Penulis: Sylvanus Cobb

Sylvanus Cobb, yngri (1823-1887), skrifaði um 120 skáldsögur og fleiri en 800 smásögur um ævina. Hann sérhæfði sig í sögum sem voru spennandi og gátu haldið lesendum föngnum, enda skrifaði hann fyrst og fremst framhaldssögur fyrir bandarísk vikurit. Hann notaði ýmis höfundarnöfn, þar á meðal: Austin Burdick, Charles Castleton, Walter B. Dunlap, Enoch Fitzwhistler, Dr. J. H. Robinson, Dr. S. Le Compton Smith, Symus pílagrímur og Amos Winslow yngri. Valdimar munkur er frægasta saga hans.

11 Ebooks oleh Sylvanus Cobb

Sylvanus Cobb: The Smuggler of King’s Cove
We doubt if there is anywhere on the sea board of England another stretch of coast so wild and rugged, and so forbidding of aspect to navigators, as is that of Headlandshire—probably so called becaus …
Sylvanus Cobb: The Smuggler of King’s Cove
Paphos Publishers offers a wide catalog of rare classic titles, published for a new generation.  The Smuggler of King’s Cove is a classic novel. …
Sylvanus Cobb: The Knight Of Leon:
In ‘The Knight of Leon, ‘ Sylvanus Cobb weaves a rich tapestry of medieval romance, adventure, and moral dilemmas. Set against a backdrop of chivalric ideals, the narrative explores the journey of it …
Jnr. & Sylvanus Cobb: Ben Hamed: or, The Children of Fate
In ‘Ben Hamed: or, The Children of Fate, ‘ the narratives of destiny, adventure, and human resilience intertwine to form a rich tapestry of literary exploration. With a keen eye for narrative depth a …
Sylvanus Cobb: Valdimar munkur
Sagan gerist í Moskvu á seinni hluta 17. aldar, þegar Rússland er í upplausn og valdabarátta ríkjandi. Hér segir frá Rúrik Nevel, byssusmið sem verður ástfanginn af ungri greifynju. Út frá því spinns …
Lafcadio Hearn: In Ghostly Japan
In ‘In Ghostly Japan, ‘ Lafcadio Hearn invites readers into a mesmerizing world of Japanese folklore, spirituality, and the unseen forces that permeate life in Japan. With a style that blends rich de …
William Henry Hurlbert: Ireland under Coercion
In ‘Ireland under Coercion, ‘ William Henry Hurlbert presents a compelling examination of the political climate in Ireland during the late 19th century, particularly focusing on the coercive measures …
Sylvanus Cobb: Vopnasmiðurinn í Týrus
‘Útlit hans lýsti því glögglega, að hann var ekki fæddur í Týrus, en hvaðan hann kom var öllum hulið.’ Þannig er lýsingin á hinum dularfulla handiðnaðarmanni Gio, sem vel er liðinn þótt enginn viti d …
Sylvanus Cobb: Saklausi litli fanginn
Sagan fjallar um Pál Larún, sem er alinn upp á sjóræningjaskipinu Plágu Antilla-eyja. Pál grunar að þó skipstjórinn Marl Larún segist vera faðir hans, sé hann það ekki og hann einsetur sér að komast …
Quatrelles & Walter Scott: 50 Medieval Historical Novels
E-artnow presents to you this unique collection of historical novels that vividly bring the complex and fascinating history of the Middle Ages to life.. From thrilling adventures and romantic escapad …
Quatrelles & Felix Dahn: Timeless Tales of Chivalry: 50 Outstanding Medieval Historical Novels
Timeless Tales of Chivalry: 50 Outstanding Medieval Historical Novels invites readers into a vibrant tapestry of medieval life and lore, blending romance, adventure, and the timeless chivalric code. …