Penulis: Ruth Shilling

For more than 30 years, Ruth Shilling, M.M. (Viola Performance), taught violin, viola, String Methods, and chamber music at the University of Connecticut and the UConn CSA. Now retired, she offers online “Fix-that-Spot” lessons for violinists and violists. See more at Ruth spent five years in Germany during which time she played with the RIAS Orchester, The Berliner Bach Gesellschaft, and the Berliner Barock Orchester; and made recordings with both RIAS and the Winsbacher Knabenchor. In the USA Ruth was the principal violist of Connecticut”s ECSO, performing and recording with them for 17 years. She was also a member of the Hop River Chamber Players, the Trillium Trio, and the Minoan Quartet. Ruth resigned from the ECSO after creating the All One World Egypt Tours business which has now taken her to Egypt more than 50 times. See all Ruth”s activities at

2 Ebooks oleh Ruth Shilling

Ruth Shilling: Performing at Your Best
What is it that makes it possible to perform at your best? From being able to handle nervousness or stage fright to making the music you play absolutely solid and reliable (by using practice techniqu …
Ruth Shilling: Accessing Clear Guidance
How Can You Know What Will Be Best? Should I take that job? Is this the man I should marry? How can I gracefully get out of this marriage? Is this a good time to start a new business? Every day of ou …