Person-Centred Healthcare Research
Person-Centred Healthcare Research provides an innovative and novel approach to exploring a range of research designs and methodological approaches aimed at investigating person-centred healthcare practice within and across healthcare disciplines.
With contributions from internationally renowned experts in the field, this engaging resource challenges existing research and development methodologies and their relevance to advancing person-centred knowledge generation, dissemination, translation, implementation and use. It also explores new developments in research methods and practices that open up new avenues for advancing the field of person-centred practice.
Person-Centred Healthcare Research:
* Enables students, practitioners, managers and researchers to gain a solid understanding of the complexity of person-centred thinking in research designs and methods
* Explores the theories and practices underpinning a topical subject within current healthcare practice
* Is edited by an internationally recognised team who are at the forefront of person-centred healthcare research
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Daftar Isi
Contributors vii
Introduction xi
Foreword xiii
Section 1: Person-Centredness and Foundations of Person-Centred Research 1
1 Person-Centredness in Healthcare Policy, Practice and Research 3
Brendan Mc Cormack, Sandra van Dulmen, Hilde Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl and Tom Eide
2 Philosophical Perspectives on Person-Centredness for Healthcare Research 19
Jan Dewing, Tom Eide and Brendan Mc Cormack
3 The Knowing and Being of Person-Centred Research Practice Across Worldviews: An Epistemological and Ontological Framework 31
Angie Titchen, Shaun Cardiff and Stian Biong
4 Being a Person-Centred Researcher: Principles and Methods for Doing Research in a Person-Centred Way 51
Gaby Jacobs, Famke van Lieshout, Marit Borg and Ottar Ness
5 Research into Person-Centred Healthcare Technology: A Plea for Considering Humanisation Dimensions 61
Gaby Jacobs, Teatske van der Zijpp, Famke van Lieshout and Sandra van Dulmen
6 A Participatory Approach to Person-Centred Research: Maximising Opportunities for Recovery 69
Larry Davidson, Chyrell Bellamy, Elizabeth Flanagan, Kimberly Guy and Maria O’Connell
7 Co-Creating Flourishing Research Practices Through Person-Centred Research: A Focus on Persons Living with Dementia 85
Kirsti Skovdahl and Jan Dewing
8 Leadership Research: A Person-Centred Agenda 95
Tom Eide and Shaun Cardiff
Section 2: Doing Person-Centred Research: Methods in Action 117
9 Staffing Structures for Effectiveness in Person-Centred Care:The RAFAELA¯® System 119
Lisbeth Fagerström
10 Giving Voice to ‘Hard To Reach Groups’ in Healthcare Research: A Narrative Approach 131
Catherine Buckley
11 Promoting Health Across the Lifespan: A Systems Approach 141
Elisabeth Fosse, Steffen Torp and Ingun Stang
12 How Knowledge Developed Through Ethnography May Inform Person-Centred Healthcare Practices 149
Kristin Briseid, Astrid Skatvedt and Brendan Mc Cormack
13 Person-Centred Technology-Supported Interventions 159
Sandra van Dulmen, Espen Brembo, Janne Dugstad and Hilde Eide
14 Learning to be an Effective Person-Centred Practitioner 169
Caroline Williams and Brendan Mc Cormack
15 Doing Eye and Vision Research in a Person-Centred Way 181
Rigmor C. Baraas, Lene A. Hagen, Hilde R. Pedersen and Jon V.B. Gjelle
16 Person-Centred Communication Research: Systematic Observation of Real Life Practice 191
Hilde Eide, Linda Hafskjold, Vibeke Sundling and Sandra van Dulmen
17 Introducing Sex and Gender-Sensitive Person-Centred Research 201
Stina Öresland and Sylvia Määttä
18 Future Directions for Person-Centred Healthcare Research 209
Sandra van Dulmen, Brendan Mc Cormack, Tom Eide, Kirsti Skovdahl and Hilde Eide
Index 219
Tentang Penulis
Brendan Mc Cormack is Professor and Head of the Division of Nursing; Associate Director of the Centre for Person-Centred Practice Research at the School of Health Sciences, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; and Professor II, University College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway.
Sandra van Dulmen is Programme Coordinator of Communication in Healthcare at NIVEL (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), Utrecht, the Netherlands; Professor of Communication in Healthcare at Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands; and Professor II, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway.
Hilde Eide is Professor in Communication and Health Counselling; Research Director at the Science Centre Health and Technology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway.
Kirsti Skovdahl is Programme Director of the Ph D programme in Person-Centred Healthcare, and Professor at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway.
Tom Eide is Professor of Leadership, Ethics and Literature, and affiliated with the Science Centre Health and Technology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University College of Southeast Norway, Drammen, Norway.