Sadaf is a Doctoral Scholar at University of Tokyo and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow. She has 6 years of experience in education and development sector, during which she has (a) Worked as member of Silver Oaks Schools & College System; (b) Managed Communications, Advocacy & Youth Mobilization at Idara e Taleem o Aagahi (ITA)-Center of Education and Consciousness; (c) Worked as Executive Director at Youth General Assembly (a social movement, to train and mobilize youth to work on UNs Sustainable Development Agenda, which she co-founded) and (d) Worked as an Advisory Mentor for Queens Young Leaders Program (UK).
As G20 Global Changer, she was involved in proposing recommendations, on education for sustainable development, for G20 leaders which were presented at G20 Summit, 2017 (Germany). Sadaf sits on Advisory Board of Global Education Conference, U.S.A. and serve as an SDG expert at Digital Hu-man Library (d HL), Canada.
1 Ebooks oleh Sadaf Taimur
Jamal Qaiser & Sadaf Taimur: Simmering Kashmir
For generations, the Kashmir conflict has not only preoccupied the people living there, but also world politics. A solution seems impossible, doesn’t it? This book talks about the history of the subc …