Penulis: Tim Peel

Dr Stephen J. Bourke MD FRCP FRCPI DCH is a Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne. He has undertaken research and publications on several aspects of respiratory medicine, including the development and evaluation of an integrated model of palliative care for patients with cystic fibrosis Dr E Timothy Peel MB BS BSc FRCP is a retired Consultant Physician, who has trained in both Palliative Medicine and Respiratory Medicine. He is currently undertaking Ph D research at Newcastle University on physicians’ ethical values and attitudes at the end of patients’ lives. He has undertaken research and publications on a number of aspects of respiratory and palliative medicine including recently, the British Thoracic Society guidelines on mesothelioma.  

2 Ebooks oleh Tim Peel

Stephen J. Bourke & Tim Peel: Integrated Palliative Care of Respiratory Disease
The second edition of this book brings together the knowledge, skills and attitudes of specialists in both respiratory and palliative medicine to focus on the palliative care of patients with respira …
Tim Peel: Caddie to the Stars
I wrote this book to show what a great job caddieing is and the many opportunities it affords. It’s a life-changing job. If done right by the caddie master, this can open doors to the caddies that ne …