As we enter the new millennium, promoting sound mental health and positive behavior of adolescents has undeniably taken on greater significance than ever before. To that end, more and more research is confirming what many have suspected for years: environment and community surroundings have a major affect on an adolescent’s well-being and overall mental health. And because no single causal agent triggers teenage pathology—and no one-size-fits-all treatment is available—the Handbook of Adolescent Behavior Problems offers a comprehensive and integrative biopsychosocial approach to effective practice.
This volume examines not only the psychological and genetic factors underlying dysfunction, it also explores the critical roles that family members, peers, and the larger community play in an adolescent’s life. It offers current interdisciplinary perspectives on adolescent development, both functional and pathological, and provides coverage that is clear, accessible, and practical on such topics as:
- Major disorders, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, ADHD, PTSD, developmental delays, and conduct disorders.
- Behavior problems, such as substance abuse, sexual offenses, teen pregnancy, school failure, gambling, and gang violence.
- Best practices, reviewing what works (i.e., interventions that have been rigorously validated), what might work (i.e., those in need of further study), and what doesn’t work.
- Residential interventions as well as community treatment.
- Risk and resiliency factors.
- Ongoing and emerging pharmaceutical issues.
Each chapter focuses on a specific behavior or disorder and is formatted to help readers quickly locate needed information.
The Handbook of Adolescent Behavior Problems provides a solid foundation for understanding the adolescent experience and the influence of the family and community as well as much-neededinformation on the development of evidence-based practices. It is designed to be a one-stop reference for anyone working with adolescents—developmental psychologists, clinical and school psychologists, and education specialists as well as for graduate students in these areas.
Daftar Isi
and Overview.- Adolescent Development.- Understanding Primary Prevention.- Family Influences on Adolescent Development.- Community Influence on Adolescent Development.- Understanding Treatment: Principles and Approaches.- Evidence-Based Practices.- Disorders.- Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents.- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.- Pediatric Bipolar Disorder.- Depression.- Suicide.- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.- Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder.- Pervasive Developmental Delay.- Prevention and Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adolescents.- Schizophrenia.- Eating Disorders.- Obesity.- Problem Behaviors.- Adolescent Delinquency and Violent Behavior.- Substance Misuse and Abuse.- Gambling.- Adolescent Sex Offenders.- Sibling Incest Offenders.- Treatment of Gangs/Gang Behavior in Adolescence.- Homicide.- Adolescent Pregnancy.- School Failure.- Religious Cults.- Epilogue.
Tentang Penulis
Gerald R. Adams is Professor of Family Relations and Human Development at the University of Guelph. He has been awarded recognition as a Distinguished Professor of Teaching at the University of Guelph, received honors from the American Psychological Association and American Psychological Society, served as the editor of the Journal of Adolescent Research, and was one of three editors for a 10 volume series of Advances in Adolescent Development. He has recently coedited the Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence.
Thomas P. Gullotta is C.E.O. of Child and Family Agency and is a member of the psychology and education departments at Eastern Connecticut State University. He is the senior author of the 4th edition of The Adolescent Experience, co-editor of The Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion, and is editor emeritus of the Journal of Primary Prevention. He is the senior book series editor for Issues in Children’s and Families’ Lives . Tom holds editorial appointments on the Journal of Early Adolescence, The Journal of Adolescent Research and the Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. Tom was honored in 1999 by the Society for Community Research and Action, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association with their Distinguished Contributions to Practice in Community Psychology Award.