What is the nature of Hell? What role(s) may Hell play in religious, political, or ethical thought? Can Hell be justified? This edited volume addresses these questions and others; drawing philosophers from many approaches and traditions to analyze and examine Hell.
Daftar Isi
Benjamin W. Mc Craw and Robert Arp
1. Choosing Hell; Randall M. Jensen
2. Hell is Others and Paradise is Others: Hell in the Existential Paris of Sartre and Berdyaev; James M. Mc Lachlan
3. A New Defense of the Strong View of Hell; Andrew Rogers and Nathan Conroy
4. The Temporality of Damnation: Examining Linear and Non-Linear Responses to the Puzzle of Eternal Experience; Frank Scalambrino
5. Hell and Punishment: Pitfalls for the Pit; Galen A. Foresman
6. Leibniz’s Stoic and Spinozistic Justification for Eternal Damnation; Charles Joshua Horn
7. Morality and the Necessity of Hell; James Edwin Mahon
8. Hell is For Children? Or The Violence of Inculcating Hell; Jeffrey E. Stephenson and Jerry Piven
9. Damnation as Marginalization; Nicolas Michaud
10. Whom We Resist: Subjectivity and Resistance at the Infernal Periphery; Jonathon O’Donnell
11. Eternal Damnation as Exploitation’s Last Defense: Marx, Religion, and the Concept of Hell; Jeffrey Ewing
12. [All] Politics [are] From the Devil: Taking Agamben to Hell (and Back?); Kristof K. P. Vanhoutte
Tentang Penulis
Robert Arp, University of Missouri-Kansas City, US. Nathan Conroy, Texas Tech University, US. Jeffrey Ewing, University of Oregon, US. Galen Foresman, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, US. Charles Joshua Horn, University of Wisconsin, US. Randall M. Jensen, Northwestern College, US. James Edwin Mahon, Washington and Lee University, US. Benjamin W. Mc Craw, University of South Carolina, US. James M. Mc Lachlan, Western Carolina University, US. Nicolas Michaud, Florida State College, US. Jonathon O’Donnell, SOAS, University of London, UK. Jerry S. Piven, Independent Scholar Andrew Rogers, Texas Tech University, US. Frank Scalambrino, University of Dallas, US. Jeffrey E. Stephenson, Montana State University, US. Kristof K.P. Vanhoutte, Pontifical University Antonianum, Italy.