‘Makes a groundbreaking, noteworthy, and lasting contribution to the field of public school improvement and reform.’
—From the Foreword by Wendy D. Puriefoy
President, Public Education Network
‘A must-read book that can change how public education works, thrives, and ultimately succeeds.’
—Gerard A. Dery, Director, Zone 1, NAESP
Principal, Nessacus Regional Middle School, Dalton, MA
Harness skills and strategies to achieve ‘big-time’ fundraising success!
In this enlightening book, nationally recognized author and fundraising consultant Stanley Levenson shows school leaders how to move away from labor-intensive, nickel-and-dime bake sales and car washes, and into the world of big-time fundraising. Following the model used by colleges and universities, Levenson presents a wealth of practical strategies for supporting school finances by pursuing grants and gifts from corporations, foundations, the government, and individual donors.
A proactive blueprint, this resource focuses on public responsibility in helping America′s public schools become world-class learning institutions. Fundraisers will learn about the entire fundraising spectrum, from corporate, foundation, and government grants, to grants and gifts from individual donors. This valuable package of ready-to-use tools and strategies includes:
- Basic steps for starting a public school foundation
- Practical techniques for writing winning grant proposals
- Examples of winning grant proposals
- Tips for overcoming obstacles
- Suggestions for establishing a development office
- Techniques for obtaining grants and gifts from individual donors
- Helpful approaches to annual campaigns, capital campaigns, and planned giving
- A list of 101 foundations and corporations interested in giving to the public schools
- Extensive bibliography, references, and web sites
In this comprehensive guide, educators will find specific creative solutions for obtaining funding that will support the finest schools for all our children.
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Foreword by Wendy D. Puriefoy
About the Author
1. From Needs to Opportunities
There’s Good News on the Horizon
Corporations, Foundations, and Individual Donors Are Interested
The Federal Government Is Involved
Contributions to Worthy Causes Across America Have Increased
The Transfer of Wealth in America Will Help
2. What Is Big-Time Fundraising?
Establishing a Development Office
Hiring Fulltime Staff and Consultants
Specifications for Hiring Fulltime Staff and Consultants
Be Wary of Consultants Who Propose to Work for No Upfront Fees
A Dozen Big-Time Fundraising Strategies That Win Every Time
Roles and Responsibilities in a Big-Time Fundraising Effort
Some School Districts Are Starting to Gear Up
Some Important Issues to Be Aware Of
Issues Are Legitimate
3. Public School Foundations
Public School Foundations
How Are School Foundations Organized?
How to Start Local Education Foundation
How to Start a Local Education Fund
What’s Happening Around the Country?
Twelve School Foundations Making a Difference
4. How to Get Big Gifts From Individual Donors
Why Haven’t We Gone After Big Gifts?
Defining Big Gifts
How to Snare Big Gifts From Individual Prospects
A 21 Step Approach to Securing a Major Gift
Sample Pledge Card
5. Annual Campaigns, Capital Campaigns, and Planned Giving
Annual Campaigns
Capital Campaigns
Planned Giving
Possible Non-Cash Gift Ideas for the Public Schools
Outright Gift of Cash
6. Applying for Corporate and Foundation Grants
Corporate Giving
Foundation Giving
Independent Foundations
Community Foundations
Obtaining Corporate and Foundation Funding is Easier Than You Think
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Direct Contact
Corporate-School Partnerships
The Foundation Center
Reasons for Applying for Corporate and Foundation Funding
7. Strategies, Requests for Proposals (RFP’s), and Resources for Winning Corporate and Foundation Funding
Eleven Step Strategy
Responding to Requests for Proposals (RFP)
101 Foundations and Corporations Interested in Giving to K-12 Schools
8. Writing Winning Minigrants
Needs Assessment, Goals and Objectives
Activities, Evaluation Specifications, Budget
Preparing a Winning Mini-Grant Application
Blank Mini-Grant Program Application
9. Writing Major Grant Proposals That Get Funded
Government Grants
Needs Assessment
Goals and Objectives
Example of a Timeline Using a Triple “T” Chart
10. Preparing the Evaluation Plan for Your Application
Internal (Formative) Evaluation
External (Third-Party) Summative Evaluation
Using a Third-Party Evaluation Design
Seven Tips to Remember When Designing Your Evaluation Plan
11. Preparing the Application Budget
The Application Budget
Presenting a Budget Format
Providing the Necessary Resources to Adequately Carry Out the Project
Providing the Necessary Detail
Calculating the Direct Costs
Calculating the Indirect Costs
Writing the Budget Narrative
Writing the Dissemination Plan
Writing the Program Summary and Abstract
Fourteen Helpful Hints
12. After You Receive the Grant, Then What?
Announcing Your Grant to the World
Being Good Stewards of All Grants and Gifts
What Happens When Grant Monies Run Out?
13. Some Examples of Winning Grant Proposals
Examples of Winning Mini-Grants (South Washington County Schools, Cottage Gove, MN)
Example of Winning Major Government Grant Proposal (Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District, Lubbock, TX)
14. Conclusions
Resource A: Some Examples of Grant Opportunities for K-12 Schools
Resource B: Sample Ads for Key Positions
Resource C: Sample Cover Letter to Accompany a Grant Application
Resource D: The Foundation Center′s Glossary of Funding Terms