This book guides students as they explore how white identities are forged using both sociological and psycho-social ideas.
Whiteness has traditionally been seen as ‘ethnically transparent’ – the marker against which other ethnicities are measured. Only recently have scholars moved away from focusing on ethnic minorities and instead oriented their studies around the construction of white identities.
Including an excellent survey of the existing literature and original research from the UK, this book will be an invaluable guide for sociology students taking modules in race and ethnicity.
Daftar Isi
1. Researching ‘Whiteness’: An Introduction
2. Whiteness Studies in the Context of the USA
3. Empirical research into white racialised identities in Britain
4. Britishness
5. Whiteness and Post-Imperial Britain
6. Psycho-Social Interpretations of Cultural Identity: constructing the white ‘we’
7. Media Representations: constructing the ‘not white’ Other
8. Whiteness, Home and Community
9. Researching Whiteness: Psycho-Social Methodologies
10. Conclusions
Tentang Penulis
Steve Garner is Lecturer in Sociology at Aston University. Throughout his academic career he has been engaged with questions such as ‘What does ‘race’ mean?’, ‘How does racism work?’, and ‘How can racial equality be achieved?’ He is the author of Racism in the Irish Experience (Pluto, 2003), Whiteness (Routledge, 2007) and Racisms (Sage, 2009).