4 Ebooks oleh UK) Williams Malcolm (Cardiff University
Malcolm Williams: Science and Social Science
Is social science really a science at all, and if so in what sense? This is the first question that any course on the philosophy of the social sciences must tackle. In this brief introduction, Malcol …
Malcolm Williams: Science and Social Science
Is social science really a science at all, and if so in what sense? This is the first question that any course on the philosophy of the social sciences must tackle. In this brief introduction, Malcol …
Khalid Ben-Srhir: Britain and Morocco During the Embassy of John Drummond Hay
This translation provides fascinating insights into a critical period in Moroccan history and Moroccan-British relations during the nineteenth century. Using the life and work of the British represen …
Khalid Ben-Srhir: Britain and Morocco During the Embassy of John Drummond Hay
This translation provides fascinating insights into a critical period in Moroccan history and Moroccan-British relations during the nineteenth century. Using the life and work of the British represen …