Nascido no Wirral, atualmente eu vivo na Espanha, mas meu sonho é me aposentar (Há! O que é isso? Aposentar-se?) e viver em um barco estreito ao longo de um dos muitos canais ao redor da fronteira galesa. Isso seria emocionante, eu acho. Uma vida ao ar livre, tranquila, com muito tempo para escrever. Eu fiz muitas coisas na minha vida e agora trabalho como professor, uma profissão em que já estou há quase 25 anos, mas escrever é meu primeiro amor. Em 2009, meu primeiro livro foi publicado sob o pseudônimo Glenn Stuart, e eu escrevi e publiquei 10 romances Young Adults. Agora me afastei desses livros e estou reescrevendo muitos deles, publicando-os sob meu nome Stuart G Yates. Eu escrevo thrillers adultos (alguns deles podem ser classificados como cross-overs, isso significa que eles também são adequados para adolescentes), ficção histórica e, mais recentemente, Faroestes. Esta será minha direção principal agora. Meus romances históricos traçando a vida de Harald Hardrada, estão disponíveis aqui em brochura e para o Kindle. Uma história arrebatadora cheia de traição e assassinato, tenho certeza que você encontrará muitas coisas para aproveitar nesta série. VARANGIAN é o primeiro, ORIGINS o mais recente, que volta no tempo para revelar quem era Harald, como ele se desenvolveu na figura lendária que ele se tornou nas partes 1 e 2. Eu estou atualmente trabalhando no 4º volume. Eu também tenho planos para um ou dois livros Viking baseados no Wirral no início do século IX. Eu tenho feito um monte de investigação em torno disso, minha fascinação surgindo a partir dos inúmeros nomes aparentemente de origem escandinava de cidades e lugares na área onde eu cresci – Thingwall, Irby, Pensby, todos bons nomes Viking! Minha série de maior sucesso é a do Detetive Simms, que trabalha para a Agência Pinkerton. Um veterano da Guerra do México, Simms é um homem da fronteira, duro e engenhoso. O primeiro da sér
201 Ebooks oleh Stuart G. Yates
Stuart G. Yates: Irriducibile
Nel brutale e spietato West I, a circa dodici anni dall fine della Corsa all”oro della California, un Pinkerton solitario è sulle tracce di due spietati assassini. Quando la figlia di uno stimato ge …
Stuart G. Yates: L”uomo dei Pegni
Nelle strade strette e tortuose di questa città decadente del diciannovesimo secolo, due omicidi scuotono tutti. Con la povertà diffusa, la vita per molti è una battaglia per tenere via la fame e alm …
Stuart G. Yates: Een afrekening
Iemand is vastbesloten rechercheur Simms van de Pinkerton Detective Agency te vermoorden. Terwijl Simms een reeks brute moorden onderzoekt, wordt hij meegesleurd in een strijd op leven en dood met ee …
Stuart G. Yates: El Prestamista
En las estrecha y envolventes calles de la decadencia del siglo 19, el asesinato de dos chicosconmociona a los locales. Con la rifa de la pobreza, la vida es para muchos una batalla de mantener el ha …
Stuart G. Yates: La cometa dell”Uomo Sabbia
In un freddo futuro, Simeon Allis, fa’ fatica ad accettare un’esistenza che non comprende. Ogni decisione è fatta per lui e i suoi cari non hanno piu’ un posto nel mondo. Lo Stato provvede a ogni cos …
Stuart G. Yates: Ser el rey de los Noruegos
Este libro no es historia, pero muchos de los incidentes dentro de las páginas sucedieron. Para aquellos que deseen investigar más a fondo la vida de Harald Sigurdson, puedo recomendar el trabajo de …
Stuart G. Yates: Rei Dos Nórdicos
Com o louco imperador bizantino Michael, o quinto deposto, Harald volta a sua atenção para o norte. Mas o General Maniakes tem algo diferente em mente para ele. Usando Hardrada como instrumento de mo …
Stuart G. Yates: Morrer em Glory
Três homens viajam para a cidade de Glory e, pela aparência deles, não vêm para se divertir. Após uma breve reunião com a polícia local, o xerife é morto a tiro. Enquanto isso, as coisas não estão in …
Stuart G. Yates: Los Intrusos Del Infierno
Hay algo malo con Edwin, el chico nuevo de la escuela. Despues de que Richard se hace amigo de el, empiezan a pasar cosas extranas.Despus de que el joven Edwin desaparece, Richard empieza a indagar e …
Stuart G. Yates: La Marea del Terror
Este libro es un trabajo de ficción. Los nombres, lugares, personajes e incidentes son producto de la imaginación del autor o se usan de manera ficticia. Cualquier parecido con personas reales, vivas …
Stuart G. Yates: A Onda do Terror
Depois de várias denúncias seguidas de animais feridos, a veterinária Jenny decide investigar o que pode estar causando as feridas. Mais tarde, na mesma noite, ela é despertada por estranhos sons e u …
Stuart G. Yates: Om In Glory Te Sterven
Drie mannen rijden de stad Glory in en door hun uiterlijk komen ze niet om zich te vermaken. Na een korte ontmoeting met de lokale politie, ligt de sheriff neergeschoten.Ondertussen gaat het niet zo …
Stuart G. Yates: Murdered By Crows
Reuben Cole has seen it all. Now retired, he spends his days on a rocking chair in the shade, watching the world pass by. But when Miss Amelie reports an intruder, something crawls up his back like i …
Stuart G. Yates: Milky Trail to Death
The lure of gold changes people. Greed, suspicion, mistrust; all of it develops from the love of the yellow metal. Reece is a drifter. A man with a past, seeking peace and quiet after the horrors of …
Maliny Moon & Stuart G. Yates: The Magical Painting
Can a painting be a link between the present and the past? Forced to return to his ancestral home in the shadows of the Scottish Highlands, such ideas are far from Andrew Lambert’s mind. His business …
Stuart G. Yates: To Die In Glory
Three men ride into the town of Glory and by the look of them, they are not coming to enjoy themselves. After a brief meeting with the local law enforcement, the sheriff lies gunned down. Meanwhile, …
Stuart G. Yates: A Reckoning
Someone is hell-bent on killing Detective Simms of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. While investigating a clutch of brutal murders, Simms is dragged into a life-and-death struggle with a bunch of desp …
Stuart G. Yates: El Cazador
Treinta años antes de los acontecimientos de “El Que Viene”, Reuben Cole es un joven aún sin forjar en la sangre de sus enemigos. Su despiadada determinación de perseguir a los que han violado …
Stuart G. Yates: Inevitable
El agente inmobiliario Ryan Chaise vive una vida tranquila en el sur de España con su hermosa novia. Todo en su vida parece perfectamente normal. Excepto que Ryan tiene un secreto. Chaise, ex agente …
Stuart G. Yates: Bloody Reasons
Bounty hunter Gus Ritter is on the trail of his brother’s murderer. He is after more than money; he wants retribution. After he arrives to the small town of Archangel, death rapidly follows. Soon, Gu …
Stuart G. Yates: El Que Viene
Cuando se cruzaron con Reuben Cole, firmaron su sentencia de muerte. Reuben Cole no es el tipo de hombre con el que deberían haberse metido, y entrar en su casa demuestra que es una mala idea. Despué …
Stuart G. Yates: The Tide of Terror
A telephone call to the local veterinarian’s office breaks the peace of Alderney Island. After several reports of injured animals in rapid succession, vet Jenny sets out to examine what might be caus …
Stuart G. Yates: Días Duros
Reuben Cole y Sterling Roose son buenos amigos. Trabajando para el Ejército de los Estados Unidos como exploradores, son verdaderos profesionales en lo que hacen. Pero cuando un robo a un banco sale …
Stuart G. Yates: Razones Sangrientas
El caza recompensas Gus Ritter está tras la pista del asesino de su hermano. Él busca más que dinero; quiere venganza. Después de que llega a la pequeña ciudad de Arcángel, la muerte sigue rápidament …
Stuart G. Yates: Nacido Para Rastrear
e Reuben Cole, de quince años, está a punto de aprender sobre la crueldad del Oeste sin ley. Después de que acude en ayuda de un nativo americano que huye perseguido por una banda asesina, Reuben mat …
Stuart G. Yates: Nascido Para Rastrear
O Reuben Cole de quinze anos está prestes a aprender sobre a perversidade do Oeste sem lei. Depois de ajudar um nativo americano em fuga perseguido por uma gangue de assassinos, Reuben acidentalmente …
Stuart G. Yates: Born To Track
Fifteen-year-old Reuben Cole is about to learn about the viciousness of the lawless West. After he comes to the aid of a fleeing Native American pursued by a murderous gang, Reuben accidentally kills …
Stuart G. Yates: Minus Life
As the world faces soaring pollution, overpopulation and rising sea level, the ruling elite comes up with a bold, terrifying plan. Detective Bremen is tired of crime and politics. All he wants is a s …
Stuart G. Yates: Pursuers Unto Death
Gus Ritter is on his way south to avenge his brother’s murder. Facing gun battles with Comancheros and pursued by more than one posse, Ritter must use all his skill to survive. Death stalks John …
Stuart G. Yates: Interlopers From Hell
There’s something wrong about Edwin, the new kid at school. After Richard befriends him, strange things begin to happen. When Edwin disappears, Richard starts digging into the history of the fam …
Stuart G. Yates: Hard Days
Reuben Cole and Sterling Roose are firm friends. Working for the United States Army as scouts, they are true professionals at what they do. But when a bank robbery goes wrong and a young woman asks f …
Stuart G. Yates: Ogre’s Lament
Spain, 1648. Fifteen-year-old Luis is different than everyone else in the small, sweltering village of Riodelgado – because he can read. Targeted by the local toughs, who make his life a misery, Luis …
Stuart G. Yates: Born To Track
Fifteen-year-old Reuben Cole is about to learn about the viciousness of the lawless West. After he comes to the aid of a fleeing Native American pursued by a murderous gang, Reuben accidentally kills …
Stuart G. Yates: The Sandman Cometh
In a cold future, Simeon Allis struggles with an existence he doesn’t understand. Every decision is made for him, and his loved ones no longer have a place in the world. The State provides everything …
Stuart G. Yates: Blood Rise
After the murder of a U.S. Senator, Pinkerton Detective Simms is tasked with bringing the killer to justice. This would be a simple case for someone as determined and experienced as Simms, but shadow …
Stuart G. Yates: Whipped Up
For Ryan Chaise, a return to the UK is a return to his old ways. Desperate to find his girlfriend, he’s looking to heal old wounds and make it right. Unfortunately, the British Security Service& …
Stuart G. Yates: Sallowed Blood
In the dark corners of a castle deep in the Alps, a secret awaits Daniel Stone. After inheriting the castle from his grandmother, Daniel and his father travel to Bavaria. They soon notice a dark pres …
Stuart G. Yates: No One Can Hide
Tending to a wounded stranger, Cathy has no idea what danger it will bring to her peaceful life. The man belongs to a gang of ruthless bank robbers who attempted to raid the National Bank in the smal …
Stuart G. Yates: Tears in the Fabric of Time
Inspector ‘Tiny’ Tears is ready for retirement when the most unusual case lands on his desk. A young girl, Ana, sits in the interview room, while the uniformed man who followed her lies dead. After t …
Stuart G. Yates: Nadie Podrá Ocultarse
Atendiendo a un extraño herido, Cathy no tiene idea del peligro que esta acción le traerá a su pacífica vida. El hombre pertenece a una banda de ladrones de bancos despiadados que intentaron asaltar …
Stuart G. Yates: Nato Per Seguire Le Tracce
Il quindicenne Reuben Cole sta per conoscere la cattiveria del West senza legge. Dopo aver soccorso un pellerossa in fuga inseguito da una banda di assassini, Reuben uccide accidentalmente uno di lor …
Stuart G. Yates: A Man Dead
Heading south to find his brother’s murderer, Gus Ritter has found other meaning for his life. On the road to El Paso, attacks from marauding Comanches bring home the violent reality of his journey. …
Stuart G. Yates: Varangian
In the new Rome, duplicity and death reign supreme. It’s the mid-11th century, and the Byzantine Empire dominates the world. Within the walls of its great capital, Constantinople, treachery, debauche …
Stuart G. Yates: King of the Norse
Harald Hardrada wants the throne of Norway. With the mad Byzantine emperor Michael The Fifth deposed, Harald turns his attention to the north. But General Maniakes has something different in mind for …
Stuart G. Yates: Razones Sangrientas
El caza recompensas Gus Ritter está tras la pista del asesino de su hermano. Él busca más que dinero; quiere venganza. Después de que llega a la pequeña ciudad de Arcángel, la muerte sigue rápidament …
Stuart G. Yates: Inevitable
El agente inmobiliario Ryan Chaise vive una vida tranquila en el sur de España con su hermosa novia. Todo en su vida parece perfectamente normal. Excepto que Ryan tiene un secreto. Chaise, ex agente …
Stuart G. Yates: Asesinados Por Cuervos
Reuben Cole lo ha visto todo. Ahora jubilado, pasa sus días en una mecedora a la sombra, viendo pasar el mundo. Pero cuando la señorita Amelie le informa sobre un intruso, algo se arrastra por su esp …
Stuart G. Yates: Varego
En la nueva Roma reinan la duplicidad y la muerte. Estamos a mediados del siglo XI y el Imperio Bizantino domina el mundo. Dentro de los muros de su gran capital, Constantinopla, la traición, el libe …
Stuart G. Yates: Splintered Ice
After his mother walks out on him and his father, Jed loses himself. When he saves a man from drowning in the local park, a series of dangerous events is set in motion. Love, fear, hate, violence – w …
Stuart G. Yates: The Pawnbroker
Amid the danger and death of a decaying 19th century city, the Pawnbroker plies his trade. A man of evil temper, he craves the one thing that will bring him the fulfillment he covets. In the present …
Stuart G. Yates: Nacido Para Rastrear
e Reuben Cole, de quince años, está a punto de aprender sobre la crueldad del Oeste sin ley. Después de que acude en ayuda de un nativo americano que huye perseguido por una banda asesina, Reuben mat …
Stuart G. Yates: Nascido Para Rastrear
O Reuben Cole de quinze anos está prestes a aprender sobre a perversidade do Oeste sem lei. Depois de ajudar um nativo americano em fuga perseguido por uma gangue de assassinos, Reuben acidentalmente …
Stuart G. Yates: No One Can Hide
Tending to a wounded stranger, Cathy has no idea what danger it will bring to her peaceful life. The man belongs to a gang of ruthless bank robbers who attempted to raid the National Bank in the smal …
Stuart G. Yates: The Hunter
Thirty years before the events of He Who Comes, Reuben Cole is a young man yet unforged in the blood of his enemies. His ruthless determination to hunt down those who has broken the law is a force th …
Stuart G. Yates: Burned Up
Real estate agent Ryan Chaise lives a quiet life in Southern Spain with his beautiful girlfriend. Everything in his life seems perfectly ordinary. Except that Ryan has a secret. A former agent for th …
Stuart G. Yates: He Who Comes
When they crossed Reuben Cole, they signed their death warrant. Reuben Cole is not the sort of man they should have messed with, and breaking into his home proves a bad idea. After his friend, Sherif …
Stuart G. Yates: Unflinching
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Fo …
Stuart G. Yates: Nadie Podrá Ocultarse
Atendiendo a un extraño herido, Cathy no tiene idea del peligro que esta acción le traerá a su pacífica vida. El hombre pertenece a una banda de ladrones de bancos despiadados que intentaron asaltar …
Stuart G. Yates: Nato Per Seguire Le Tracce
Il quindicenne Reuben Cole sta per conoscere la cattiveria del West senza legge. Dopo aver soccorso un pellerossa in fuga inseguito da una banda di assassini, Reuben uccide accidentalmente uno di lor …
Stuart G. Yates: El Que Viene
Cuando se cruzaron con Reuben Cole, firmaron su sentencia de muerte. Reuben Cole no es el tipo de hombre con el que deberían haberse metido, y entrar en su casa demuestra que es una mala idea. Despué …
Stuart G. Yates: El Cazador
Treinta años antes de los acontecimientos de “El Que Viene”, Reuben Cole es un joven aún sin forjar en la sangre de sus enemigos. Su despiadada determinación de perseguir a los que han violado …
Stuart G. Yates: Días Duros
Reuben Cole y Sterling Roose son buenos amigos. Trabajando para el Ejército de los Estados Unidos como exploradores, son verdaderos profesionales en lo que hacen. Pero cuando un robo a un banco sale …
Stuart G. Yates: Dias no Exército
É o início da Guerra Civil Americana, e Reuben Cole está servindo como batedor no Exército da União. Colocado em um forte remoto, o Exército do Potomac, sob o comando do general Mc Clellan, está tent …
Stuart G. Yates: Overstretched
Relocated across the country, Stephen Brunt and his family spend their first night in a dark, unwelcoming pub. It seems like nobody is ready to welcome them to their new home town except for Carson, …
Stuart G. Yates: Días En El Ejército
Son los primeros días de la Guerra Civil Estadounidense, y Reuben Cole se desempeña como explorador en el Ejército de la Unión. Desplazado a un fuerte remoto, el Ejército del Potomac, bajo el mando d …
Stuart G. Yates: Varangian
In the new Rome, duplicity and death reign supreme. It’s the mid-11th century, and the Byzantine Empire dominates the world. Within the walls of its great capital, Constantinople, treachery, debauche …
Stuart G. Yates: King Of The Norse
Harald Hardrada wants the throne of Norway. With the mad Byzantine emperor Michael The Fifth deposed, Harald turns his attention to the north. But General Maniakes has something different in mind for …
Stuart G. Yates: Lament for Darley Dene
After the Second World War, young Ben uncovers a bizarre tale: in the 1941 Blitz, soldiers died right where his playground is now. As events of the past slowly unfold, Ben is entangled in a series of …
Stuart G. Yates: Bloody Reasons
Bounty hunter Gus Ritter is on the trail of his brother’s murderer. He is after more than money; he wants retribution. After he arrives to the small town of Archangel, death rapidly follows. Soon, Gu …
Stuart G. Yates: A Man Dead
Heading south to find his brother’s murderer, Gus Ritter has found other meaning for his life. On the road to El Paso, attacks from marauding Comanches bring home the violent reality of his journey. …
Stuart G. Yates: In The Blood
Detective Simms of the Pinkerton Detective Agency receives orders for another mission. Desperadoes are taking advantage of the fledgling railroads that cut through the endless plains, and the Pinkert …
Stuart G. Yates: Origins
Harald Hardrada is returning to his homeland. Sailing north after escaping the clutches of the Byzantine Empress Zoe, he intends to claim his inheritance: Norway’s crown. Danger has followed him like …
Stuart G. Yates: Aquele Que Vem
Quando eles cruzaram o caminho de Reuben Cole, eles assinaram sua sentença de morte. Reuben Cole não é o tipo de homem com quem eles deveriam se meter, e invadir sua casa se provou uma má ideia. Depo …
Stuart G. Yates: Pursuers Unto Death
Gus Ritter is on his way south to avenge his brother’s murder. Facing gun battles with Comancheros and pursued by more than one posse, Ritter must use all his skill to survive. Death stalks John …
Stuart G. Yates: Army Days
It’s the early days of the American Civil War, and Reuben Cole is serving as a scout in the Union Army. Posted to a remote fort, the Army of the Potomac, under General Mc Clellan, is attempting an am …
Stuart G. Yates: Whipped Up
For Ryan Chaise, a return to the UK is a return to his old ways. Desperate to find his girlfriend, he’s looking to heal old wounds and make it right. Unfortunately, the British Security Service& …
Stuart G. Yates: Reuben Cole Westerns Collection
All five books in the Reuben Cole Westerns series by Stuart G. Yates, now in one volume! He Who Comes : When they crossed Reuben Cole, they signed their death warrant. He’s not the sort of man they s …
Stuart G. Yates: Hard Days
Reuben Cole and Sterling Roose are firm friends. Working for the United States Army as scouts, they are true professionals at what they do. But when a bank robbery goes wrong and a young woman asks f …
Stuart G. Yates: Murdered By Crows
Reuben Cole has seen it all. Now retired, he spends his days on a rocking chair in the shade, watching the world pass by. But when Miss Amelie reports an intruder, something crawls up his back like i …
Stuart G. Yates: Interlopers From Hell
There’s something wrong about Edwin, the new kid at school. After Richard befriends him, strange things begin to happen. When Edwin disappears, Richard starts digging into the history of the fam …
Stuart G. Yates: The Unflinching Collection
All five books in ‘Unflinching’, a series of western novels by Stuart G. Yates, now in one volume! Unflinching : In the brutal, unforgiving West a dozen years after the California Gold Rush, a lone P …
Stuart G. Yates: Milky Trail To Death
The lure of gold changes people. Greed, suspicion, mistrust; all of it develops from the love of the yellow metal. Reece is a drifter. A man with a past, seeking peace and quiet after the horrors of …
Stuart G. Yates: Minus Life
As the world faces soaring pollution, overpopulation and rising sea level, the ruling elite comes up with a bold, terrifying plan. Detective Bremen is tired of crime and politics. All he wants is a s …
Stuart G. Yates: Ogre’s Lament
Spain, 1648. Fifteen-year-old Luis is different than everyone else in the small, sweltering village of Riodelgado – because he can read. Targeted by the local toughs, who make his life a misery, Luis …
Stuart G. Yates: Overstretched
Relocated across the country, Stephen Brunt and his family spend their first night in a dark, unwelcoming pub. It seems like nobody is ready to welcome them to their new home town except for Carson, …
Stuart G. Yates: Sallowed Blood
In the dark corners of a castle deep in the Alps, a secret awaits Daniel Stone. After inheriting the castle from his grandmother, Daniel and his father travel to Bavaria. They soon notice a dark pres …
Stuart G. Yates: Il Cacciatore
Trent’anni prima degli eventi di Colui che viene, Reuben Cole è un giovane uomo ancora non forgiato nel sangue dei suoi nemici. La sua spietata determinazione nel dare la caccia a chi ha infranto la …
Stuart G. Yates: Baptism Of Fire
It is 1863 and the Civil War continues to rage. Reuben Cole, soon twenty years of age, is a scout for the Union forces. Based in the sprawling Fort Nelson, he finds himself embroiled in the murder of …
Stuart G. Yates: Giorni Difficili
Reuben Cole e Sterling Roose sono buoni amici. Lavorano per l’esercito degli Stati Uniti come scout e sono veri professionisti in quello che fanno. Ma quando una rapina in banca va storta e una giova …
Stuart G. Yates: Splintered Ice
After his mother walks out on him and his father, Jed loses himself. When he saves a man from drowning in the local park, a series of dangerous events is set in motion. Love, fear, hate, violence – w …
Stuart G. Yates: Nessuno può nascondersi
Curando uno sconosciuto ferito, Cathy non ha idea del pericolo che porterà alla sua vita tranquilla. L’uomo appartiene a una banda di spietati rapinatori di banche che ha tentato di razziare la Natio …
Stuart G. Yates: Assassinato Dai Corvi
Reuben Cole ha visto tutto. Ormai in pensione, trascorre le sue giornate su una sedia a dondolo all’ombra, guardando il mondo che passa. Ma quando la signorina Amelie segnala un intruso, qualcosa str …
Stuart G. Yates: Colui Che Viene
Quando hanno incrociato Reuben Cole, hanno firmato la loro condanna a morte. Reuben Cole non è il tipo di uomo con cui avrebbero dovuto scherzare e introdursi in casa sua si rivela una pessima idea. …
Stuart G. Yates: Tears in the Fabric of Time
Inspector ‘Tiny’ Tears is ready for retirement when the most unusual case lands on his desk. A young girl, Ana, sits in the interview room, while the uniformed man who followed her lies dead. After t …
Stuart G. Yates: The Hunter
Thirty years before the events of He Who Comes, Reuben Cole is a young man yet unforged in the blood of his enemies. His ruthless determination to hunt down those who has broken the law is a force th …
Stuart G. Yates: Army Days
It’s the early days of the American Civil War, and Reuben Cole is serving as a scout in the Union Army. Posted to a remote fort, the Army of the Potomac, under General Mc Clellan, is attempting an am …
Stuart G. Yates: Burned Up
Real estate agent Ryan Chaise lives a quiet life in Southern Spain with his beautiful girlfriend. Everything in his life seems perfectly ordinary. Except that Ryan has a secret. A former agent for th …
Stuart G. Yates: He Who Comes
When they crossed Reuben Cole, they signed their death warrant. Reuben Cole is not the sort of man they should have messed with, and breaking into his home proves a bad idea. After his friend, Sherif …
Stuart G. Yates: I Giorni Dell’esercito
Siamo agli inizi della guerra civile americana e Reuben Cole presta servizio come esploratore nell’esercito dell’Unione. Inviato in un forte remoto, l’Armata del Potomac, sotto il comando del general …
Stuart G. Yates: Irriducibile
Nel brutale e spietato West I, a circa dodici anni dall fine della Corsa all’oro della California, un Pinkerton solitario è sulle tracce di due spietati assassini. Quando la figlia di uno stimato gen …
Stuart G. Yates: Asesinados Por Cuervos
Reuben Cole lo ha visto todo. Ahora jubilado, pasa sus días en una mecedora a la sombra, viendo pasar el mundo. Pero cuando la señorita Amelie le informa sobre un intruso, algo se arrastra por su esp …
Stuart G. Yates: Moins de Vie
Que ferons-nous quand notre planète en aura assez ? Le monde se meurt. Face à la pollution galopante, à la surpopulation et à l’élévation du niveau de la mer, l’élite dirigeante élabore un plan audac …
Stuart G. Yates: εννημένος Να Παρακολουθεί
Ο δεκαπεντάχρονος Ρούμπεν Κόουλ πρόκειται να μάθει για την κακία της άνομης Δύσης. Αφού έρχεται να βοηθήσει έναν φυγά ιθαγενή Αμερικανό που καταδιώκεται από μια δολοφονική συμμορία, ο Ρούμπεν σκοτώνε …
Stuart G. Yates: Varego
En la nueva Roma reinan la duplicidad y la muerte. Estamos a mediados del siglo XI y el Imperio Bizantino domina el mundo. Dentro de los muros de su gran capital, Constantinopla, la traición, el libe …
Stuart G. Yates: Incendiado
O agente imobiliário Ryan Chaise vive uma vida tranquila no sul da Espanha com sua bela namorada. Tudo em sua vida parece perfeitamente normal… Mas Ryan tem um segredo. Ex-agente do Serviço Secreto …
Stuart G. Yates: Il Cacciatore
Trent’anni prima degli eventi di Colui che viene, Reuben Cole è un giovane uomo ancora non forgiato nel sangue dei suoi nemici. La sua spietata determinazione nel dare la caccia a chi ha infranto la …
Stuart G. Yates: Baptism Of Fire
It is 1863 and the Civil War continues to rage. Reuben Cole, soon twenty years of age, is a scout for the Union forces. Based in the sprawling Fort Nelson, he finds himself embroiled in the murder of …
Stuart G. Yates: Giorni Difficili
Reuben Cole e Sterling Roose sono buoni amici. Lavorano per l’esercito degli Stati Uniti come scout e sono veri professionisti in quello che fanno. Ma quando una rapina in banca va storta e una giova …
Stuart G. Yates: Nessuno Può Nascondersi
Curando uno sconosciuto ferito, Cathy non ha idea del pericolo che porterà alla sua vita tranquilla. L’uomo appartiene a una banda di spietati rapinatori di banche che ha tentato di razziare la Natio …
Stuart G. Yates: Assassinato Dai Corvi
Reuben Cole ha visto tutto. Ormai in pensione, trascorre le sue giornate su una sedia a dondolo all’ombra, guardando il mondo che passa. Ma quando la signorina Amelie segnala un intruso, qualcosa str …
Stuart G. Yates: Lamento por Darley Dene
Baseado em fatos reais. Após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o garoto Ben descobre uma história sinistra. Em 1941, num bombardeio, soldados morreram exatamente onde está o terreno que costuma jogar. Com os …
Stuart G. Yates: Colui Che Viene
Quando hanno incrociato Reuben Cole, hanno firmato la loro condanna a morte. Reuben Cole non è il tipo di uomo con cui avrebbero dovuto scherzare e introdursi in casa sua si rivela una pessima idea. …
Stuart G. Yates: Frenesi
Para Ryan Chaise, retornar ao Reino Unido é retornar aos velhos hábitos. Desesperado para encontrar sua namorada, ele procura curar velhas feridas e consertar as coisas. Infelizmente, o Serviço de Se …
Stuart G. Yates: To Kill A Man Collection
All three books in ‘To Kill A Man’, a series of western novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Bloody Reasons : Bounty hunter Gus Ritter is determined to seek retribution for his bro …
Stuart G. Yates: The Haunted Pages
A collection of three horror novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Sallowed Blood : After inheriting a castle from his grandmother, Daniel and his father travel to Bavaria where the …
Stuart G. Yates: Bautismo de fuego
Estamos en 1863 y la Guerra de Secesión sigue haciendo estragos. Reuben Cole, que pronto cumplirá veinte años, es explorador de las fuerzas de la Unión. Con base en el extenso Fort Nelson, se ve envu …
Christopher Coates & Didi Oviatt: Dark Intentions
A collection of three suspense novels by Christopher Coates, Didi Oviatt & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! A Brother’s Obsession : Evan Brown struggles with the guilt and grief of his s …
Stuart G. Yates: Batismo de Fogo
É 1863 e a Guerra Civil continua furiosa. Reuben Cole, com vinte anos de idade, é um batedor das forças da União. Baseado no grande Forte Nelson, ele se vê envolvido no assassinato de seu amigo bated …
Stuart G. Yates: El Páramo Maldito
Por el sombrío páramo acecha una bestia. Es algo desconocido; una criatura salida de la más oscura y aterradora de las pesadillas. Después de atropellar accidentalmente a un ciervo, Ralph acaba llevá …
Joseph Mulak & Mark L’Estrange: The Terror in the Walls
A collection of three horror novels by Joseph Mulak, Mark L’Estrange & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Devil Music : After the members of the Celtic rock band ‘The Awkward Pauses’ arriv …
Stuart G. Yates: Canto a Darley Dene
Basado en hechos reales. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el joven Ben descubre una historia extraña. Durante el Blitz de 1941, decenas de soldados murieron en el mismo sitio donde se ubica hoy …
Stuart G. Yates: Menos Vida
¿Qué haremos cuando nuestro planeta haya tenido suficiente? El mundo se está muriendo. Ante la creciente contaminación, la sobrepoblación y el aumento del nivel del mar, la élite gobernante presenta …
Stuart G. Yates: A Charneca Maldita
Do outro lado da charneca deserta, espreita uma besta. É uma coisa desconhecida; uma criatura do pesadelo mais sombrio e aterrorizante. Depois que Ralph acidentalmente atropela um veado, ele acaba le …
Janeen Ann O’Connell & John Broughton: Through the Sands of Time
A collection of three historical fiction series starter novels by Janeen Ann O’Connell, John Broughton & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! No Room For Regret : In the early 19th century, …
Stuart G. Yates: O Penhorista
Nas ruas estreitas e sinuosas desta decadente cidade do século 19, dois assassinatos chocam os habitantes locais. Com a pobreza abundante, a vida para muitos é uma batalha para manter a fome longe e …
Stuart G. Yates & Maliny Moon: The Magical Painting
Can a painting be a link between the present and the past? Forced to return to his ancestral home in the shadows of the Scottish Highlands, such ideas are far from Andrew Lambert’s mind. His business …
Stuart G. Yates: The Pawnbroker
Amid the danger and death of a decaying 19th century city, the Pawnbroker plies his trade. A man of evil temper, he craves the one thing that will bring him the fulfillment he covets. In the present …
Stuart G. Yates: The Sandman Cometh
In a cold future, Simeon Allis struggles with an existence he doesn’t understand. Every decision is made for him, and his loved ones no longer have a place in the world. The State provides everything …
Stuart G. Yates: The Tide of Terror
A telephone call to the local veterinarian’s office breaks the peace of Alderney Island. After several reports of injured animals in rapid succession, vet Jenny sets out to examine what might be caus …
Stuart G. Yates: Unflinching
In the unforgiving West, a lone Pinkerton detective is on the trail of two vicious killers. When the daughter of a famous general is kidnapped, Detective Simms is assigned to bring her home. Fo …
Stuart G. Yates: To Die In Glory
Three men ride into the town of Glory and by the look of them, they are not coming to enjoy themselves. After a brief meeting with the local law enforcement, the sheriff lies gunned down. Meanwhile, …
Stuart G. Yates: A Reckoning
Someone is hell-bent on killing Detective Simms of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. While investigating a clutch of brutal murders, Simms is dragged into a life-and-death struggle with a bunch of desp …
Stuart G. Yates: Blood Rise
After the murder of a U.S. Senator, Pinkerton Detective Simms is tasked with bringing the killer to justice. This would be a simple case for someone as determined and experienced as Simms, but shadow …
Stuart G. Yates: Dias no Exército
É o início da Guerra Civil Americana, e Reuben Cole está servindo como batedor no Exército da União. Colocado em um forte remoto, o Exército do Potomac, sob o comando do general Mc Clellan, está tent …
Stuart G. Yates: Días En El Ejército
Son los primeros días de la Guerra Civil Estadounidense, y Reuben Cole se desempeña como explorador en el Ejército de la Unión. Desplazado a un fuerte remoto, el Ejército del Potomac, bajo el mando d …
Stuart G. Yates: I Giorni Dell’esercito
Siamo agli inizi della guerra civile americana e Reuben Cole presta servizio come esploratore nell’esercito dell’Unione. Inviato in un forte remoto, l’Armata del Potomac, sotto il comando del general …
Stuart G. Yates: Frenesi
Para Ryan Chaise, retornar ao Reino Unido é retornar aos velhos hábitos. Desesperado para encontrar sua namorada, ele procura curar velhas feridas e consertar as coisas. Infelizmente, o Serviço de Se …
Stuart G. Yates: Incendiado
O agente imobiliário Ryan Chaise vive uma vida tranquila no sul da Espanha com sua bela namorada. Tudo em sua vida parece perfeitamente normal… Mas Ryan tem um segredo. Ex-agente do Serviço Secreto …
Stuart G. Yates: Bautismo de fuego
Estamos en 1863 y la Guerra de Secesión sigue haciendo estragos. Reuben Cole, que pronto cumplirá veinte años, es explorador de las fuerzas de la Unión. Con base en el extenso Fort Nelson, se ve envu …
Stuart G. Yates: Reuben Cole Westerns Collection
All five books in the Reuben Cole Westerns series by Stuart G. Yates, now in one volume! He Who Comes : When they crossed Reuben Cole, they signed their death warrant. He’s not the sort of man they s …
Stuart G. Yates: The Unflinching Collection
All five books in ‘Unflinching’, a series of western novels by Stuart G. Yates, now in one volume! Unflinching : In the brutal, unforgiving West a dozen years after the California Gold Rush, a lone P …
Stuart G. Yates: To Kill A Man Collection
All three books in ‘To Kill A Man’, a series of western novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Bloody Reasons : Bounty hunter Gus Ritter is determined to seek retribution for his bro …
Stuart G. Yates: The Haunted Pages
A collection of three horror novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Sallowed Blood : After inheriting a castle from his grandmother, Daniel and his father travel to Bavaria where the …
Christopher Coates & Stuart G. Yates: Dark Intentions
A collection of three suspense novels by Christopher Coates, Didi Oviatt & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! A Brother’s Obsession : Evan Brown struggles with the guilt and grief of his s …
Stuart G. Yates: Batismo de Fogo
É 1863 e a Guerra Civil continua furiosa. Reuben Cole, com vinte anos de idade, é um batedor das forças da União. Baseado no grande Forte Nelson, ele se vê envolvido no assassinato de seu amigo bated …
Stuart G. Yates: Inquebrantable
En el brutal e implacable Viejo Oeste, una docena de años después de la fiebre del oro de California, un solitario detective de la agencia Pinkerton sigue la pista de dos asesinos despiadados. Cuando …
Stuart G. Yates & Mark L’Estrange: The Terror in the Walls
A collection of three horror novels by Joseph Mulak, Mark L’Estrange & Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Devil Music : After the members of the Celtic rock band ‘The Awkward Pauses’ arriv …
Stuart G. Yates & Mark L’Estrange: Dark Tales from the Isles
A collection of three horror novels by Stuart G. Yates, Mark L’Estrange and Phil Price, now available in one volume! The Accursed Moor : After Ralph accidentally runs over a deer, he takes the animal …
Stuart G. Yates: Surviving The Frontier
One man’s code of honor clashes with the lawless brutality of a nation at war. As the Civil War draws to a close, Reuben Cole transitions from a Union scout to a hunter of Confederate renegades. Cole …
Stuart G. Yates: Reuben Cole – The Early Years – Books 1-4
The first four books in the ‘Reuben Cole – The Early Years’ series of western novels by Stuart G. Yates, now in one volume! Born To Track : Fifteen-year-old Reuben Cole learns about the brutality of …
Stuart G. Yates: Lament for Darley Dene
After the Second World War, young Ben uncovers a bizarre tale: in the 1941 Blitz, soldiers died right where his playground is now. As events of the past slowly unfold, Ben is entangled in a series of …
Stuart G. Yates: The Accursed Moor
Across the bleak moorland stalks a beast. It is an unknown thing; a creature from the darkest, most terrifying of nightmares. After Ralph accidentally runs over a deer, he ends up taking the ani …
Stuart G. Yates: Origins
Harald Hardrada is returning to his homeland. Sailing north after escaping the clutches of the Byzantine Empress Zoe, he intends to claim his inheritance: Norway’s crown. Danger has followed him like …
Stuart G. Yates: Aquele Que Vem
Quando eles cruzaram o caminho de Reuben Cole, eles assinaram sua sentença de morte. Reuben Cole não é o tipo de homem com quem eles deveriam se meter, e invadir sua casa se provou uma má ideia. Depo …
Stuart G. Yates: In The Blood
Detective Simms of the Pinkerton Detective Agency receives orders for another mission. Desperadoes are taking advantage of the fledgling railroads that cut through the endless plains, and the Pinkert …
Stuart G. Yates: Moins de Vie
Que ferons-nous quand notre planète en aura assez ? Le monde se meurt. Face à la pollution galopante, à la surpopulation et à l’élévation du niveau de la mer, l’élite dirigeante élabore un plan audac …
Stuart G. Yates: εννημένος Να Παρακολουθεί
Ο δεκαπεντάχρονος Ρούμπεν Κόουλ πρόκειται να μάθει για την κακία της άνομης Δύσης. Αφού έρχεται να βοηθήσει έναν φυγά ιθαγενή Αμερικανό που καταδιώκεται από μια δολοφονική συμμορία, ο Ρούμπεν σκοτώνε …
Stuart G. Yates: Destiny
It is the mid-11th century, and Harald Sigurdsson is now king of Norway. It seems that all of his ambitions are fulfilled, until he receives a visit from the King of England’s brother. Banished by th …
Stuart G. Yates: Varangian – Books 1-2
The first two books in ‘Varangian’, a series of historical novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Varangian : It’s the mid-11th century, and the Byzantine Empire dominates the world. …
Stuart G. Yates: Varangian – Books 3-4
Books 3-4 in ‘Varangian’, a series of historical novels by Stuart G. Yates, now available in one volume! Origins : Harald Hardrada is determined to claim Norway’s crown. Danger follows him like a clo …
Stuart G. Yates: Fallen Past
After a young woman’s body is found in a canal, Inspector Fallon is drawn into a murky investigation. The deeper Fallon digs, the more dangerous the situation becomes, with threats of violence escala …
Stuart G. Yates: A Toss of the Coin
After a body is discovered with a mysterious note attached, young Benji is drawn into a chilling mystery. The sixties are alive with music and dreams, and Benji is an introverted teenager with a feel …