It seems like some organizations need to get turned inside out to react to the growing complexity of our world. Concepts like interconnectedness, self-organization, and unpredictability seem too big and mysterious for them to confront.
Making things harder is the fact that complex tasks are dynamic, nonlinear, and nontransparent. There are no simple solutions to handle them, and there is always the question of context.
As a result, Stephanie Borgert, an expert on navigating complex problems and situations, doesnt provide ready-made blueprints in this book, but she does give managers and executives the tools and insights they need to respond to these challenges.
She introduces the concept of complexity and explains the key features of complex systems. Then, she reveals the nine most common complexity-related misconceptions that continue to be widespread in management circles.
By summarizing the skills, mindsets, and competencies that are necessary for mastering complexity, she provides the insights that executives and managers need to be successful despiteor perhaps as a result ofcomplexity.
Demystify complexity and clarify what it really means for your organization and team with the lessons in The Complexity Trap.
Tentang Penulis
Stephanie Borgert is inspired by our dynamic and interconnected world. She uses her leadership experience in different industries as an author, speaker, and consultant and believes holistic management can help us confront the challenges of complex systems.