Penulis: Victor Heringer

James Young is a translator and writer from Northern Ireland and the winner of the 2022 Peirene Stevns Prize. His short stories have appeared in publications including Wasafiri, Short Fiction and The Honest Ulsterman, and been shortlisted for the 2019 Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize, the 2020 Fish Short Story Prize and the 2021 Bath Short Story Award. He is the editor of the literary journal Short Fiction and runs the Hastings Writers Workshop. He lived in Brazil between 2005 and 2017, working as a teacher, translator and journalist. The Love of Singular Men is his first full-length translation.

7 Ebooks oleh Victor Heringer

Victor Heringer: The Love of Singular Men
Rio de Janeiro, the 1970s. One hot Brazilian summer, Camilo meets Cosme and the two teenage boys discover a new kind of tenderness. But an act of violence will shatter their intimate world, and chang …
Beatriz Sarlo & Denilson Cordeiro: Peixe-elétrico #03
Nesta edição de Peixe-elétrico: O romance de Barthes – BEATRIZ SARLO Barthes, leitor de Loyola – BEATRIZ SARLO Dois textos da ensaísta Beatriz Sarlo abrem a terceira edição da Peixe-elétrico. Duas fo …
Victor Heringer: The Love of Singular Men
The gripping English debut of the famous and hugely talented Brazilian writer Victor Heringer, who died tragically young.  SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2024 ALTA FIRST TRANSLATION PRIZE In the suburbs of …
Victor Heringer: L’amor dels homes singulars
En la calor enlluernadora d’un estiu a Rio de Janeiro, als anys setanta, entre els murs d’una vil·la burgesa d’un barri pobre de la ciutat, en Camilo creix envoltat de partits de futbol, converses de …
Victor Heringer: Glória
The Alencar Costa e Oliveira family talk to each other through inside jokes, often saying the opposite of what they mean, or repeating the same sentence until it acquires new meaning. But they also h …
Victor Heringer: Die Liebe vereinzelter Männer
Camilos Vater arbeitet zu Zeiten der brasilianischen Militärdiktatur als Folterarzt. Sein Job ist es, die Gefolterten länger überleben zu lassen. Eines Tages bringt er ein Waisenkind namens Cosme mit …
Victor Heringer: El amor de los hombres a la deriva
Asus cincuenta años, Camilo, un hombre brasileño nacido con capacidades diferentes, recuerda su infancia en un barrio humilde y a su primer y único amor, y cómo el camino trágico de su romance lo aco …