One way to significantly improve the delivery of health care is to teach the health professionals who provide care to work together, to communicate with each other across professional boundaries, and to start to think and act like a team that has the patient at its center. The team-based care movement is at the heart of major changes in medical education and will become an element in the new accreditation standards.Through its Centre for Interprofessional Education, the pioneeri...
Daftar Isi
Introduction: Why a Toronto Model Workbook?
1. Getting Started
2. Structuring for Success
3. Building the Curriculum
4. Creating a Strong Education–Practice Inter...
Tentang Penulis
Sioban Nelson is the Vice-Provost Academic Programs, University of Toronto. She is coeditor of Complexities of Care: Nursing Reconsidered and Notes on Nightingale: T...