Penulis: Subhash Anand

Prof. R.B. Singh is a professor of geography at Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi; the Secretary General and Treasurer of the International Geographical Union (IGU); the chair of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Central Food Technological Research Institute, the Government of India; and a member of the International Council of Science (ICSU) and the scientific committee on Urban Health and Wellbeing. He was awarded the prestigious Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellowship and has presented papers and chaired sessions in more than 40 countries. He has published 14 books, 35 edited research volumes and more than 215 research papers in national and international journals (e.g. Climate Dynamics, Current Science, Advances in Meteorology, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Agriculture, and Ecosystem and Environment). He is the editor of the Springer series Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development Goals.   Professor B. Srinagesh is a professor of geography at Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has a total of 17 years of research experience and has published numerous papers. He was the principal investigator for a major project on Globalization, Climate Change and its Impact on Health – Health Mapping of Andhra Pradesh, sponsored by the University Grants Commission (UGC) 2010–2013 and was awarded a UGC postdoctoral fellowship for 2015–2017. He organised the IGU India Conference on Urban Health and Wellbeing as well as the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) Training Programme for young South Asian researchers with the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.   Dr Subhash Anand is currently an associate professor of geography at the Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. With over 20 years of teaching and research experience, he has published four books, as well as numerousresearch papers and book chapters. He has participated in a number of conferences and workshops and led the Indian delegation of the Indian Council of Social Sciences and Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (ICSSR-JSPS) joint research programme.

13 Ebooks oleh Subhash Anand

Subhash Anand & Amit Rawal: Geotextiles
The monograph critically reviews most commonly used geotextile structures, their properties and performance characteristics. In general, both natural and synthetic fibres are used for the production …
R.B. Singh & Bathula Srinagesh: Urban Health Risk and Resilience in Asian Cities
This book focuses on understanding urban vulnerability and risk mitigation, advancing good health and wellbeing, and analysing resilience measures for various Asian cities. Today, cities are the domi …
R.B. Singh & Dongying Wei: Global Geographical Heritage, Geoparks and Geotourism
This book explores the geographical, geomorphological, ecological, touristic and socioeconomic aspects of natural heritage, argues for the dynamic conservation of that heritage and explains its key c …
Bindhy Wasini Pandey & Subhash Anand: Water Science and Sustainability
This book describes the importance of water resources for socio-economic and ecological development including geomorphic and ecological environments. Hence, conservation, management and development o …
Subhash Anand & Madhushree Das: Sustainable Development Goals in Northeast India
This book covers themes related to the geosphere, biosphere, sociosphere and ecosphere dealing with changing geographical, environmental and socio-economic realities to plan a sustainable future for …
Kousik Das Malakar & Manish Kumar: Climate Change and Socio-Ecological Transformation
This book focuses on various psycho-social and socio-physical aspects of climate change and includes a wide range of case studies. Included topics are notable climate-related social thinking; climate …
Anupama Dubey & Subhash Anand: Promoting Sustainability Through Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation
This book explores the concept and issues of sustainability and its symbiotic relationship with existing water resources, the surrounding climate and geospatial development. It covers many dimen …
Subhash Anand & R.B. Singh: Geographical Exploration of Urban Risk and COVID-19
The term ‘health’ covers physical, social, mental, emotional, and environmental health. Good health helps us to lead a peaceful and happy life. Human health is a fundamental right which is closely li …
Subhash Anand: El camino del amor
El Srimad Bhagavatam es uno de los principales Libros Sagrados de India. En él se describen las vidas y las obras de los Avataras del Señor Vishnu, es decir, los descendimientos de Dios a la tierra, …
Subhash Anand & Virendra Nagarale: Emerging Geosustainability Transformations in India
This book presents the emerging sustainability concerns for India to achieve holistic development. India is densely populated with scattered natural resources and is engaged in developing technology …
Manish Kumar & Pankaj Kumar: Geographical Dimensions of Environmental Sustainability
This book presents selected papers from the International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic Conference 2022, which was held at the Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh, India, November 24–25, …
Pankaj Kumar & Manish Kumar: Humanities and Sustainability from Glocal Perspectives Towards Future Earth
This book presents selected papers from the International Geographical Union (IGU) Thematic Conference 2022, which was held at the Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh, India, November 24–25, …
Subhash Anand & Rituparna Bhattacharyya: Sustainability in South Asian Cities
This book explores some of the common socio-economic and environmental challenges faced by the cities of South Asia, which remain highly under-researched. South Asia comprises eight nations—India, Ba …