Richard M. Ankers nació en la zona rural de Yorkshire, Inglaterra. Tras obtener una Medalla de oro Authonomy, Richard comenzó a publicar los escritos que guardado con cello durante muchos años. Autor de la trilogía Los Eternos, una extravagancia de fantasía oscura, el trabajo de Richard ha sido publicado tanto en antologías como muchas revistas y sitios de reputación. No habrá suficientes horas en su vida para poner en papel todas las palabras que desea.
26 Ebooks oleh Richard M. Ankers
Richard M. Ankers: Nell”Eternità
La Regina Serena e i suoi alleati sono fuggiti dal massacro, portando via con loro la Principessa Linka. Per Jean, è uno strazio; per i suoi amici, molto peggio. Lasciandosi dietro il ghiaccio dell” …
Richard M. Ankers: A Caccia del Cacciatore
Un mondo fatto di oscurità circonda Jean e la Principessa Linka. La famiglia reale Nordica – Eterni albini che sembravano esistere solo nelle leggende – trasportano i loro ospiti nelle profondità del …
Richard M. Ankers: Gli Eterni
Gli Eterni, né umani né vampiri, sono gli ultimi abitanti di una Terra morente. Davanti ad un sole che sta morendo lentamente, alcuni hanno accettato il loro destino, mentre altri sono pronti a comba …
Richard M. Ankers: Into Eternity
Queen Serena and her allies have fled the massacre, taking Princess Linka with them. For Jean, it’s heartbreak; for his friends, far worse. Leaving the Arctic ice behind, Jean and the others must com …
Richard M. Ankers: The Eternals
Soon, the Earth will be no more. Jean is the last of the vampire lords. Born to immortality, his race now faces the waning sun. Some have accepted their fate, while others are ready to fight for thei …
Richard M. Ankers: Hunter Hunted
A world of darkness surrounds Jean and Princess Linka. The Nordic royalty – albino Eternals of myth – transport their guests deep beneath the Arctic ice, to the legendary city of Hvit. They are offer …
Richard M. Ankers: The Eternals
Soon, the Earth will be no more. Jean is the last of the vampire lords. Born to immortality, his race now faces the waning sun. Some have accepted their fate, while others are ready to fight for thei …
Richard M. Ankers: Hunter Hunted
A world of darkness surrounds Jean and Princess Linka. The Nordic royalty – albino Eternals of myth – transport their guests deep beneath the Arctic ice, to the legendary city of Hvit. They are offer …
Richard M. Ankers: Britannia Unleashed
Evil will come and champions will fall, but Britannia shall reign eternal. Every world has its heroes, and every hero has tales to tell. Britannia, Queen Victoria’s realm, is not the least of these, …
Richard M. Ankers: The Eternals Collection
All three books in ‘The Eternals’, a series of gothic fantasy novels by Richard M. Ankers, now in one volume! The Eternals : Born to immortality, Jean is the last Eternal lord and one of the last inh …
Richard M. Ankers: Into Eternity
Queen Serena and her allies have fled the massacre, taking Princess Linka with them. For Jean, it’s heartbreak; for his friends, far worse. Leaving the Arctic ice behind, Jean and the others must com …
Richard M. Ankers: Η Βρετάννια Απελευθερώθηκε
Το κακό θα έρθει και οι πρωταθλητές θα πέσουν, αλλά η Βρετανία θα βασιλεύει αιώνια. Κάθε κόσμος έχει τους ήρωές του, και κάθε ήρωας έχει ιστορίες να διηγηθεί. Η Μπριτάνια, το βασίλειο της βασίλισσας …
Richard M. Ankers: Britannia Unleashed
Evil will come and champions will fall, but Britannia shall reign eternal. Every world has its heroes, and every hero has tales to tell. Britannia, Queen Victoria’s realm, is not the least of these, …
Richard M. Ankers: Los Eternos
Los Eternos, ni humanos ni vampiros, son los últimos habitantes en una Tierra moribunda. Enfrentandose a un sol que agoniza lentamente, algunos han aceptado su destino mientras que otros están listos …
Richard M. Ankers: Η Βρετάννια Απελευθερώθηκε
Το κακό θα έρθει και οι πρωταθλητές θα πέσουν, αλλά η Βρετανία θα βασιλεύει αιώνια. Κάθε κόσμος έχει τους ήρωές του, και κάθε ήρωας έχει ιστορίες να διηγηθεί. Η Μπριτάνια, το βασίλειο της βασίλισσας …
Richard M. Ankers & R.A. Fisher: Gears of Destiny
A collection of three steampunk novels by Richard M. Ankers, R.A. Fisher & M.J. Sewall, now available in one volume! Britannia Unleashed : In a twisted version of Victorian Britain, where heroes abou …
Richard M. Ankers: The Eternals Collection
All three books in ‘The Eternals’, a series of gothic fantasy novels by Richard M. Ankers, now in one volume! The Eternals : Born to immortality, Jean is the last Eternal lord and one of the last inh …
R.A. Fisher & Richard M. Ankers: Gears of Destiny
A collection of three steampunk novels by Richard M. Ankers, R.A. Fisher & M.J. Sewall, now available in one volume! Britannia Unleashed : In a twisted version of Victorian Britain, where heroes abou …
Richard M. Ankers & Gina Maria Manchego: The Poetry of Pronouns
Two friends will become lovers. A relationship revealed in the words exchanged back and forth through a cellular, glass divide. In this digital age of courtship, their story grows from the giddy joy …
Richard M. Ankers: Britannia Déclenchée
Le mal viendra et les champions tomberont, mais Britannia régnera éternellement. Chaque monde a ses héros, et chaque héros a des histoires à raconter. Britannia, le royaume de la Reine Victoria, n’es …
Richard M. Ankers & Gina Maria Manchego: The Poetry of Pronouns, Too – Prose
She came from across the ocean to change his world. No longer a tale born from the realms of dreams and promises, they meet. Months of planning and a four-and-a-half thousand-mile flight brings the t …
Richard M. Ankers: Los Eternos
Los Eternos, ni humanos ni vampiros, son los últimos habitantes en una Tierra moribunda. Enfrentandose a un sol que agoniza lentamente, algunos han aceptado su destino mientras que otros están listos …