Included herein are 365 thoughts, inspirations, poems and essays. Feel free to
read them all at once, one each day or however the Spirit moves you. Perhaps
you will use them as seed thoughts in meditation, or as daily companions to
address the challenges of each new day. They are presented to be gifts to the
open hearts led to these pages. They are reflections from the Silence. Their
beauty lies deep within. Think about them. Contemplate their meaning. These
ideas and mini-revelations have guided the author for decades. Yet, I have barely
uncovered their secrets. I invite you to go deep inside and discover their full
beauty; discover the majesty of the Silence. Here you might discover more than
ideas and concepts; here you just might discover yourself.
Reflections from the Silence is comprised of inspirations and ideas which occurred
to the author over 40 years of meditation, contemplation, and journaling. These
ideas are universal in nature. They belong to each of us and are accessible to all.
We have only to quiet our minds, of the noise and confusion we know as daily
life. This can be done through consistent meditation and ultimately
contemplation. Use these writings along with your own inspirations, to find the
place of peace within, so that each day can be a reminder of your intimate and
critical place within God’s infinite cosmos. I invite you to travel with me through
these pages and in so doing discover your own, ‘Reflections from the Silence’.
Tentang Penulis
Robert H Wellington has spent many years pursuing Spirit, searching for its secrets and findingthem in many unexpected places. In fact, they are in all things, created and unseen, manifestand unmanifest. This is a quest that we all are on to one degree or another. This is the song oflife which calls to us all, reassuring us of God’s presence and inseparable connectedness.The author loves to escape in nature. As he puts it, ‘Here one can most easily interact with andtouch the threads of reality. Here we can see God’s loom, endlessly weaving together thedynamics of creation with the peace of infinite potential.’Robert H Wellington is a father, grandfather, husband of almost five decades, brother, and friend. Hesees his writings as a journey and hopes they might resonate with those led to them. He invites you tojoin him on his journey but also asks that you allow him to walk ways with you, to share a brieffellowship. Soon a new adventure will present itself, a separate yet related path, ultimately joining allthe infinite paths to the Creator. Like the ‘Prodigal Son, ‘ we are all on the journey home.