Graphic Style Lab is a lively and playful approach to discovering different design styles. This guidebook is full of experimental design projects that cover the distinctions between a personal and universal style, historical and contemporary style, one-of-a kind styles. You’ll also discover how lettering, type and typography often define style.
Improve your awareness and sensitivity to type styles, forms, and type choices through these visual experiments, and boost your confidence in your personal and professional work.
Graphic Style Lab can be used in the classroom or independently. Go directly to any of the step-by-step exercises and create extraordinarily creative graphic design. Don’t be afraid to try something different! Graphic Style Lab offers 50 experiments that apply the fundamental principles of graphic design in a way that is creative, fun and interactive.
Tentang Penulis
Steven Heller wears many hats (in addition to the New York Yankees): For 33 years he was an art director at the New York Times, originally on the Op Ed Page and for almost 30 of those years with the New York Times Book Review. Currently, he is co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author Department, Special Consultant to the President of SVA for New Programs, and writes the Visuals column for the New York Times Book Review.