Silvia Branea, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies in the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Communication of the University of Bucharest, Romania. Her research interests are TV series about and for the younger generation, political communication, persuasion and organisational changes, gender studies, and globalisation, among others. She was previously the Head of the Postgraduate Programme “Communication and Human Resources” and Director of the Department of “Philosophy of Communication” at the Communication and Media Research Center ( Her publications include Persuasiune și schimbare organizațională [Persuasion and Organizational Change] (2012) and Serialele pentru tineri. O abordare psihosociologică [Televison Series for Young People: A Psychosociological Approach] (2010). She also co-edited (with Ruxandra Boicu and Adriana Stefanel) Political Communication and European Parliamentary Elections in Times of Crisis (2016).
1 Ebooks oleh Silvia Branea Valentina Marinescu
Valentina Marinescu: Exploring Political and Gender Relations
The present volume offers a contemporary, multicultural approach to the controversial relationship between politics, media and society. The contributors here analyse such links from a variety of diff …