Embedded software is ubiquitous today. There are millions of lines of embedded code in smart phones, and even more in systems responsible for automotive control, avionics control, weapons control and space missions. Some of these are safety-critical systems whose correctness, timely response, and reliability are of paramount importance. These requirement pose new challenges to system designers. This necessitates that a proper design science, based on ‘constructive correctness’ be developed. Correct-by-construction design and synthesis of embedded software is done in a way so that post-development verification is minimized, and correct operation of embedded systems is maximized. This book presents the state of the art in the design of safety-critical, embedded software. It introduced readers to three major approaches to specification driven, embedded software synthesis/construction: synchronous programming based approaches, models of computation based approaches, and an approach based on concurrent programming with a co-design focused language. It is an invaluable reference for practitioners and researchers concerned with improving the product development life-cycle.
Daftar Isi
Compilation of Polychronous Data Flow Equations.- Formal Modeling of Embedded Systems with Explicit Schedules and Routes.- Synoptic: A Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Space On-board Application Software.- Compiling SHIM.- A Module Language for Typing SIGNAL Programs by Contracts.- MRICDF: A Polychronous Model for Embedded Software Synthesis.- The Time Model of Logical Clocks Available in the OMG MARTE Profile.- From Synchronous Specifications to Statically Scheduled Hard Real-Time Implementations.