposé un marché : trente nuits contre la vie de mon frère. Trente nuits… avec lui. Nikolaï Novikov. L …
Renee Rose: Ace of Hearts
DAS VÖGELCHEN SITZT JETZT IN MEINEM KÄFIG. Sie schuldet uns Geld. Eine Menge Geld. Und ich bin der Typ, der es eintreiben soll. Also tritt sie jetzt in meinem Casino auf. Mit ihren knappen Shorts sto …
Renee Rose: Joker’s Wild
ER HAT MICH GEKIDNAPPT. ER HÄLT MICH GEFANGEN. Junior Tacone ist gefährlich, das wusste ich. Ich habe für ihn gearbeitet und mich um seine Mutter gekümmert. Nach dem Job dachte ich, ich wäre sicher. …
Renee Rose: His Queen of Clubs
Tut mir leid, Printsessa ~ deine Freiheit ist jetzt vorbei. Du gehörst jetzt mir. Du bist meine Rache. Die Tacone-Familie hat die Mafiya von Chicago ausgelöscht. Meine Bratva. Meine Familie. Also hab …
Renee Rose: Dead Man’s Hand
„DU GEHÖRST JETZT MIR“ Sie hat einen großen Fehler gemacht. Ein Tacone lässt sich nicht erpressen. Sie will mir drohen? Das geht gar nicht. Falls sie Geld braucht, soll sie mich brav darum bitten. Ab …
Renee Rose: Wild Card
„DU STECKST IN GEWALTIGEN SCHWIERIGKEITEN, PUPPE.“ Die kleine Haeckse hat meine Familie beklaut – es geht um hundertfünfzigtausend Dollar. Wir Tacones dulden keine Diebe. Auch keinen, der so süß dahe …
Renee Rose: Der Direktor
NIEMAND NIMMT SICH, WAS MIR GEHÖRT. Die hübsche Anwältin hat mir etwas verschwiegen. Ein Baby, das sie seit dem Valentinstag in sich trägt. Seit der Nacht, als wir von einem Roulette-Rad zufällig zus …
Renee Rose: Besessen
„Du brichst sie, du besitzt sie.“ Ich wollte nicht mit ihr gepaart werden. Der perfekten, zerbrechbaren Blume, die aussieht, als ob sie schon nach einem Hieb meines Rohrstocks ihr Safeword ausspucken …
Renee Rose: Der Vollstrecker
Sie ist meine Schwäche, meine Obsession. Und jetzt meine Gefangene. Ich habe zwölf lange Jahre in einem sibirischen Gefängnis gesessen. Seit meiner Entlassung hat nichts mehr mein Interesse geweckt. …
Renee Rose: Der Soldat
ICH HÄTTE SIE AUFGEBEN SOLLEN – SIE LOSLASSEN SOLLEN. Die russische Armee hat einen Killer aus mir gemacht, aber die Bruderschaft hat den Mann aus mir gemacht, der ich bin Skrupellos. Tödlich. Unverb …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Two Marks Complete Boxed Set: Books 1 – 4
Love shifter cowboys? Don’t miss the complete boxed set of the Two Marks series! Includes: Untamed Tempted Desired Enticed This contemporary compilation is filled with steamy cowboys, sexy shifters s …
Renee Rose: Der Hacker
SIE HAT MEINE FAMILIE VERRATEN – UND DAFÜR WERDE ICH SIE ZAHLEN LASSEN Die süße, erdbeerblonde Bewohnerin unseres Gebäudes ist nicht so unschuldig, wie wir gedacht hatten. Sie hat einen FBI-Agenten i …
Renee Rose: Der Buchmacher
ICH BIN EINEN HANDEL MIT DER BRATWA EINGEGANGEN – DAS LEBEN MEINES BRUDERS GEGEN MEIN EIGENES Sie haben mir einen Deal angeboten: Dreißig Nächte für das Leben meines Bruders. Dreißig Nächte…mit ihm. …
Renee Rose: Atout cœur
Jenna Pachino a toujours été à moi. Don G m’a donné un ordre… retrouver sa fille. La remettre dans le droit chemin. La ramener à la maison. Bien sûr, prendre en main la princesse de la mafia sera un …
Renee Rose: Valet de pique
« Tu es à ma merci maintenant, amore. » Désolée, bella. Mauvaise pioche. Témoin d’un crime, tu es ma prisonnière désormais. Je ne voulais pas que ça se passe comme ça, mais t’att …
Renee Rose: As de corazones
La dulce ave cantora ahora está en mi jaula. Le debe dinero a la Familia. Mucho dinero. Y yo soy el tipo al que envían para intimidarla. Así que ahora está tocando en mi casino. Se pasea por mi escen …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Temptation
MINE TO PROTECT. MINE TO PUNISH. MINE. I’m a lone wolf, and I like it that way. Banished from my birth pack after a bloodbath, I never wanted a mate. Then I meet Kylie. My temptation.  …
Renee Rose: L’Hacker
HA TRADITO LA MIA FAMIGLIA – GLIELA FARÒ PAGARE. La dolce rossa nel nostro palazzo non è così innocente come pensavamo. Ha portato un federale nel nostro giro. Ha fatto in modo che sparassero a mio f …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Prey
BENDING HER TO THE BEAR’S WILL The human thinks I’m stalking her. Maybe I am. But I’m not the only one. There’s something evil in these woods and it preys on single women. I’m not about to let the se …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Sun
HOW TO DATE A HUMAN: 1. Just say no. Sunny Hines is the most infuriating female I’ve ever met. Long hair, big sunny smile, cute little freckles, yoga-tight body. Delicious scent. 2. Resist the urge t …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Moon
My alpha ordered me to keep away from humans. My wolf is highly unstable. Nearly feral. I can’t be trusted around civilians. Certainly not with the lovely kindergarten teacher whose scent …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Vow
THE SWEET HUMAN IS PREGNANT WITH MY PUP. We had one night together, and then she ghosted. Apparently, I’m not part of her ‘life plan’. Whatever, angel. Plans change. She thinks I’m a pla …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Revenge
This is insane. This human—beautiful though she may be—can’t be my mate. I learned the hard way what it’s like to lose people you love. As an alpha, I vowed never to let that happen again. That means …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Fire
I’ve waited 1000 years for my mate. If she rejects me, I’ll burn down the world. She woke the dragon. Every maiden dreams of being rescued by a handsome prince from a deadly dragon. But I am the prin …
Renee Rose: The Cleaner
I’VE CAPTURED THE CRIME LORD’S DAUGHTER She will pay the price for her father’s sin. I’ll use my beautiful prisoner to get him. To make him suffer. Make him believe I’m hurting her the way he h …
renee rose & lee savino: Tentazione Alfa
MIA DA PROTEGGERE. MIA DA PUNIRE. MIA. Sono un lupo solitario, e mi va bene così. Bandito, dopo un bagno di sangue, dal branco in cui sono nato, non ho mai voluto una compagna. Poi incontro Kyl …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Pericolo Alfa
“HAI INFRANTO LE REGOLE, PICCOLA UMANA. ORA SEI MIA.” Sono un lupo alfa, uno dei più giovani negli Stati Uniti. Posso scegliere la lupa che voglio dal branco, come compagna. E allora perché me ne sto …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Un Premio Per L’alfa
LA MIA PRIGIONIERA. LA MIA COMPAGNA. IL MIO TROFEO. Non sono stato io a ordinare la cattura della bellissima lupa americana. Non l’ho comprata io dai trafficanti. Non ho neanche programmato di farla …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Una sfida per l’Alfa
Come gestire un appuntamento con un lupo mannaro: #1 Non chiamarlo mai Bravo cagnolino. Ho un problema. Un grosso problema peloso e… sensuale. Uno sgherro dei Motociclisti Mannari ha fatto irruzione …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Ossessione Alfa
Un lupo mannaro, un gufo mutante e una scienziata entrano in un bar… Sam Sono nato in un laboratorio, dato in affidamento a degli umani e poi torturato in una gabbia. Il destino mi ha permesso di sca …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Desiderio Alfa
È l’unica ragazza che questo giocatore non può avere. Un’umana. Sto morendo dalla voglia di fare mia questa rossa che ogni sabato sera illumina il locale. Voglio portarla in magazzino e farla urlare, …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Guerra Alfa
Ti ho marchiata. Mi appartieni. Nash Sono sopravvissuto a missioni suicide in zone di guerra. A laboratori-prigione per mutanti. Alle peggiori torture immaginabili. Ho accettato tutto. Niente mi ha m …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Missione Alfa
IL MOSTRO LA VUOLE. NON GLI SARÀ NEGATA. Sono diventato un mostro. Sento il sangue che scorre nelle vene della gente. Avverto l’odore delle loro emozioni. Voglio nutrirmi. Cacciare. Accoppiarmi… Non …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Tormento Alfa
Mi ha rovinato la vita: mi ha fatto cacciare dal branco. L’unica vendetta che bramo è lei. Trey Non avrei mai pensato di poter avere una ragazza come Sheridan. Una principessa in tutto e per tu …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Segreto Alfa
LEI APPARTIENE AL MIO NEMICO. NON MI FERMERÒ FINCHÉ NON SARÀ MIA. Sono il predatore estremo. Vivo secondo un codice. Cacciare o essere cacciati. Uccidere o essere uccisi. Poi incontro lei. Nell’istan …
Renee Rose: Koning van de diamanten
IK HEB HAAR GEWAARSCHUWD. Ik zei haar geen voet meer in mijn casino te zetten. Ik zei haar weg te blijven. Want als ik haar nog eens in de buurt van mijn suite zie, zal ik zal haar opeisen als de mij …
Renee Rose: Maffia Papa
ZE IS ALTIJD AL VAN MIJ GEWEEST. Don G gaf me een bevel– zijn dochter vinden. Breng haar weer op het rechte pad. Breng haar naar huis. Natuurlijk – de maffiaprinses onder handen nemen is mij een gen …
Renee Rose: Schoppenboer
‘JE BENT NU AAN MIJ OVERGELEVERD, AMORE.’ Sorry, bella. Je hebt aan het kortste eind getrokken. Als getuige van een misdaad, ben je nu mijn gevangene. Ik wilde niet dat het zo zou lopen, maar je vast …
Renee Rose: The Player
MY BRATVA BROTHER WILL KILL HIM IF HE TOUCHES ME. Flynn Taylor, rock ‘n roll heartthrob, plays fast and loose. He’s with different girls every night. Yes, girls plural. On the brink of becoming not j …
Renee Rose: Hartenaas
DE LIEVE KLEINE ZANGVOGEL ZIT NU IN MIJN KOOI. Ze is de familie geld schuldig. Veel geld. En ik ben de man die ze stuurden om haar af te persen. Dus nu speelt ze in mijn casino. Ze paradeert rond op …
Renee Rose: Joker
HIJ ONTVOERDE MIJ. HIELD ME GEVANGEN. Ik wist dat Junior Tacone gevaarlijk was. Ik heb ooit voor hem gewerkt om voor zijn moeder te zorgen. Ik dacht dat als het werk voorbij was ik veilig zou zijn. B …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: La preda dell’Alfa
PIEGARLA ALLA VOLONTÀ DELL’ORSO L’umana pensa che la stia perseguitando. Forse lo sto anche facendo. Ma non sono il solo. C’è qualcosa di malvagio in questi boschi, e dà la caccia alle donne sole. No …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Il sole dell’Alfa
COME FREQUENTARE UNA DONNA UMANA: 1. Basta dire di no. Sunny Hines è la donna più esasperante che abbia mai conosciuto. Capelli lunghi, sorriso radioso e solare, graziose lentiggini, corpo sodo e in …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Alpha Mountain: Hero
She’s my best friend’s sister. Off-limits. Before he died, I promised I’d never touch her. After years in the military, I’m back in Montana determined to clear his name. A mercenary set on revenge. N …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Sangue Alfa
L’HO COMPRATA. LA POSSIEDO. MA NON MI APPARTERRÀ MAI Un re dei vampiri… Nel momento in cui ha messo piede sul palco, ho deciso che avrei dovuto averla nel mio letto. La mia sottomessa, inginocchiata …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Versuchung
SIE GEHÖRT MIR. ICH WERDE SIE SCHÜTZEN. BESTRAFEN. MEIN. Ich bin ein einsamer Wolf, und das gefällt mir. Mein Geburtsrudel hat mich nach einem Blutbad verbannt und ich hatte nie das Bedürfnis nach ei …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alphas Gefahr
„Du hast die Regeln gebrochen, kleiner Mensch. Jetzt gehörst du mir.“ Ich bin ein Alpha-Wolf, einer der jüngsten in den Staaten. Ich kann jede Wölfin im Rudel als meine Gefährtin wählen. Warum schnüf …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alphas Preis
MEINE GEFANGENE. MEINE GEFÄHRTIN. MEIN PREIS. Ich habe die Gefangennahme der schönen amerikanischen Wölfin nicht befohlen. Ich habe sie nicht von den Händlern gekauft. Ich hatte nicht mal vor, sie zu …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Alpha Mountain: Warrior
Mistake #1: Sleeping with a friend Hooking up with Quincy was a no-brainer. The sexy hot-shot Navy pilot wasn’t on my SEAL team. I thought she’d be safe for a one-night stand. Mistake #2: Letting her …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Alpha Mountain Boxed Set: Books 1 – 3
Welcome to Alpha Mountain, where a band of ex-Navy SEALs turned mercenaries will move mountains to protect and claim their women. Enjoy all three books in one boxed set. Includes: HERO- She’s my best …
Renee Rose & Vanessa Vale: Mountain Men: Showdown in den Bergen Sammelband
Willkommen bei den Mountain Men, der mitreißenden neuen Serie der USA Today Bestseller-Autorinnen Vanessa Vale und Renee Rose, in der starke Alphamänner Berge versetzen, um ihre Frauen zu beschützen …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Le Sang de l’Alpha
JE L’AI ACHETÉE. ELLE M’APPARTIENT. MAIS ELLE NE SERA JAMAIS MIENNE… Un roi vampire… Dès qu’elle est montée sur scène, j’ai eu besoin de l’avoir dans mon lit. Ma soumise, à genoux et à mes pie …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Giuramento Alfa
La dolce umana è incinta del mio cucciolo. Abbiamo passato una notte insieme e poi è sparita. A quanto pare non faccio parte del suo ‘piano-vita’. Come ti pare, angelo. I programmi a volte cambiano. …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: La vendetta dell’Alfa
È follia. Questa umana – per quanto bella – non può farmi da compagna. Ho imparato con le cattive cosa significa perdere chi si ama. In quanto alfa, ho giurato di non permettere mai più che succeda. …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Fuoco Alfa
Aspetto la mia compagna da mille anni. Se mi rifiuterà, manderò in cenere il mondo. Ha risvegliato il drago. Il sogno di ogni ragazza nubile è quello di venire salvata da un drago letale per mano di …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Salvataggio Alfa
L’ umana tutta curve mi ha visto tramutarmi – adesso non può più andarsene. Ho preso come prigioniera l’adorabile femmina dalle trecce rosa shocking. Ha sconfinato nella montagna. Ha visto l’or …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Ordine Alfa
È proibita. Umana. Nonché la compagna di mio fratello, ormai deceduto. Ma la voglio lo stesso. Dieci anni fa morì mio fratello, lasciando una vedova umana con un bambino piccolo. Io rimas …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: A Very Merry Alpha Solstice
It’s December, and Declan, Parker and Laurie, a.k.a. The Shifter Stooges, aren’t feeling very festive. But when a call comes from Lucius the Vampire King, they are sent on a merry adventure. They mus …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Buon solstizio alfa
È dicembre, ma Declan, Parker e Laurie, ossia le Spalle mutanti, non si sentono tanto in vena di festeggiamenti. Quando però ricevono una telefonata da Lucius, il re dei vampiri, ecco cominciare una …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Midnight
RULE #1 OF WALL STREET: DON’T HUNT WHAT YOU CANNOT EAT. I’m the king of the business world. The Alpha of my pack. No one dares challenge me. Except my new assistant. She questions me to m …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Mezzanotte
REGOLA NUMERO 1 DI WALL STREET: MAI DARE LA CACCIA A CIÒ CHE NON SI MANGIA. Sono il re degli affari. L’alfa del branco. Nessuno osa sfidarmi. Tranne la mia nuova assistente. Mette in questione …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Moon Mad
Rule #2 of Wall Street: Never show weakness An alpha must protect his pack. Weakness isn’t an option. Neither is the beautiful human who turned my world upside down. But she is my obsession, I …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Il folle della luna
Regola numero 2 di Wall Street: Mai mostrare debolezza L’alfa deve proteggere il branco. La debolezza non è un’opzione percorribile. Né la bellissima donna che mi ha stravolto l’esistenza. Che però o …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: La marchiata
REGOLA NUMERO 3 DI WALL STREET: MAI ARRENDERSI Nessuno sa che ho preso l’umana come compagna. I nemici sono alle porte – un solo passo falso e perderò tutto. Lei non sarà mai al sicuro nel mio …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Bad Boy Alphas Starter Set: Shifter Romance Books 1-3
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Marked
RULE #3 OF WALL STREET: NEVER BACK DOWN No one can know I’ve claimed the human as my mate. The enemies are at the gates–one wrong move and I’ll lose it all. My world will never be safe for her. …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Mated
Rule #4 of Wall Street: Keep your enemies close The Vampire King wasn’t on the invite list for our engagement party, but that won’t stop him from demanding his due. He insists Madi and I make an appe …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Grande capo cattivo
Regola numero 4 di Wall Street: tieniti vicini i nemici Il re vampiro non è sulla lista degli invitati della festa di fidanzamento, ma la cosa non gli impedisce certo di pretendere ciò che gli è dovu …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Claim
My bear is wild. Totally uncivilized. Savage. I’m not the nice bear. That’s my twin, Teddy. I keep my bear caged. Until I meet Paloma and my bear goes wild. She’s beautiful an …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Alpha’s Command
She’s a human. Forbidden. My brother’s widow. But deep down, my wolf believes she’s mine. Before my brother died, he made me swear to stand by his human mate and their son. It’s been 10 y …
Renee Rose & Lee Savino: Il reclamo dell’alfa
L’orso è selvatico. Del tutto incivile. Pazzo. Non sono un orsacchiotto io. Quello è il mio gemello Teddy. Io tenevo l’animale in gabbia… …finché non ho conosciuto Paloma e non ha dato …